TKO Miller Advises Dynamic Tube, Inc. on Its Sale to Innovative Fluid Handling Group
TKO Miller Advises Dynamic Tube, Inc. on Its Sale to Innovative Fluid Handling Group
MILWAUKEE, Nov. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TKO Miller, a leading middle market investment bank, today announced that Dynamic Tube Inc. ("Dynamic Tube"), an industry-leading supplier of tube fabrications and precision-machined parts, has been acquired by Innovative Fluid Handling Group ("IFH Group"), a premier producer of top-quality, custom-made fuel and hydraulic tanks.
密爾沃基,2024年11月26日 /PRNewswire/ -- TKO米勒,一家領先的中型市場投資銀行,今天宣佈,行業領先的管道製造和精密機械零件供應商Dynamic Tube Inc.("Dynamic Tube")已被創新流體處理集團("IFH Group")收購,該集團是優質定製燃料和液壓罐的主要生產商。
TKO Miller initiated the transaction and acted as the exclusive investment banking advisor for Dynamic Tube, working closely with the Company's management team and owners throughout the sale process.
TKO米勒發起了該交易,並作爲Dynamic Tube的獨家投資銀行顧問,在整個銷售過程中與公司的管理團隊和所有者緊密合作。
About Dynamic Tube
關於Dynamic Tube
Established in 1976, Dynamic Tube is a leading custom tube fabrication specialist serving a variety of end markets including off-road and heavy equipment, power generation, mining, construction, material handling, and agriculture, among others. Headquartered in Maquoketa, IA, Dynamic Tube initially specialized in the fabrication of high-pressure diesel fuel injection lines but has since expanded into hydraulics and other pressurized fluid and gas tubing applications.
Dynamic Tube成立於1976年,是一家領先的定製管道製造專業公司,服務於包括越野和重型機械、發電、採礦、施工、物料處理和農業等多種最終市場。公司總部位於愛荷華州馬奎基塔,Dynamic Tube最初專注於高壓柴油燃料噴射管的製造,但隨後擴展到液壓和其他加壓流體及燃氣管道應用。
About IFH Group
關於IFH Group
IFH Group, Inc., a portfolio company of The Mendota Group, is a leading manufacturer of custom steel fuel and hydraulic oil tanks for off-road and specialty vehicles in the United States. Applications include combines, heavy terrain forklifts, earth boring equipment, boom cranes, grounds keeping equipment, end loaders, and hay bailers. Located in Rock Falls, IL, the company occupies a 131,000-square foot manufacturing facility.
IFH Group, Inc.是門多塔集團的投資組合公司,是美國一家領先的定製鋼鐵燃料和液壓油罐製造商,專爲越野和特種車輛提供服務。應用包括聯合收割機、重型地形叉車、地面鑽探設備、起重機、園藝設備、裝載機和打包機。公司位於伊利諾伊州洛克福爾斯,擁有一個131,000平方英尺的製造設施。
About The Mendota Group
Founded in 2000, The Mendota Group is a private equity firm based in Madison, WI. The firm invests in the manufacturing and industrial sectors.
About TKO Miller
TKO Miller, LLC is an independent, advisory-focused, middle market investment bank. With over 130 years of collective transaction experience, TKO Miller provides merger and acquisition and financial advisory services for businesses nationwide, with a special focus on family- and founder-held businesses.
關於TKO Miller
TKO Miller, LLC是一家獨立的、以顧問爲中心的中型市場投資銀行。TKO Miller擁有超過130年的綜合交易經驗,爲全國範圍內的企業提供併購和財務顧問服務,特別關注家族和創始人控股的企業。
TKO Miller aims to bring value to clients by combining outstanding people with a results-oriented, flexible approach to transactions. Our services include company sales, recapitalizations, asset divestitures, and management buyouts. TKO Miller has a generalist focus but a strong industry specialization in several applications, including manufacturing, business services, consumer products, and industrial products and services. For more information, visit our website, .
TKO Miller旨在通過將優秀的人才與以結果爲導向、靈活的交易方法相結合,爲客戶創造價值。我們的服務包括公司出售、資本重組、資產剝離和管理層收購。TKO Miller側重於一般領域,但在多個應用領域擁有強大的行業專業化,包括製造業-半導體、商業服務、消費品和工業產品。有關更多信息,請訪問我們的網站。
Contact: Katie Yde, (414) 375-2660
聯繫方式:Katie Yde,(414)375-2660
來源:TKO Miller, LLC