Transaction Strengthens Balance Sheet with $5M in Assets
HOLMDEL, N.J., Dec. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BIO-key International, Inc. (NASDAQ: BKYI), an innovative provider of workforce and customer identity and access management (IAM) solutions featuring Identity-Bound Biometrics (IBB) for phoneless, tokenless, passwordless, and phish-resistant authentication experiences, today announced it has entered into an agreement with Fiber Food Systems, Inc. ("Fiber"), an innovative company with focus on global food security, developing innovation food-technology, and producing high-demand CPG products and plant-based proteins at scale. In the transaction, BIO-key acquired 5,000,000 shares of common stock of Boumarang, Inc. from Fiber in exchange for 595,000 shares of BIO-key, representing nineteen percent (19.00%) of its issued and outstanding shares. Boumarang, Inc. is an innovative company pioneering sustainable, long-range drone technology powered by AI-driven hydrogen fuel. This transaction strengthens BIO-key's balance sheet with an additional $5 million of net assets.
This collaboration combines BIO-key's expertise in secure, scalable, and versatile IAM solutions with Fiber's food tech know-how and presence in food distribution channels. BIO-key's PortalGuard IAM platform provides multi-factor authentication with a unique focus on biometrics, supporting over 35 million users worldwide with phoneless, tokenless, and passwordless access options. As Fiber executes its planned food service and retail footprint, particularly across schools, universities, and large institutional cafeterias, integrating BIO-key's identity and access solutions will enhance security, streamline access, and improve operational efficiency in these high-traffic environments.
"Expanding the Boundaries of Secure Access in Food Services"
Through this relationship, BIO-key and Fiber aim to address growing concerns around secure access and data protection in food tech—a sector handling both sensitive personal and payment data. By incorporating BIO-key's biometric-centric IAM solutions, Fiber and BIO-key are positioned to set a new standard for secure, convenient, and seamless access within food service locations, offering peace of mind for staff, students, and customers alike.
Strategic Opportunities for Innovation and Growth
This collaboration opens exciting possibilities for both companies:
Streamlined Operations in High-Traffic Environments: Deploying phoneless and passwordless biometric authentication can expedite staff access, improving efficiency in time-sensitive food service environments such as school and university cafeterias.
Cost-effective, Scalable Solutions for Large Networks: BIO-key's hosted or on-premises options allow Fiber to implement IAM solutions that best fit each location's specific needs, ensuring seamless scalability as Fiber builds its footprint in food tech and distribution.
Commitment to Innovation in the Food Tech Sector: Combining the latest cybersecurity technology with food tech solutions, furthers both companies' dedication to innovation and excellence, and will set a benchmark for safety and efficiency in food service technology.
"Partnering with Fiber Food Systems marks an important milestone in our mission to deliver secure, easy-to-use IAM solutions to industries where seamless and secure access is critical," said Michael W. DePasquale, Chairman & CEO of BIO-key International. "We are thrilled to bring our technology to the food service sector and provide solutions that can enhance security and operational efficiency."
"BIO-key's solutions offer a unique advantage in secure and convenient access, and we're excited to integrate their technology into our business," said Candice Beaumont, Executive Chairperson of Fiber Food Systems Inc. "This partnership aligns perfectly with our mission to innovate and transform the food tech industry, especially in areas requiring stringent access control, such as educational and institutional cafeterias."
About BIO-key International, Inc.
BIO-key is revolutionizing authentication and cybersecurity with biometric-centric, multi-factor identity and access management (IAM) software securing access for over forty million users. BIO-key allows customers to choose the right authentication factors for diverse use cases, including phoneless, tokenless, and passwordless biometric options. Its hosted or on-premise PortalGuard IAM solution provides cost-effective, easy-to-deploy, convenient, and secure access to computers, information, applications, and high-value transactions.
About Fiber Food Systems, Inc. Fiber Food Systems Inc. is a dynamic food tech acquisition company focused on building a portfolio in wholesale food distribution and consumer-facing retail products. Fiber's mission is to leverage innovation to enhance and expand foodservice solutions, focusing on security, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
About Boumarang, Inc. Boumarang is a developer of state-of-the-art AI-enabled drones designed for a variety of applications, including logistics, security, and environmental surveillance. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, Boumarang aims to redefine drone technology to meet the evolving needs of industry and defense.
Forward-Looking Statements
All statements contained in this press release other than statements of historical facts are "forward-looking statements" as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "Act"). The words "estimate," "project," "intends," "expects," "anticipates," "believes," and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are made based on management's beliefs and assumptions made by, and information currently available to, management pursuant to the "safe harbor" provisions of the Act. These statements are not guarantees of future performance or events and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those included within or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, the ability to execute definitive agreements with Fiber Food Systems and/or its customers to utilize our access management solutions; our ability to integrate our solutions into any of Fiber Food System's offerings; our history of losses and limited revenue; our ability to raise additional capital to satisfy working capital needs and comply with Nasdaq continued listing rules to maintain stockholders' equity of at least $2,500,000; our ability to continue as a going concern; our ability to protect our intellectual property; changes in business conditions; changes in our sales strategy and product development plans; changes in the marketplace; continued services of our executive management team; security breaches; competition in the biometric technology industry; market acceptance of biometric products generally and our products under development; our ability to convert sales opportunities to customer contracts; our ability to expand into Asia, Africa and other foreign markets; fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; delays in the development of products, the commercial, reputational and regulatory risks to our business that may arise as a consequence the restatement of our financial statements, including any consequences of non-compliance with Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and Nasdaq periodic reporting requirements; our temporary loss of the use of a Registration Statement on Form S-3 to register securities in the future; any disruption to our business that may occur on a longer-term basis should we be unable to remediate during fiscal year 2024 certain material weaknesses in our internal controls over financial reporting, and statements of assumption underlying any of the foregoing as well as other factors set forth under the caption "Risk Factors" in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and other filings with the SEC. Readers are cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to disclose any revision to these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.
Investor Contact
William Jones, David Collins
Catalyst IR or 212-924-9800
ホルムデル(ニュージャージー州)、2024年12月2日 (グローブニュースワイヤー) -- バイオキーインターナショナル株式会社(ナスダック:BKYI)は、音声認証、トークンレス認証、パスワードレス認証、フィッシング耐性の認証体験を特徴とした労働力および顧客のアイデンティティとアクセス管理(IAM)ソリューションの革新的なプロバイダーであり、グローバルな食品安全に焦点を当てた革新企業Fiber Food Systems, Inc.(「Fiber」)との契約を締結したことを発表しました。この取引において、バイオキーはFiberからBoumarang, Inc.の普通株式5,000,000株を595,000株のバイオキー株と引き換えに取得しました。これは発行済み株式の19%(19.00%)に相当します。Boumarang, Inc.は、人工知能駆動の水素燃料によって動かされる持続可能な新規買ドローンテクノロジーを先駆ける革新的な企業です。この取引により、バイオキーのバランスシートが追加の500万ドルの純資産で強化されます。
大規模ネットワーク向けのコスト効果が高く、スケーラブルなソリューション: バイオキーインターナショナルのホスティングまたはオンプレミスのオプションにより、Fiberはそれぞれの場所の特定のニーズに最適なIAmソリューションを実装でき、食品テクノロジーと流通での展開を進めるにあたり、シームレスなスケーラビリティを保証します。
バイオキーは、バイオメトリクス中心のマルチファクター認証およびアクセス管理(IAM)ソフトウェアを使用して、サイバーセキュリティと認証に革命を起こしており、4000万人以上のユーザーにアクセスを保障しています。バイオキーは、電話を使わない、トークンを使わない、パスワードを使わないバイオメトリックオプションを含む、さまざまなユースケースに適した認証要素を選択できるように顧客に提供しています。そのホスティングまたはオンプレミスのPortalGuard IAmソリューションは、コスト効果が高く、導入が簡単で、便利で、安全なコンピュータ、情報、アプリケーション、高価値の取引へのアクセスを提供します。
ファイバー・フード・システムズ社について ファイバー・フード・システムズ社は、卸売食品流通や消費関連製品においてポートフォリオの構築に焦点を当てた、ダイナミックなフードテック買収会社です。ファイバーの使命は、イノベーションを活用してフードサービスソリューションを強化し拡大することであり、セキュリティ、効率、顧客満足に重点を置いています。
ブーマラン社について ブーマランは、物流、セキュリティ、環境監視を含むさまざまなアプリケーション向けに設計された最先端の人工知能搭載ドローンの開発者です。イノベーションと持続可能性に焦点を当て、ブーマランは業種とディフェンスの進化するニーズに応えるためにドローンテクノロジーを再定義することを目指しています。
このプレスリリースに含まれる歴史的事実以外のすべての声明は、1995年の私的証券訴訟改革法("法")で定義された「前向きな声明」です。「推定」、「計画」、「意図する」、「期待する」、「予測する」、「信じる」、および類似の表現は、前向きな声明を特定するために使用されます。このような前向きな声明は、経営陣の信念と仮定、および「セーフハーバー」条項に基づいて経営陣が現在利用可能な情報に基づいて行われます。これらの声明は、将来の業績や事象の保証ではなく、実際の結果がこれらの前向きな声明に含まれるまたは暗示されるものと大きく異なる可能性があるリスクと不確実性の影響を受ける場合があります。これらのリスクと不確実性には、Fiber Food Systemsおよびその顧客と最終的な契約を実行する能力、Fiber Food Systemsの提供に当社のアクセス管理ソリューションを統合する能力、損失と限られた売上高の歴史、運転資本のニーズを満たすために追加の資本を調達し、株主資本が$2,500,000以上であることを維持するためのナスダック継続上場規則を遵守する能力、継続企業としての存続能力、知的財産を保護する能力、ビジネス条件の変化、営業戦略や製品開発計画の変更、市場の変化、経営陣の継続的なサービス、セキュリティ違反、生体認証テクノロジー業界の競争、生体認証製品全般および開発中の当社製品の市場受容、生産機会を顧客契約に変換する能力、アジア、アフリカおよびその他の外国市場への展開能力、外国為替レートの変動、製品の開発の遅延、財務諸表の訂正の結果として発生する可能性のある商業的、評判的および規制上のリスク、SECおよびナスダックの定期報告義務への非準拠の結果、将来の証券を登録するためのS-3フォームの登録声明の使用の一時的な喪失、2024会計年度中に財務報告に関する内部統制の特定の物質的弱点を是正できない場合、長期的にビジネスに生じる可能性がある混乱、及び前述の内容に基づく前提の声明と「リスク要因」に関する当社の年次報告書のフォーム10-kおよびSECへのその他の提出書類に記載されたその他の要素に注意してください。読者は、発表された日付にのみ関連するこれらの前向きな声明に依存しないように注意してください。法律で要求されている場合を除き、新しい情報、将来のイベント、またはその他の理由によるこれらの前向きな声明のいかなる修正を開示する義務はありません。
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