Truist Financial analyst Barry Jonas maintains $Red Rock Resorts (RRR.US)$ with a hold rating.
According to TipRanks data, the analyst has a success rate of 52.6% and a total average return of 10.6% over the past year.
Furthermore, according to the comprehensive report, the opinions of $Red Rock Resorts (RRR.US)$'s main analysts recently are as follows:
Red Rock Resorts experienced a challenging third quarter marked by a deceleration in growth, according to an analyst.
The company experienced a subdued third quarter report and guidance for the fourth quarter, influenced by negative seasonality and election effects. It is noted that the company's planned capital projects set for 2025 may introduce a degree of disruption, which has led to a more conservative estimation.
Following the Q3 report, it's noted that Durango is progressing significantly ahead of schedule. Red Rock is anticipated to continue being the primary beneficiary of the favorable demographic trends within the Las Vegas Locals market.
TipRanks, an independent third party, provides analysis data from financial analysts and calculates the Average Returns and Success Rates of the analysts' recommendations. The information presented is not an investment recommendation and is intended for informational purposes only.
Success rate is the number of the analyst's successful ratings, divided by his/her total number of ratings over the past year. A successful rating is one based on if TipRanks' virtual portfolio earned a positive return from the stock. Total average return is the average rate of return that the TipRanks' virtual portfolio has earned over the past year. These portfolios are established based on the analyst's preliminary rating and are adjusted according to the changes in the rating.
TipRanks provides a ranking of each analyst up to 5 stars, which is representative of all recommendations from the analyst. An analyst's past performance is evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars, with more stars indicating better performance. The star level is determined by his/her total success rate and average return.
トゥルイスト・ファイナンシャルのアナリストBarry Jonasは$レッド・ロック・リゾート クラスA (RRR.US)$のレーティングを中立に据え置き。
また、$レッド・ロック・リゾート クラスA (RRR.US)$の最近の主なアナリストの観点は以下の通りである: