Altair Solutions Now Supported on NVIDIA Grace Hopper and Grace CPU Superchip Architectures
Altair Solutions Now Supported on NVIDIA Grace Hopper and Grace CPU Superchip Architectures
Altair simulations run twice as fast on NVIDIA Hopper series as its predecessor
Altair 仿真在 NVIDIA Hopper 系列上的運行速度是其前身的兩倍
TROY, Mich., Nov. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR), a global leader in computational intelligence, announced that several products from the Altair HyperWorks design and simulation platform now support NVIDIA Grace CPU and Grace Hopper Superchip architectures. This highlights the years of Altair's deep collaboration with NVIDIA and gives customers more flexibility to run Altair tools on NVIDIA and Arm architectures.
密歇根州特洛伊,2024 年 11 月 18 日 /PRNewswire/ — 阿爾泰爾 計算智能領域的全球領導者納斯達克股票代碼:ALTR)宣佈,來自計算智能的幾款產品 Altair HyperWor 設計和仿真平台現在支持 英偉達 Grace 和 Grace Hopper 超級芯片 建築。這凸顯了Altair多年來與NVIDIA的深入合作,使客戶能夠更靈活地在NVIDIA和Arm架構上運行Altair工具。
"Altair's solutions achieving peak performance on Grace and Grace Hopper marks a pivotal moment in our commitment to our customers' needs," said Sam Mahalingam, chief technology officer, Altair. "Leveraging NVIDIA's CPU and GPU architectures, we are poised to drive artificial intelligence innovation and deliver substantial performance and sustainability gains."
Altair首席技術官山姆·馬哈林加姆表示:「Altair的解決方案在Grace和Grace Hopper上實現最佳性能標誌着我們承諾滿足客戶需求的關鍵時刻。」“利用 NVIDIA 的 CPU 和 GPU 架構,我們有望推動發展 人工智能 創新並帶來可觀的業績和可持續性收益。”
Internal benchmarks for selected Altair solutions showed the NVIDIA Hopper GPU series ran simulations up to twice as fast as its predecessor and enabled Altair solvers to achieve breakthrough run times.
選定 Altair 解決方案的內部基準測試顯示 NVIDIA Hopper 該系列的仿真速度是其前身的兩倍,使 Altair 解算器能夠實現突破性的運行時間。
"This is yet another milestone in NVIDIA and Altair's long-standing collaboration to accelerate computer-aided engineering workloads," said Tim Costa, senior director of CAE/EDA, quantum and HPC at NVIDIA. "Giving customers access to Altair's powerful software tools on our Grace CPU and Grace Hopper Superchip architectures will empower them to push boundaries of innovation and design across multiple industries."
英偉達CAE/EDA、量子和高性能計算高級董事蒂姆·科斯塔表示:「這是英偉達和Altair長期合作加速計算機輔助工程工作量的又一個里程碑。」「讓客戶能夠在我們的Grace CPU和Grace Hopper Superchip架構上使用Altair強大的軟件工具,將使他們能夠突破多個行業的創新和設計界限。」
The support demonstrates Altair technology's ability to run on alternative CPU and CPU-GPU architectures that help meet the global market's urgent needs for energy efficiency and speed. The NVIDIA Grace and Grace Hopper architectures – built specifically for high-performance computing (HPC) and AI workloads – offer performance, efficiency, and scalability improvements that can transform how organizations run simulation at scale in a power-constrained data center.
這種支持表明 Altair 技術能夠在備用 CPU 和 CPU-GPU 架構上運行,有助於滿足全球市場對能效和速度的迫切需求。NVIDIA Grace 和 Grace Hopper 架構 — 專爲 高性能計算 (HPC) 和 AI 工作負載 — 提供性能、效率和可擴展性方面的改進,可以改變組織在功率受限的數據中心大規模運行仿真的方式。
According to a recent internal study performed by Lenovo using OpenRadioss, NVIDIA Grace CPUs deliver up to 2.2x higher energy efficiency for running CAE simulations compared to their reference server configuration.
根據聯想最近使用OpenRadioss進行的一項內部研究,與參考服務器配置相比,NVIDIA Grace CPU運行CAE仿真的能效高出2.2倍。
The following Altair solutions now support Grace and Grace Hopper architectures:
以下 Altair 解決方案現在支持 Grace 和 Grace Hopper 架構:
- Altair OptiStruct
- Altair Radioss
- OpenRadioss
- Altair ultraFluidX
- Altair nanoFluidX
- Altair PBS Professional
- Altair Grid Engine
- Altair OptiStruct
- Altair 電臺
- openRadioss
- Altair UltraFluidX
- Altair NanoFluidX
- Altair PBS 專業版
- Altair 網格引擎
To learn more about Altair HyperWorks, visit .
要了解有關 Altair HyperWorks 的更多信息,請訪問 .
About Altair
關於 Altair
Altair is a global leader in computational intelligence that provides software and cloud solutions in simulation, high-performance computing (HPC), data analytics, and AI. Altair enables organizations across all industries to compete more effectively and drive smarter decisions in an increasingly connected world – all while creating a greener, more sustainable future. To learn more, please visit .
Altair 是計算智能領域的全球領導者,提供模擬、高性能計算 (HPC)、數據分析和人工智能領域的軟件和雲解決方案。Altair 使各行各業的組織能夠在日益互聯的世界中更有效地競爭,做出更明智的決策,同時創造更綠色、更可持續的未來。要了解更多信息,請訪問 .
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