
港股异动 | AMC股权划转工作持续推进 中国信达(01359)涨超8% 中信金融资产(02799)现涨超6%

Hong Kong stocks unusual movement | The transfer of AMC's equity continues to advance. China Cinda (01359) surged over 8%. Zhongxin Financial Assets (02799) also surged over 6%.

Zhitong Finance ·  Oct 28, 2024 01:28

AMC concept rose again today, as of press time, china cinda (01359) rose by 7.8%, to 1.53 Hong Kong dollars; china cinda financial assets (02799) rose by 4.92%, to 0.64 Hong Kong dollars, with a turnover of 16.8362 million Hong Kong dollars.

According to the Wise News APP, the AMC concept rose again today, as of press time, china cinda (01359) rose by 7.8%, to 1.53 Hong Kong dollars; china cinda financial assets (02799) rose by 4.92%, to 0.64 Hong Kong dollars, with a turnover of 16.8362 million Hong Kong dollars.

On the news front, on January 28th this year, according to Xinhua Finance, china cinda, eastern assets, and great wall assets, three asset management companies, will be transferred to China Investment Corporation in the near future. In mid-October, some media reported that the preliminary due diligence on the transfer of equity of the three AMCs to China Investment Corporation has come to an end. The law firms and accounting firms entrusted to participate in the work have basically completed their on-site work.

Sealand Securities pointed out that after one of the big four AMCs, Huarong, was acquired by CITIC Group, it has completed a preliminary transformation, continuously changing its business model, providing a model for the transformation and development of the other three AMCs, china cinda, eastern, and great wall (which will be transferred to China Investment Corporation). Sinolink Securities stated that the State Council Information Office announced a package of incremental fiscal policies, sending a slightly bullish signal. Among them, the priority of debt-to-equity swaps is high, benefiting AMC companies directly.

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