Aceso Life Sci (00474) announced that on October 3, 2024, the company's indirect non-wholly-owned subsidiary...
Wisdom Finance and Economics APP news, Aceso Life Sci (00474) announced that on October 3, 2024, its indirect non-wholly-owned subsidiary, Haotian International Construction Investment (01341), entered into a placing agreement with the placing agent. Haotian International Construction Investment, subject to certain conditions, agreed to place up to a total of 1.524 billion shares to no fewer than six placees (and their ultimate beneficial owners who are independent of the company and its associates) through the placing agent at a placing price of HKD 0.4 per placing share.
The maximum number of shares under the placing is 1.524 billion shares, equivalent to approximately 20.00% of the existing issued share capital of Haotian International Construction Investment of 7.621 billion shares as of the date of this announcement, and approximately 16.67% of the enlarged issued share capital after full distribution and issuance of the placing shares (assuming the number of shares remains unchanged).
The placing price of HKD 0.4 per share represents a discount of approximately 21.57% to the closing market price of HKD 0.510 per share of Haotian International Construction Investment shares as reported on the Stock Exchange on the date of the placing agreement; approximately 12.47% discount to the 5-day average closing price of HKD 0.457 per share of Haotian International Construction Investment shares immediately preceding the date of the placing agreement; and approximately 3.38% discount to the 10-day average closing price of HKD 0.414 per share of Haotian International Construction Investment shares immediately preceding the date of the placing agreement.
Assuming full placement, the total maximum proceeds of the placement would be approximately HK$0.61 billion. The net maximum proceeds of the placement would be approximately HK$0.6 billion.
Haotian International Construction Investment intends to use the estimated net proceeds from the placing for general working capital of Haotian International Construction Investment Group and/or potential investments and developments in electric vehicles and charging-related businesses in Asia, as well as the development of existing businesses of Haotian International Construction Investment Group, including but not limited to land development projects in Malaysia.
As of the date of this announcement, the company is the controlling shareholder of Haotian International Construction Investment, holding 2.214 billion shares of Haotian International Construction Investment, representing approximately 29.05% of the total issued share capital of Haotian International Construction Investment. Assuming full placement, the company's equity interest in Haotian International Construction Investment will be diluted from approximately 29.05% to around 24.20% (assuming the number of shares remains unchanged), a decrease of approximately 4.85%.