

Volume change rate ranking (9 o'clock) ~ BASE, Kochi Bank, etc. ranked in.

Fisco Japan ·  Nov 6, 2024 19:42

In the volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average volume of the past five days with the volume on the delivery day, you can understand the market participants' interests, such as trends in trading.

Top volume change rate [As of 9:32 on November 7]

(Comparison of average volume for the past five days)

Security code Title Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate

<6518>Three-phase electric machinery480016440.82263.42%-0.0011%
<7150>Shimane Bank73400503.7198.52%0.0715%
<6408>Kogura Club200017727.56168.58%-0.0151%
<8416>Kochi Bank924001242.7156.06%0.1174%
<7991>Mamiya OP23960033332.26138.44%0.0804%
<1656>iS Core US Bonds77485086784.4135.14%0.0036%
<6973>Kyoei San1720058973.836134.63%0.0139%

<9008> Keio 926,500 22,305.14 116.15% 0.1561%

<1398> SMDAM JRI 182,470 1,601,362.1 101.72% -0.0051%

<2579> Coca-Cola BJH 1,469,200 103,272.391 98.75% 0.1875%

<4258> Anaya 25,600 1,277,931.5 83.79% 0.0388%

<9049>Keifuku Den50092687.3877.91%0.0171%
<1898>Century East345900376486.4674.66%0.0521%
<7446>Tohoku Chemicals100344.8264.49%-0.0194%
<1514>Residing Stone HD286430014461.13%-0.0224%
<6226>Moriya trucking1511001700663.460.69%0.0615%
<9344>Axis C2300157604.660.11%0%
<6614>Shiki No High Tech58001643.5860.11%0.0233%
<2564>GXS Division441083298.3250.76%0.0115%
<7472>Toba Trading Co., Ltd.800268.6646.79%-0.0043%
<4274>Hosoya Fire 621001310.444.48%0.0131%
<9791>Viken Techno420039147.843.97%0%

(*) is a new stock that has entered the rankings.

Excluding those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of 50 million yen or less.

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