Business Jet Completes Gulfstream GIV Starlink Installation
Business Jet Completes Gulfstream GIV Starlink Installation
Business Jet is one of the first to install Starlink on a Gulfstream GIV at Dallas facility, with installation on the Embraer Legacy 600 STC Certification Aircraft to follow.
商務飛機是首批在達拉斯設施上爲海灣流GIV安裝Starlink的飛機之一,緊隨其後將在巴西航空工業Legacy 600 STC認證飛機上進行安裝。
DALLAS, Nov. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Business Jet recently completed two of the first Starlink installations on the Gulfstream GIV, as the STC was awarded in late August. This milestone will be followed by the Legacy 600 certification aircraft installation set to occur in December.
達拉斯,2024年11月26日 / PRNewswire / - 商務飛機最近完成了首批兩臺海灣流GIV上的Starlink安裝,STC證書在8月底獲得。這一里程碑將由計劃於12月進行的Legacy 600認證飛機安裝所跟隨。
"The addition of the GIV to the lineup of approved aircraft has been met with enthusiasm from its owners and operators. We are proud to deliver tailored solutions to our clients, and this milestone supports this commitment," said Lina Sabbah, Director of Aircraft Solutions and Acquisitions. "We look forward to expanding our portfolio of completed aircraft models as STCs continue to be approved." As the demand for connectivity grows, whether it's for business or leisure, Starlink's cutting-edge technology offers travelers a reliable solution from takeoff to touchdown, ensuring uninterrupted productivity and entertainment.
「將GIV列入獲批飛機陣容被其所有者和運營商的熱情回應。我們自豪地爲我們的客戶提供定製解決方案,這一里程碑支持了這一承諾。」飛機解決方案和收購董事Lina Sabbah表示:「我們期待擴大已完成飛機型號組合,隨着STC繼續獲得批准。」隨着對連接性的需求增長,無論是爲業務還是休閒,Starlink的尖端技術爲旅行者提供了可靠的解決方案,從起飛到降落,確保持續的生產力和娛樂。
During the GIV's most recent flight, download speeds reached up to 295 Mbps, allowing passengers to simultaneously stream three different movies without experiencing any lagging. The feedback received from crew and passengers has been nothing short of complimentary. The consistent sentiment gathered from Starlink users can be summed up in two words: "Game Changer." This offering reflects Business Jet's commitment to providing leading-edge solutions with the purpose of enhancing customer's aviation experience.
在GIV最近的飛行過程中,下載速度達到了295 Mbps,允許乘客同時觀看三部不卡頓的電影。從機組和乘客收到的反饋只能用一句讚美的話來概括。從Starlink用戶那裏得到的一致感受可以用兩個詞概括:「創變者」。這一服務體現了商務飛機爲提升客戶航空體驗而提供領先解決方案的承諾。
Business Jet's team of highly skilled technicians have experience installing Starlink on various aircraft models and recommend scheduling an installation during an annual inspection or another major maintenance event as more STCs become available. STCs are currently available for Gulfstream models GIV/GV/G450/G550/G650/G650ER and Bombardier Global models 5000/6000/6500/7500/Express/XRS. By the end of the year, STCs are expected for the Bombardier Global model 5500, with various models, such as the Challenger 300/350 following in early 2025. Business Jet is poised to accommodate any jet that's ready to upgrade their inflight connectivity.
商務飛機的一支高技能技術團隊擁有在各種飛機型號上安裝Starlink的經驗,並建議在年度檢查或其他重大維護活動期間安排安裝,因爲隨着更多STC的可獲得性。目前,Gulfstream模型GIV / GV / G450 / G550 / G650 / G650ER和Bombardier Global模型5000/6000/6500/7500 / Express / XRS都可獲得STC。預計到年底,Bombardier Global 5500將獲得STC,並將在2025年初推出各種模型,如Challenger 300/350。商務飛機準備好爲任何準備升級其機上連接的飛機提供服務。
To learn more about Starlink or reserve an installation spot, contact Lina Sabbah, Director of Aircraft Solutions and Acquisitions, at [email protected] or 214.654.1535.
要了解更多關於Starlink或預訂安裝位置的信息,請聯繫莉娜·薩巴,飛機解決方案和收購董事,郵箱:[email protected],電話:214.654.1535。
About Business Jet
Business Jet is a comprehensive private aviation solutions provider based at Dallas Love Field. For over 30 years, Business Jet has combined high-level aircraft maintenance and management with award-winning complementary support services, including: aircraft charter and management, award-winning FBO services, AOG support, and aircraft solutions and acquisitions. For more information, visit
About Starlink by SpaceX
Starlink delivers high-speed, low-latency internet to users all over the world. As the world's first and largest satellite constellation using a low Earth orbit, Starlink delivers broadband internet capable of supporting streaming, online gaming, video calls and more. Starlink is engineered and operated by SpaceX. As the world's leading provider of launch services, SpaceX is leveraging its deep experience with both spacecraft and on-orbit operations to deploy the world's most advanced broadband internet system. For more information, visit
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