
フォーシーズHD---DENBA JAPANとの資本業務提携

Forsysea HD---DENBA JAPAN capital business partnership.

Fisco Japan ·  Nov 19, 2024 16:58

Four Seas HD <3726> announced on the 14th that it will form a capital and business alliance with DENBA JAPAN. In connection with this, it was agreed between Net Price Limited Liability Business Association (Net Price LLC), which is a shareholder of Four Seas HD, and DENBA to transfer part of the shares of Force's HD held by Net Price LLC to DENBA.

DENBA is currently actively developing businesses in the fields of food environment, distribution, food, and beauty/health, with its unique water molecule activation technology at the core. Through this partnership, 4C's HD will develop cosmetics, facial equipment, health goods, etc. using DENBA's water molecule activation technology, and aim to expand sales. The brand will be launched from a collaborative project with Four Seas HD, new products related to beauty and health will be developed, and sales channels will be expanded. Also, DENBA has a sales company in the People's Republic of China, and it is possible to strengthen the recognition and sales expansion of the Four Seas HD brand in the People's Republic of China by strengthening sales of Forsyth's HD and developing products utilizing DENBA technology.

Four Seas HD guides and proposes DENBA products to customers who have registered as members in the mail order sales and retail business, and plans product experiences etc. at retail stores.

As for the details of this capital alliance, DENBA plans to acquire 201,553 issued common shares of Four Seas HD (2.0% ratio of the number of shares held to the total number of issued shares) held by Net Price LLC, which is a shareholder of Four Seas HD, through relative transactions outside the market. The contract signing date is 2024/11/14, and the business start date is 2024/12/1 (planned).

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