China Fortune Financial News APP has learned that shenzhen sunrise new energy (002256.SZ) has released the second phase of employee stock ownership plan (draft), with stocks sourced from the company's repurchase special account...
China Fortune Financial News APP has learned that shenzhen sunrise new energy (002256.SZ) has released the second phase of employee stock ownership plan (draft), with the source of stocks in the ownership plan being shares repurchased from the company's special repurchase account, totaling no more than 25 million shares, approximately 1.28% of the total share capital of the company. The price for purchasing repurchased shares in the ownership plan is 1.71 yuan/share, with a planned total fundraising limit of 42.75 million yuan. The specific shares will be determined based on the actual contribution payment amount.
The tenure of the ownership plan is 24 months, with a lock-up period of 12 months for the target stocks received. The lock-up period of this employee ownership plan will be calculated from the date of the final target stock purchase completion after the employee ownership plan draft is approved by the company's shareholders' meeting and announced by the company. The employee ownership plan will be fully unlocked at the end of the lock-up period, with an unlock ratio of 100%.