
前日に動いた銘柄 part2 GMO-AP、サンエー化研、フジオフードグループ本社など

Stocks that moved the previous day part 2: GMO-AP, San-Ai Chemical Industries, Fujio Food Group Headquarters, etc.

Fisco Japan ·  Nov 26, 2024 06:32

<コード>Stock name closing price on the 25th ⇒ compared to the previous day

Fuji Food Group Head Office <2752> 1192 -140

Disgusted with the dilution of stock values due to the implementation of public capital increases.

Ceres (3696) 2543 -97

A pause in the rise in the price of Bitcoin has taken advantage of the sales advantage.

Mercari <4385> 2011 -86.5

The strengthening of the customer support system and the announcement of compensation policies have also been completed.

Mitsui E & S <7003> 1496 -59

Even when it comes to rebounds, return sales are dominant with a sense of relaxation.

Ambis<7071> 923 -21

High levels of credit backlogs also weigh heavily.

Nexon <3659> 2131 -66

The pause in the rise in Bitcoin prices was viewed as negative.

Meiji HD <2269> 3199 -100

The implementation of stock sales by major financial institutions was announced.

Ibiden (4062) 4739 -149

SMBC Nikko Securities lowered its target stock price.

GMO-AP <4784> 761 +100

Expectations for level corrections continue in relation to data centers.

Mitachi Sangyo <3321> 1270 +140

The positive impact on the upward revisions in earnings will intensify.

Sanei Kaken <4234> 554 +50

Announced the implementation of treasury stock acquisition through off-site transactions.

Tokyo Weighing Equipment <7719> 230 +18

Cancellation of designation of special caution stocks and managed stocks (under review).

SBI Leos <165A> 184 +5

A joint venture to conduct online financial education business was established.

Agile <6573> 106 +8

The travel business was started as a new business.

UNITED <2497> 804 -10

The earnings forecast for the fiscal year ending 25/3 was revised upward and bought the previous weekend. Profit determination sales advantage on the 25th.

247<7074> 269 -11

They were sold by hand with a long upper beard and long hidden lines the previous weekend.

Data sec <3905> 990 -41

Under a basic agreement for a business alliance with a Taiwanese company that is a major electronic equipment EMS company

It will be bought the weekend before. Today's sales advantage.

LaQuoria Drug Discovery <4579> 468 +6

Companies that derive ghrelin receptor agonists have begun selling the cat drug “Ellura.”

Def Con <4833> 92-3

Even though the year-to-date high price was updated the previous weekend, it was sold ahead due to a long upper beard and a long hidden line.

Astro scale <186A> 941 +13

Selected as a new loan stock.

WillSmart<175A> 831 -10

The earnings forecast for the fiscal year ending 24/12 was revised downward and sold the previous weekend. There was a buy-and-sell exchange on the 25th.

HYBRID TECH <4260> 429 -3

Comprehensive generative AI platform for corporations planned by Airtree <6191>

“AirtriSmart AI” was developed. The upper price is heavy.

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