
West Wits to Participate at London 121

West Wits to Participate at London 121

West Wits将参加伦敦121
newsfile ·  2024/11/06 07:46

Johannesburg, South Africa--(Newsfile Corp. - November 6, 2024) - West Wits Mining Limited (ASX: WWI) (OTC Pink: WMWWF), an exploration and development company focused on gold, is pleased to announce its participation at the upcoming London 121 Mining Investment Conference. The company will highlight the progress of its flagship gold project, the Qala Shallows Project in South Africa, which is Phase 1 of its Witwatersrand Basin Project (WBP). The WBP is poised to deliver substantial returns for shareholders and positively impact local communities.

南非约翰内斯堡--(Newsfile corp. - 2024年11月6日) - West Wits Mining Limited(ASX:WWI)(场外交易:WMWWF),是一家专注于黄金的勘探和开发公司,十分高兴地宣布将参加即将举行的伦敦121矿业投资会议。公司将重点介绍其旗舰黄金项目南非Qala Shallows项目的进展,该项目是其威特沃特斯兰盆地项目(WBP)的第一阶段。WBP有望为股东带来可观的回报,并对地方社区产生积极影响。

Qala Shallows, Johannesburg, South Africa

南非约翰内斯堡Qala Shallows

The WBP, located in the historically productive Central Rand Goldfield near Johannesburg, holds an impressive 4.28Moz gold resource at 4.58g/t. This asset is situated in the world's largest known gold deposit, which has historically produced over 1.5 billion ounces, representing approximately 22% of all surface-mined gold. The WBP is projected to generate a USD 2.6 billion revenue opportunity. With a secured mining right, the project is located just 15 kilometres from Johannesburg's CBD and includes three key reef mining targets: Kimberley Reef, Main Reef, and Bird Reef, to be sequentially developed.


For further info contact
Keith Middleton






West Wits Mining Limited (ASX: WWI) (OTC Pink: WMWWF) is focused on the exploration, development and production of gold for the benefit of shareholders, communities and environments in which it operates. The Witwatersrand Basin Project, located in the proven gold region of Central Rand Goldfield of South Africa boasts, a 4.28Moz gold project at 4.58g/t1. The Witwatersrand Basin is a largely underground geological formation which surfaces in the Witwatersrand. It holds the world's largest known gold reserves and has produced over 1.5 billion ounces (over 40,000 metric tons), which represents about 22% of all the gold accounted for above the surface. In Western Australia, WWI is exploring for gold and copper at the Mt Cecilia Project in a district that supports several world-class projects such as Woodie Woodie manganese mine, Nifty copper and Telfer gold/copper/silver mines.

西维茨矿业有限公司(ASX:WWI)(场外交易:WMWWF)专注于黄金的勘探、开发和生产,以造福其股东、社区和所运营的环境。位于南非中央兰德金矿区的维特瓦特斯兰德盆地项目拥有4.28盎司的黄金项目,品位为4.58克/吨。维特瓦特斯兰德盆地是一个主要的地下地质构造,在维特瓦特斯兰德露出地面。这里储藏着世界上已知最大的黄金储备,已生产超过15亿盎司(超过40,000公吨),约占所有计入地面黄金的22%。在澳洲,WWI正在Mt Cecilia项目区勘探黄金和铜,该区支持多个世界级项目,如Woodie Woodie锰矿、Nifty铜矿和Telfer黄金/铜/白银矿。

  1. The original report was "WBP's Global JORC Mineral Resource Expands by 724,000oz to 4.28MOZ at 4.58 g/t Gold" which was issued with consent of the Competent Person, Mrs Cecilia Hattingh. The report was released to the ASX on 3 December 2021 and can be found on the Company's website ( Comprising 8.8MT at 4.60g/t for 1.449Moz measured, 11.3MT at 4.19g/t for 1.517Moz Indicated and 8MT at 5.10g/t for 1.309Moz inferred. The Company is not aware of any new information or data that materially effects the information included in the relevant market announcement and, in the case of Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves, that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates in the relevant market announcement continue to apply and have not materially changed. The form and context in which the Competent Person's findings are presented have not been materially modified from the original market announcement.
  1. 原始报告为“WBP全球JORC涉矿概念扩展724,000盎司至4.28MOZ,品位为4.58克/吨黄金”,该报告已获主管人士Cecilia Hattingh女士的同意。该报告于2021年12月3日发布至ASX,并可以在公司网站上找到(包括8.8Mt,品位为4.60克/吨,测得金量为1.449Moz;11.3Mt,品位为4.19克/吨,指示金量为1.517Moz;以及8Mt,品位为5.10克/吨,推测金量为1.309Moz。公司未发现任何新信息或数据会对相关市场公告中的信息产生重大影响,并且在矿产资源或矿石储备方面,所有材料假设和技术参数支持的估计在相关市场公告中仍继续适用并未发生重大变化。主管人士的发现的形式和内容未从原始市场公告中进行重大修改。
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