Splash Car Wash Opens Its 65th Site
Splash Car Wash Opens Its 65th Site
MILFORD, Conn., Nov. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Splash Car Wash, headquartered in Milford, Connecticut, today announced the opening of its 65th location, an express wash in Johnson City, New York. The new site, which has a 130-foot conveyor and outfitted with 16 free-of-charge self-service vacuum stations, is Splash's 40th in the state of New York.
康涅狄格州米尔福德,2024年11月11日,/美通社/--总部位于康涅狄格州米尔福德的Splash Car Wash今天宣布开设第65个位置,即纽约州约翰逊市的一家快速洗车点。这个新场地配备了130英尺的传送带,并配备了16个免费自助真空站,是Splash在纽约州的第40个位置。
The Johnson City wash was completed under the direction of Dave Clements and Jeff Arnold, Splash's development partners and the former owners of the Classy Chassy chain, which Splash acquired in October of 2021. Clements and Arnold are also managing the construction of new developments in Henrietta and Hamburg, New York, which are expected to open within the next few months.
约翰逊市的洗车点由Splash的开发合作伙伴,前Classy Chassy连锁店的前业主Dave Clements和Jeff Arnold指导完成。Splash于2021年10月收购了Classy Chassy连锁店。Clements和Arnold还负责管理纽约州亨利埃塔和汉堡的新开发工程,预计在未来几个月内开业。
Splash has construction set to begin soon in Springfield, Massachusetts, as well as Newburgh and Nanuet, New York with anticipated openings for the three sites in Summer 2025.
In addition to the Henrietta and Hamburg projects, Arnold and Clements are overseeing express wash developments in Fayetteville and Syracuse, New York, both of which will break ground in Spring.
关于Splash Car Wash, Inc.
Splash Car Wash was started in 1981 by Mark Curtis and Chris Fisher with a single location in Greenwich, Connecticut. Since that time, Curtis & Fisher, along with their experienced team and partners, have developed over 80 locations, and currently operate carwash tunnels in Connecticut, Vermont, and New York. Many sites include detailing operations, eight locations provide oil change services, and two locations operate laundromats.
Splash Car Wash由Mark Curtis和Chris Fisher于1981年在康涅狄格州格林威治创立,一开始只有一个地点。 自那时起,Curtis和Fisher与他们经验丰富的团队和合作伙伴共同开发了80多个地点,目前在康涅狄格州,佛蒙特州和纽约州经营洗车隧道。许多场地包括详细操作,8个地点提供换油服务,而2个地点则运营自助洗衣店。
Splash has been named "Best Carwash" by numerous publications over 40 times and has been recognized as a "Top Workplace in Connecticut" for the past several years by Hearst Publications. Four General Managers employed by Splash have been recognized as "Most Valuable Carwasher" by Professional Carwash & Detailing Magazine and Auto Laundry News. Splash has been awarded the US Chambers of Commerce prestigious "Blue Chip Enterprise Award" and has been inducted into the Connecticut Business Hall of Fame.
Splash已经被多家杂志评为“最佳洗车场”超过40次,并连续几年被Hearst出版社评为“康涅狄格州最佳工作场所”。Splash的四名总经理被《Professional Carwash & Detailing Magazine》和《Auto Laundry News》评为“最有价值洗车员”。Splash获得了美国商会颁发的著名“蓝筹企业奖”,并被纳入康涅狄格州商业名人堂。
关于Palladin Consumer Retail Partners (PCRP)
Palladin Consumer Retail Partners ("PCRP" or "Palladin") is a Boston-based private investment firm, founded in 1998, that focuses primarily on the retail and consumer products sectors in North America and Europe. Our team has a strong investment and operating track record; the Principals of PCRP have invested in, financed, or managed over 100 public and private retail and consumer products companies. We pride ourselves on working closely with management teams to create value through strategic and operational initiatives. PCRP strives to provide its portfolio companies with the advantages of a strategic partner and the operating flexibility and incentives of a financial investor. Current and former investments include M@C Discount, Southeast Mechanical, Tailwind Concessions, Leapfrog Brands, Decowraps, PB Metro, Splash Car Wash, KT Tape, Nic+Zoe, InMotion Entertainment, J. McLaughlin, Things Remembered, Restoration Hardware, Spencer Gifts, Jamba Juice, Worldlynx, Multi-Flow, and Kwik-Tek
Palladin Consumer Retail Partners("PCRP"或"Palladin")是一家总部位于波士顿的私人投资公司,成立于1998年,主要专注于北美和欧洲的零售和消费品行业。我们的团队拥有强大的投资和运营记录;PCRP的负责人曾投资、融资或管理过100多家公共和私人的零售和消费品公司。我们以与管理团队紧密合作,通过战略和运营举措创造价值而自豪。PCRP致力于为其投资组合公司提供战略合作伙伴的优势和金融投资者的运营灵活性和激励机制。目前和以前的投资包括M@C Discount、Southeast Mechanical、Tailwind Concessions、Leapfrog Brands、Decowraps、PbMetro、Splash Car Wash、Kt Tape、Nic+Zoe、InMotion Entertainment、J.McLaughlin、Things Remembered、Restoration Hardware、Spencer Gifts、Jamba Juice、Worldlynx、Multi-Flow和Kwik-Tek
Mark Curtis
[email protected]
203-324-5400 ext. 7011
Mark Curtis
[email protected]
203-324-5400 ext. 7011
Patricia Donnelly
[email protected]
Patricia Donnelly
[email protected]
SOURCE Palladin Consumer Retail Partners, LLC
Palladin Consumer Retail Partners,LLC的出处