Salt Lake City, UT , Nov. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SINTX Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SINT) ("SINTX" or the "Company"), an advanced ceramics company that develops and commercializes materials, components, and technologies for medical and technical applications, today announced that its Board of Directors has authorized a stock repurchase program to buy back up to $500,000 of the company's outstanding common stock over the next several quarters which equates to about 20% of total outstanding shares. The repurchases will be conducted based on market conditions and other factors, reflecting SINTX's confidence in its strategic direction and commitment to enhancing shareholder value.
Strategic Rationale
This initiative aligns with SINTX's strategic focus on optimizing its capital structure and delivering long-term value to shareholders. By repurchasing shares, the company aims to reduce the number of outstanding shares, thereby increasing the ownership stake of remaining shareholders and enhancing earnings per share. Similar to actions taken by other industry leaders, SINTX believes that a stock repurchase program is an effective way to return capital to shareholders.
Management Commentary
"We believe that the current market undervalues SINTX's potential," said Eric Olson, CEO of SINTX Technologies. "This repurchase program underscores our confidence in the company's strategic initiatives and our commitment to delivering value to our shareholders. By leveraging our strong balance sheet, we are taking a proactive approach to capital allocation, similar to other companies in our industry that have successfully implemented share repurchase programs."
Program Details
The stock repurchase program will be managed by Maxim Group, LLC, a recognized leader in investment banking and asset management. The repurchase program does not obligate the Company to acquire any particular amount of common shares, and the repurchase program may be suspended or discontinued at any time at the Company's discretion. The timing and amount of any share repurchases under the share repurchase program will be determined by SINTX's management at its discretion based on ongoing assessments of the capital needs of the business, the market price of the Company's common stock, corporate and regulatory requirements, and general market conditions. Share repurchases under the program may be made through a variety of methods, which may include open market purchases, in block trades, accelerated share repurchase transactions, exchange transactions, the use of trading plans intended to qualify under Rule 10b5-1 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or any combination of such methods.
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About SINTX Technologies, Inc.
SINTX Technologies is an advanced ceramics company that develops and commercializes materials, components, and technologies for medical and technical applications. SINTX is a global leader in the research, development, and manufacturing of silicon nitride, and its products have been implanted in humans since 2008. Over the past several years, SINTX has utilized strategic acquisitions and alliances to enter into new markets. The Company has manufacturing and R&D facilities in Utah and Maryland.
ソルトレイクシティ、Ut、2024年11月18日(グローブニュースワイヤー)- 医療および技術アプリケーション向けの材料、部品、技術を開発および商品化する先端セラミックス企業であるSINTXテクノロジーズ社(NASDAQ:SINT)(以下「SINTX」または「カンパニー」)は、取締役会が最大$500,000の自社普通株式を次回数四半期にわたりバイバックするための株式買い戻しプログラムを承認したことを本日発表しました。これは、総発行株式の約20%に相当します。株式の買い戻しは、市場状況およびその他の要因に基づいて実施され、SINTXが戦略的方向性に対する信懇智能と株主価値の向上に対するコミットメントを表しています。
「現在の市場がSINTXの潜在力を過小評価していると考えています」と、SINTXテクノロジーズのCEOであるEric Olson氏は述べています。「この買い戻しプログラムは、当社の戦略的取り組みに対する信懇智能と株主に価値を提供することへのコミットメントを裏付けるものです。強力な財務基盤を活用することで、他の業界の企業と同様に、資本配分に積極的なアプローチを取っており、成功裏に株買い戻しプログラムを実施している他社と同様の取り組みを行なっています。
株式買い戻しプログラムは、投資銀行および資産管理のリーダーであるMaxim Group, LLCによって管理されます。株式買い戻しプログラムは、カンパニーに特定の一定量の普通株式を取得する義務を負わせるものではなく、任意で中止または中断することができます。株式買い戻しプログラムのShare repurchasesは、SINTXの経営陣の裁量によって、ビジネスの資本需要、カンパニーの普通株式の市場価格、企業および規制要件、一般的な市場状況の持続的評価に基づいて決定されます。プログラムの下での株買い取りは、オープンマーケット取引、ブロック取引での取引、加速株取引取引、交換取引等さまざまな方法によって行われる可能性があります。また、1934年修正済みの証券取引法第10b5-1条の下で資格を得ると意図される取引計画の使用、またはこれらの方法の組み合わせによって行われる可能性があります。