
Golden Horse to Raise Up to A$18M to Drive District-Scale Gold Exploration and Progresses ASX Listing With Lodgement of Prospectus

Golden Horse to Raise Up to A$18M to Drive District-Scale Gold Exploration and Progresses ASX Listing With Lodgement of Prospectus

newsfile ·  2024/10/28 08:30



  • Golden Horse has lodged a Prospectus with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to undertake an initial public offering (IPO or Offer) in Australia to raise minimum of A$16 million and maximum of A$18 million before costs. The Company will also seek to list on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).
  • 黄金马已向澳大利亚证券及投资委员会(ASIC)提交了一份招股说明书,以在澳大利亚进行首次公开募股(IPO或发售),最低筹资额为A$1600万,最高为A$1800万,未计费用。该公司还将寻求在澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)上市。
  • The Offer is for up to 72 million Chess Depositary Interests (CDIs) at A$0.25 per CDI which includes a priority allocation for eligible Emerald Resources NL (ASX: EMR) shareholders.
  • 该发行是以A$0.25每份CDI的价格发行最多7200万份托管存款证券(CDIs),其中包括适格的emerald Resources NL(ASX: EMR)股东的优先配售权。
  • Funds raised will be used to enable Golden Horse to capitalise on its strategic position in the Southern Cross Greenstone Belt-one of Australia's most renowned gold-producing regions-offering the company a district-scale opportunity for significant discoveries.
  • 所筹集的资金将用于使黄金马能够充分利用其在南十字星绿石带的战略地位,这是澳大利亚最著名的黄金产区之一,为公司提供了在区域规模上实现重大发现的机会。
  • Golden Horse has assembled a highly experienced board and management team who are well qualified to exploit the potential of Golden Horse's gold assets.
  • The Offers are proposed to open on 4 November 2024 and close on 15 November 2024 with an indicative ASX listing date of 2 December 2024 under the ASX ticker code: GHM.
  • 黄金马已经组建了一支经验丰富的董事会和管理团队,他们都具备足够的资格来挖掘黄金马的黄金资产的潜力。
  • 本次发行计划于2024年11月4日开放认购,并将于2024年11月15日结束,预计在2024年12月2日在ASX以GHm代码上市。
  • With shareholder approval, GHM plans to delist from the TSX Venture Exchange to minimise costs and streamline its corporate structure so it can focus on its Australian operations.
  • 在股东批准的情况下,GHm计划从TSX创业公司交易所摘牌,以尽量减少成本并简化其公司结构,从而专注于澳大利亚业务。
  • Canaccord Genuity (Australia) Limited and Euroz Hartleys Limited appointed as Joint Lead managers to the public offer.
  • Canaccord Genuity(澳大利亚)有限公司和Euroz Hartleys有限公司被任命为公开发行的联席主承销商。



Perth, Western Australia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 28, 2024) - Golden Horse Minerals Limited (TSXV: GHML) ("Golden Horse" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the Company has lodged a Prospectus with ASIC to raise a minimum of A$16 million and a maximum of-$18 million before costs via an initial public offering (IPO) and listing on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

澳大利亚西部珀斯--(新闻资料公司 - 2024年10月28日) - 金马矿业有限公司(TSXV:GHML)("金马"或"公司")高兴地宣布公司已向澳证券投资委员会(ASIC)提交招股书,通过首次公开发行(IPO)筹集至少A$1600万和最高-A$1800万,并在澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)上市。

The Offer consists of the issue of CHESS Depositary Interests (CDIs) over fully paid common shares in the capital of the Company (Shares) at an issue price of A$0.25 per CDI. resulting in a ratio of one CDI for one Share, or 64,000,000 - 72,000,000 CDIs to be issued. An allocation of up to A$4 million (16 million CDIs) has been reserved for eligible Emerald Resources NL (ASX: EMR) shareholders.1

本次优惠包括以A$0.25的发行价格发行的CHESS托管利益(CDIs),对公司资本中的已全额支付普通股(股份)进行CDIs发行,每个CDI对应一个股份,一共将发行6400万 - 7200万CDIs。最多可分配给符合条件的翡翠资源股份有限公司(ASX:EMR)股东的金额高达A$400万(1600万CDIs)。

The proceeds of the Offer will allow the Company to capitalise on its strategic position in the Southern Cross Greenstone Belt-one of Australia's most renowned gold-producing regions-offering the company a district-scale opportunity for significant discoveries while also progressing its multiple advanced gold targets throughout its large Southern Cross Project area.

本次优惠的所得将使公司资本化其位于Southern Cross 绿岩带的战略位置,该地区是澳大利亚最知名的产金地区之一,为公司提供了在该大型Southern Cross项目区内发现重大资源的区域机会。

The gold focused drilling at the Southern Cross Project will include Mineral Resource definition drilling at the Hopes Hill, Hakes Find and Pilot prospects along with drilling in and around brownfields prospects such as Greenmount, Baby Queen, Marionete and Lake View. Greenfields exploration is also part of the proposed work program to ensure future target generation.

Southern Cross 项目的黄金钻探将包括Hope's Hill、Hakes Find和Pilot前景的矿产资源定义钻探,以及在Greenmount、Baby Queen、Marionete和Lake View等旧矿区前景周围的钻探。绿色探矿也是拟议工作计划的一部分,以确保未来目标的生成。

Proceeds will also be applied towards costs of the Offers and general working capital.


1Refer to TSXV announcements dated 3rd September 2024 and 11th October 2024


Figure 1: Map highlighting location of GHM tenements throughout the Southern Cross Greenstone Belt.

图1:地图标示了GHm在Southern Cross 绿岩带全境的地块位置。



Southern Cross Gold and Lithium Project (Western Australia)


Golden Horse Minerals' flagship Southern Cross Project spans over 130 kilometres of the Southern Cross Greenstone Belt, a region known for hosting world-class, 1 + million-ounce gold deposits (see Figure 1)). This extensive tenement package positions the company as a major player in the district, offering both advanced and untapped greenfields opportunities.


Golden Horse Chairman Graeme Sloan expressed his enthusiasm for the district's potential:


"The Southern Cross Greenstone Belt is an exceptional address for gold exploration. We have an outstanding, district-scale opportunity here, with significant exploration upside. We have the team, we have the assets and upon successful completion of the IPO, we will have the funds to finally unlock the true potential of the Southern Cross region. Our team is focused on delivering value to shareholders, they understand drill hole success is fundamental in adding value for shareholders and will be looking to prove up substantial resources from the multiple target areas across our tenements."


The Southern Cross Project's exploration plan includes:


  • Mineral Resource Definition Drilling: Targeting known prospects such as Hopes Hill, Hakes Find and Pilot, to establish a defined resource base.
  • 矿产资源定义钻探: 瞄准Hopes Hill、Hakes Find和Pilot等已知前景,以建立明确定义的资源基础。
  • Brownfields Exploration: Expanding known gold zones at Greenmount, Baby Queen, Marionete, and Lake View, leveraging existing infrastructure and historical mining data.
  • 金矿区域勘探: 在Greenmount、Baby Queen、Marionete和Lake View等已知黄金区域扩展,利用现有基础设施和历史开采数据。
  • Greenfields Exploration: Systematically testing new targets within the tenement package, with the aim of generating new discoveries in underexplored areas.
  • Greenfields Exploration: 通过系统测试自有选矿权范围内的新目标,旨在在未开发地区生成新的发现。

Golden Horse Managing Director and CEO Nicholas Anderson added:

Golden Horse Managing Director and CEO Nicholas Anderson 补充道:

"Our Southern Cross Project has the scale, location, and geological setting to deliver district-scale discoveries. We are not just exploring one or two deposits-we are looking at a whole region with immense potential. The funds raised will allow the team, who has experience to execute a comprehensive exploration program that we believe could transform the project into a major mining hub."

“我们的Southern Cross项目具有规模、地理位置和地质环境,有望实现区域规模的发现。我们不仅仅是在探索一两个矿床,我们正在着眼于一个拥有巨大潜力的整个地域板块。筹集的资金将使团队有能力执行我们认为可以将该项目转变为重要矿业中心的全面勘探计划。”



The proposed A$16M (minimum) up to $18M (maximum) to be raised will be allocated as follows:


Min Max
A$9.7 $A11.4 District-scale gold & lithium exploration at the Southern Cross Project
A$0.6 $A0.6 Exploration at the Redbank Copper Project
A$2.6 $A2.8 General working capital
A$1.5 A$1.5 Repayment of EMR loan
A$1.6 A$1.7 IPO and listing-related costs
Min 马克斯。
9.7万澳元 A11.4美元 在南十字星项目进行区域规模的黄金和锂矿勘探
A0.6澳元 A0.6美元 在Redbank铜矿项目进行勘探
A2.6澳元 A2.8美元 一般经营资金
澳大利亚1.5元 澳大利亚1.5元 EMR贷款偿还
澳大利亚1.6元 澳大利亚1.7元 IPO及上市相关费用



Golden Horse's close partnership with Emerald Resources NL underscores the company's strong exploration credentials. Emerald Resources shareholders will benefit from a priority allocation of A$4 million worth of CDIs (equating to 16 million CDIs), giving them early access to the upside potential of Golden Horse's projects.

Golden Horse与Emerald Resources NL紧密合作,展示了公司强大的勘探资质。 Emerald Resources的股东将获得价值400万澳元CDIs的优先配售(相当于1600万CDIs),使他们提前获得Golden Horse项目的上行潜力。



Golden Horse Minerals will seek to list on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) under the proposed ticker "GHM" following the close of the capital raise and completion of the transactions with Emerald Resources1. The company also plans to delist from the TSX Venture Exchange (TSX-V) to minimise costs, streamline its corporate structure and focus on its Australian operations. Further details related to the timing and processes related to the TSX-V delisting will be announced by the Company in due course.

金马矿业将寻求在澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)上市,拟定的股票代码为"GHM",在完成资本募集并与Emerald Resources1的交易后。该公司还计划从tsxv删除上市,以降低成本,简化公司结构,并专注于其澳大利亚业务。有关于tsxv删除的时间和流程的进一步细节将由公司适时公布。

The Offers remain subject to the approval of the TSX-V.




  • Lodgement of Prospectus with ASIC: 28 October 2024
  • Opening Date of the Offers: 4 November 2024
  • Closing Date of the Offers: 15 November 2024
  • Indicative ASX Listing Date: 2 December 2024
  • 与ASIC交割招股书日期:2024年10月28日
  • 要约开盘日期:2024年11月4日
  • 要约截止日期:2024年11月15日
  • 指示性ASX上市日期:2024年12月2日

For and on behalf of the Board


Nicholas Anderson
Managing Director & CEO

尼古拉斯·安德森(Nicholas Anderson)

For more information contact:


Nicholas Anderson
Managing Director & CEO

尼古拉斯·安德森(Nicholas Anderson)

Josh Conner
Chief Operating Officer

Josh Conner

David Tasker
Chapter One Advisors
+61 433 112 936

David Tasker
Chapter One Advisors
+61 433 112 936

Important Information


With respect to the IPO, the issuer of the securities will be the Company. Subject to certain foreign selling restrictions outlined in the prospectus, the prospectus is available at . The offer of CDIs is made in the prospectus. Persons should consider the prospectus in deciding whether to acquire CDIs. Any person who wants to acquire CDIs will need to complete the application form that will be in, or will accompany, the prospectus.

关于首次公开发行(IPO),证券的发行人将是公司。 在招股说明书中概述的某些外国销售限制条件下,招股说明书可以在此处获得。 CDI的提供是在招股说明书中进行的。 人们在决定是否购买CDI时应该考虑招股说明书。 任何希望购买CDI的人都需要填写招股说明书中的申请表格。



This release may include forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements may include, among other things, statements regarding targets, estimates and assumptions in respect of metal production and prices, operating costs and results, capital expenditures, mineral reserves and mineral resources and anticipated grades and recovery rates, and are or may be based on assumptions and estimates related to future technical, economic, market, political, social and other conditions. These forward-looking statements are based on management's expectations and beliefs concerning future events. Forward-looking statements inherently involve subjective judgement and analysis and are necessarily subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside the control of Golden Horse. Such forward‐looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Golden Horse's present and future business strategies and the political and economic environment in which the Golden Horse will operate in the future, which are not guarantees or predictions of future performance. Actual results and developments may vary materially from those that may be contemplated or implied by forward-looking statements in this release.

本文可能包含前瞻性声明,其中包括关于金属生产和价格、运营成本和结果、资本支出、矿物储量和矿产资源、预期等级和回收率等方面的目标、估计和假设,可能基于未来技术、经济、市场、政治、社会和其他条件的假设和估计。这些前瞻性声明基于管理层对未来事件的预期和信念,并涉及主观判断和分析,必然面临风险、不确定性和其他许多超出Golden Horse控制范围的因素。这些前瞻性声明基于Golden Horse目前和未来的业务战略以及Golden Horse将来运营的政治和经济环境的众多假设,不构成未来业绩的保证或预测。实际结果和发展可能与本文中前瞻性声明所描绘的可能存在差异的情况或含义相比存在实质性差异。

Given these uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. All information in respect of Exploration Results and other technical information should be read in conjunction with Competent Person Statements in this release (where applicable). To the maximum extent permitted by law, Golden Horse and any of its related bodies corporate and affiliates and their officers, employees, agents, associates and advisers:

因存在这些不确定性,读者应谨慎对待此类前瞻性声明。应将探索结果和其他技术信息所有内容与本文中的胜任人声明(如果适用)一同阅读。在法律许可的最大范围内,Golden Horse及其关联企业和附属公司及其董事、员工、代理人、关联方和顾问:

  • disclaim any obligations or undertaking to release any updates or revisions to the information in this release to reflect any events, circumstances or change in expectations or assumptions after the date of this release;
  • do not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information in this release, or likelihood of fulfilment of any forward-looking statement or any event or results expressed or implied in any forward-looking statement; and
  • disclaim all responsibility and liability for these forward-looking statements (including, without limitation, liability for negligence).
  • 不承诺发行任何更新或修订,以反映本文发布日期之后的任何事件、情况或预期或假设的变化;
  • 不作任何明示或暗示的表示或保证,就本发布中信息的准确性,可靠性或完整性或达成任何前瞻性陈述的实现或任何前瞻性陈述中明示或暗示的任何事件或结果,公司不作任何保证。
  • 对于这些前瞻性声明(包括但不限于疏忽之类的责任),概不承担任何责任或义务。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其监管服务提供者(如该术语在TSX Venture Exchange规定中所定义的)不对本新闻稿的充分性或准确性承担责任。

Competent Person's Statement


Mr Jonathan Lea, a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and an independent Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, is responsible for the preparation of the technical content regarding the Southern Cross Project contained in this document. Mr. Lea is shareholder of Golden Horse Minerals and has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure in this news release.

乔纳森·利亚先生是澳洲矿业与冶金学会(AusIMM)会员,也是根据《43-101号国家仪器》定义的独立合格人士,负责本文件中关于Southern Cross项目的技术内容的准备。 利亚先生是Golden Horse Minerals的股东,并已审阅和批准了本新闻发布中的技术披露。

声明:本内容仅用作提供资讯及教育之目的,不构成对任何特定投资或投资策略的推荐或认可。 更多信息