ANN ARBOR, Mich., Dec. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Esperion (NASDAQ: ESPR) today announced that it has filed New Drug Submissions (NDSs) to Health Canada for NEXLETOL and NEXLIZET, once-daily, accessible, oral non-statin medications that reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and cardiovascular risk.
"These submissions mark another pivotal milestone towards bringing our potentially lifesaving medications to the millions of patients around the world who need it," said Sheldon Koenig, President and CEO of Experion. "Heart disease remains the number one cause of death globally, so we look forward to the opportunity to provide NEXLETOL and NEXLIZET as LDL cholesterol lowering and cardiovascular risk reduction treatment options for healthcare providers and patients in Canada."
According to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), heart disease is the second leading cause of death in Canada. Data from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System (CCDSS) from 2017-2018 showed that approximately 1 in 12 (or approximately 2.6 million) Canadian adults aged 20 and over live with diagnosed heart disease and every hour, approximately 14 Canadian adults aged 20 and over with diagnosed heart disease die.1
NEXLIZET and NEXLETOL are indicated:
- The bempedoic acid component of NEXLIZET and NEXLETOL is indicated to reduce the risk of myocardial infarction and coronary revascularization in adults who are unable to take recommended statin therapy (including those not taking a statin) with:
- established cardiovascular disease (CVD), or
- at high risk for a CVD event but without established CVD.
- As an adjunct to diet:
- NEXLIZET, alone or in combination with other LDL-C lowering therapies, to reduce LDL-C in adults with primary hyperlipidemia, including HeFH.
- NEXLETOL, in combination with other LDL-C lowering therapies, or alone when concomitant LDL-C lowering therapy is not possible, to reduce LDL-C in adults with primary hyperlipidemia, including HeFH.
NEXLIZET and NEXLETOL are contraindicated in patients with a prior hypersensitivity to bempedoic acid or ezetimibe or any of the excipients. Serious hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylaxis, angioedema, rash, and urticaria have been reported.
Hyperuricemia: Bempedoic acid, a component of NEXLIZET and NEXLETOL, may increase blood uric acid levels, which may lead to gout. Hyperuricemia may occur early in treatment and persist throughout treatment, returning to baseline following discontinuation of treatment. Assess uric acid levels periodically as clinically indicated. Monitor for signs and symptoms of hyperuricemia, and initiate treatment with urate-lowering drugs as appropriate.
Tendon Rupture: Bempedoic acid, a component of NEXLIZET and NEXLETOL, is associated with an increased risk of tendon rupture or injury. Tendon rupture may occur more frequently in patients over 60 years of age, in those taking corticosteroid or fluoroquinolone drugs, in patients with renal failure, and in patients with previous tendon disorders. Discontinue NEXLIZET or NEXLETOL at the first sign of tendon rupture. Consider alternative therapy in patients who have a history of tendon disorders or tendon rupture.
The most common adverse reactions in the primary hyperlipidemia trials of bempedoic acid, a component of NEXLIZET and NEXLETOL, in ≥2% of patients and greater than placebo were upper respiratory tract infection, muscle spasms, hyperuricemia, back pain, abdominal pain or discomfort, bronchitis, pain in extremity, anemia, and elevated liver enzymes.
Adverse reactions reported in ≥2% of patients treated with ezetimibe (a component of NEXLIZET) and at an incidence greater than placebo in clinical trials were upper respiratory tract infection, diarrhea, arthralgia, sinusitis, pain in extremity, fatigue, and influenza.
In the primary hyperlipidemia trials of NEXLIZET, the most commonly reported adverse reactions (incidence ≥3% and greater than placebo) observed with NEXLIZET, but not observed in clinical trials of bempedoic acid or ezetimibe, were urinary tract infection, nasopharyngitis, and constipation.
The most common adverse reactions in the cardiovascular outcomes trial for bempedoic acid, a component of NEXLIZET and NEXLETOL, at an incidence of ≥2% and 0.5% greater than placebo were hyperuricemia, renal impairment, anemia, elevated liver enzymes, muscle spasms, gout, and cholelithiasis.
Discontinue NEXLIZET or NEXLETOL when pregnancy is recognized unless the benefits of therapy outweigh the potential risks to the fetus. Because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in a breast-fed infant, breastfeeding is not recommended during treatment with NEXLIZET or NEXLETOL.
Report pregnancies to Esperion Therapeutics, Inc. Adverse Event reporting line at 1-833-377-7633.
Please see full Prescribing Information for NEXLIZET and NEXLETOL.
Esperion Therapeutics
At Esperion, we discover, develop, and commercialize innovative medicines to help improve outcomes for patients with or at risk for cardiovascular and cardiometabolic diseases. The status quo is not meeting the health needs of millions of people with high cholesterol – that is why our team of passionate industry leaders is breaking through the barriers that prevent patients from reaching their goals. Providers are moving toward reducing LDL-cholesterol levels as low as possible, as soon as possible; we provide the next steps to help get patients there. Because when it comes to high cholesterol, getting to goal is not optional. It is our life's work. For more information, visit and and follow us on X at
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the federal securities laws, including statements regarding marketing strategy and commercialization plans, current and planned operational expenses, future operations, commercial products, clinical development, including the timing, designs and plans for the CLEAR Outcomes study and its results, plans for potential future product candidates, financial condition and outlook, including expected cash runway, and other statements containing the words "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "plan," "predict," "project," "suggest," "target," "potential," "will," "would," "could," "should," "continue," and similar expressions. Any express or implied statements contained in this press release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause Esperion's actual results to differ significantly from those projected, including, without limitation, the net sales, profitability, and growth of Esperion's commercial products, clinical activities and results, supply chain, commercial development and launch plans, the outcomes and anticipated benefits of legal proceedings and settlements, and the risks detailed in Esperion's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date hereof, and Esperion disclaims any obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking statements contained in this press release, other than to the extent required by law.
Esperion Contact Information:
Alina Venezia
(734) 887-3903
Tiffany Aldrich
(616) 443-8438
1 . Accessed Nov. 19, 2024.
ミシガン州アnnアーバー、2024年12月2日(グローブニュースワイヤー) - エスペリオン(ナスダック:ESPR)は本日、NEXLETOLおよびNEXLIZEtの新薬申請(NDS)をカナダ保健省に提出したと発表しました。これらは、低密度リポタンパク質コレステロール(LDL-C)および心血管リスクを減少させる、1日1回服用可能な非スタチン系の口腔用薬です。
- NEXLIZEtおよびNEXLETOLのベンペド酸成分は、次の場合にスタチンの推奨服用ができない(スタチンを服用していないことを含む)成人において、心筋梗塞および冠状動脈バイパス術のリスクを低下させるために指示されます。 は、確立された心血管疾患(CVD)にある場合、または は、確立されたCVDがなくても、CVDイベントの高リスクにある場合です。
- HeFHを含む原発性高脂血症を有する成人のLDL-Cを低下させるために、食事と併用して:
- ・確立された心血管疾患(CVD)を有する場合、または
- ・確立されたCVDがないが、CVDイベントの高リスクにあります。
- ・HeFHを持つ成人に対するLDL-C低下のためのLDL-C低下療法として、NEXLIZEtを単独または他のLDL-C低下療法と併用する。
- ・他のLDL-C低下療法とNEXLETOLを併用するか、共併するLDL-C低下療法が不可能な場合は、主たる高脂血症を持つ初めての成人に対するLDL-C低下のために。
NEXLIZETおよびNEXLETOLの成分であるbempedoic acidを用いた1次性高脂血症試験において、患者の2%以上かつプラセボよりも高い頻度で報告された一般的な副作用は、上気道感染症、筋痙攣、高尿酸血症、背部疼痛、腹部疼痛または不快感、気管支炎、四肢疼痛、貧血、および肝臓酵素の上昇であった。
NEXLIZETの1次性高脂血症試験で、NEXLIZETで観察された最も一般的な副作用(発現率≧3%およびプラセボよりも高い)は尿路感染症、鼻咽頭炎、および便秘であり、bempedoic acidまたはezetimibeの臨床試験では観察されなかった。
NEXLIZETおよびNEXLETOLの成分であるbempedoic acidを用いた心血管アウトカム試験において、プラセボよりも2%以上、0.5%以上の頻度で発現した最も一般的な副作用は、高尿酸血症、腎機能障害、貧血、肝臓酵素の上昇、筋痙攣、痛風、および胆石症であった。
Esperionでは、心血管および心筋代謝性疾患のリスクを抱えている患者の転帰を改善するために革新的な医薬品を発見、開発、商業化しています。現状は、高コレステロールを抱える数百万人の健康上のニーズには満たしていません。それが、情熱的な業界リーダーのチームが患者が目標に到達するのを妨げる障壁を打破している理由です。プロバイダーは、可能な限り低いLDLコレステロール値に早期に移行する方向に向かっています。我々は、患者がそこに到達するための次のステップを提供しています。高コレステロールに関しては、目標到達は選択肢ではありません。私たちの人生の仕事です。詳しくは、訪問してください。 および esperionscience.comそして、ここで私たちをフォローする。
このプレスリリースには、連邦証券法の安全港条項に基づいて行われた前向きな見通しに関する声明が含まれており、マーケティング戦略や商品化計画、現在および計画されている運営費、将来の業務、商品、クリニカル開発、CLEAR Outcomes studyの時期、設計、計画、およびその結果、潜在的な将来の候補薬の計画、財務状況、見通し(期待される現金の運用期間を含む)、および「anticipate」「believe」「estimate」「expect」「intend」「may」「plan」「predict」「project」「suggest」「target」「potential」「will」「would」「could」「should」「continue」などの表現を含むその他の声明。本プレスリリースに含まれる明示または暗黙の声明のうち、過去の事実の声明でないものは前向きな見通しの声明と見なされ得る。前向きな見通しの声明には、エスペリオンセラピューティクスの実際の結果を著しく異ならせる可能性があるリスクや不確実性が伴う。エスペリオンセラピューティクスの商品の純売上高、収益性、成長、臨床活動および結果、サプライチェーン、商品化の開発および立ち上げ計画、法的手続きや和解の結果と予想される利点の結果、およびエスペリオンセラピューティクスの証券取引委員会への提出書類に詳細に記載されているリスクを含む。本プレスリリースに含まれる前向きな見通しの声明については、ここに記載された日付のみ有効であり、エスペリオンセラピューティクスは本プレスリリースに含まれる前向きな見通しの声明を更新または修正する義務や取り組みを除き、法律の範囲内でそのような声明を更新または修正する必要がある場合を除き、一切放棄するものとする。
(734) 887-3903
(616) 443-8438
1 . 2024年11月19日にアクセスしました。