In the volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average volume of the past five days with the volume on the delivery day, you can understand the market participants' interests, such as trends in trading.
Top volume change rate [As of 11/6 10:33]
(Comparison of average volume for the past five days)
Security code Title Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate
<3900> | CloudWorks | 1010800 | 162715.1 | 247.84% | 0.152% |
<2562> | Listed on Dow Inc. | 182160 | 93267.716 | 228.71% | 0.0156% |
<6835> | Allied HD | 2255800 | 42043.6 | 205.4% | 0.1067% |
<6927> | Helios Techno H | 953900 | 123590.92 | 196.51% | -0.0513% |
<4972> | Synthetic Chemistry | 166000 | 98456.7 | 173.93% | 0.0095% |
<5809> | Tatuta Line | 101200 | 21439.72 | 165.21% | -0.0012% |
<1775> | FFE&C | 119700 | 225489.4 | 134.81% | 0.0133% |
<2247> | iF500H not available | 37421 | 163105.04 | 120.74% | 0.0211% |
<3914> | JIG-SAW | 35200 | 49487 | 113.62% | -0.0579% |
<6200> | Insources | 933400 | 321225.2 | 104.15% | 0.089% |
<9064> | Yamato Holdings | 3509100 | 1948220.1 | 103.67% | 0.0098% |
<3825> | REMIX | 745500 | 49676.74 | 96.03% | 0.0273% |
<6670> | MCJ | 629400 | 283949.96 | 95.6% | -0.1013% |
<7972> | Itohki | 483000 | 308606.02 | 84.09% | 0.0904% |
<4665> | Duskin | 215000 | 334400.78 | 83.13% | -0.0659% |
<6962> | Large vacuum | 692000 | 158731.74 | 71.48% | -0.0863% |
<4385> | Mercari | 16169700 | 16050380.36 | 65.45% | -0.1429% |
<1346> | MXS225 | 64366 | 1202584.458 | 61.12% | 0.0125% |
<3415> | Tokyo base | 373200 | 51578.18 | 59.59% | 0.0637% |
<6240> | Yamashin Filter | 4026300 | 971017.32 | 57.51% | 0.07% |
<2237> | iF500 | 2117 | 130492.24 | 56.23% | 0.032% |
<3632> | GREE | 659900 | 165350.22 | 44.64% | -0.0537% |
<6368> | Organo | 747800 | 3284718.6 | 42.43% | 0.064% |
<2840> | iF eggplant 100 | 23226 | 423729.234 | 41.12% | 0.0175% |
<9563> | Atlas | 12100 | 2906.4 | 39.23% | 0.0098% |
<7164> | National guarantee | 265600 | 890728.22 | 33.06% | 0.0301% |
<6908> | Iriso Electronics | 337300 | 593406.16 | 31.19% | 0.0579% |
<7991> | Mamiya OP | 51600 | 44356.72 | 30.5% | 0.021% |
<1545> | Unavailable on NF Nasdaq. | 46324 | 1080714.954 | 27.67% | 0.0178% |
<6366> | Chiyo Construction | 1867300 | 384836.26 | -2.26% | 0.0194% |
(*) is a new stock that has entered the rankings.
Excluding those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of 50 million yen or less.