IRIS Software Group Announces Intent to Acquire Dext Software Ltd.
IRIS Software Group Announces Intent to Acquire Dext Software Ltd.
Acquisition to create an integrated, end-to-end solution, advance partner integrations, and drive product innovation for accountants and businesses globally
LONDON, Dec. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- IRIS Software Group (IRIS), a leading global provider of accountancy, education management, HR and payroll solutions, today announced a definitive agreement to acquire Dext Software Ltd (Dext), a leading bookkeeping automation platform provider. The acquisition will unite two sector-leading cloud-based platforms – Dext's Bookkeeping Automation Platform and IRIS Elements – to deliver a complementary and fully integrated, end-to-end solution for accountants, bookkeepers, and businesses.
倫敦,2024年12月3日 / PRNewswire / - IRIS軟件集團(IRIS)是全球領先的會計、教育管理、人力資源和工資解決方案提供商,今日宣佈已達成明確協議,收購領先的記賬自動化平台提供商Dext Software Ltd(Dext)。這項收購將使Dext的記賬自動化平台與IRIS Elements兩大行業領先的基於雲的平台結合起來,爲會計師、簿記員和企業提供互補且完全集成的端到端解決方案。
On one side of the accounting value chain, IRIS Elements supports accountants and businesses with practice management and compliance functionality, such as accounts production and tax returns. On the other, Dext simplifies bookkeeping and improves productivity by automating routine tasks with AI. Together, both companies will cover the entire end-to-end accountancy workflow, from data entry and processing to compliance, reporting and advisory services.
在會計價值鏈的一側,IRIS Elements通過實踐管理和合規功能(例如賬目製作和稅務申報)支持會計師和企業。另一方面,Dext通過人工智能自動化常規任務,簡化記賬並提高生產力。兩家公司將共同覆蓋整個端到端的會計工作流程,從數據錄入和處理到合規、報告和諮詢服務。
Currently, many accountants and businesses face "app fatigue" juggling multiple, disconnected tools to get their daily work done. Through integration, IRIS and Dext's cloud platforms will connect seamlessly with a secure single sign-on (SSO) and share data effortlessly back and forth across both platforms. This will, effectively, create a single, end-to-end view of the entire accountancy workflow. By expanding the global digital footprint in countries like the UK, Canada, France and Australia, the acquisition will also support accountants in staying ahead of rapidly evolving global regulatory and compliance requirements.
Commenting on the agreement, Elona Mortimer-Zhika, CEO of IRIS Software Group said, "With today's exciting news, we are bringing together our amazing customers, partners, and employees to drive the future of tech in the accountancy industry. We are doubling down on our promise to build and offer the most compliant cloud solutions that deliver our customers the highest levels of productivity and engagement, giving them back the critical time they need to advise their clients, grow their businesses, and do what they love. Accountancy has been the heartland of IRIS for 46 years; together with Dext we have a shared passion to be the biggest supporters and best champions of accountants, globally."
IRIS軟件集團首席執行官Elona Mortimer-Zhika在評論協議時表示:「今天的令人興奮的消息,我們將我們驚人的客戶、夥伴和員工匯聚在一起,推動會計行業技術的未來。我們致力於實現我們的承諾,打造並提供最符合法規的雲解決方案,爲客戶提供最高水平的生產力和參與度,幫助他們返還所需的關鍵時間,以向客戶提供建議、發展業務和從事他們熱愛的工作。 46年來,會計一直是IRIS的核心領域;與Dext一起,我們共同熱衷成爲全球會計師最大的支持者和最佳的倡導者。」
The transaction will allow IRIS to accelerate Dext's product roadmap, infuse additional capital and enhance its partner integration program, which already connects to over 35 bookkeeping software platforms and over 11,500 banks & financial institutions. Both IRIS and Dext share a general ledger (GL)-agnostic strategy, ensuring their platforms can integrate with a wide array of accounting software and every bookkeeping provider – connecting multiple workflow streams and providing customers with unparalleled freedom of choice. Accountants and bookkeepers will have the flexibility to use their preferred bookkeeping tools while enjoying the benefits of a smooth, cohesive user experience.
Sabby Gill, CEO of Dext added, "Joining forces with IRIS marks an exciting new chapter for Dext. This partnership enables us to accelerate our product innovation, deepen our integration program, and deliver a complete, end-to-end solution to our customers. I look forward to working alongside the IRIS team to unlock new opportunities for our customers and offer our team members expanded opportunities for personal and professional growth."
Dext首席執行官Sabby Gill表示:「與IRIS合作標誌着Dext的一章新篇章。此次合作使我們能夠加速產品創新,深化我們的整合計劃,併爲客戶提供一個完整的、端到端的解決方案。我期待與IRIS團隊通力合作,爲客戶開拓新機會,併爲我們的團隊成員提供擴展的個人和專業增長機會。」
Upon closing, Sabby Gill will form part of the IRIS Global Executive team. The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions and is expected to be finalised by the end of this calendar year.
一旦交易結束,Sabby Gill將成爲IRIS全球執行團隊中的一員。此交易受慣例結束條件約束,預計將在本日曆年年底前完成。
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About IRIS Software Group
Founded in 1978, IRIS Software Group is a global provider of mission critical, cloud-hosted software solutions and services to more than 100,000 customers across 135 countries. IRIS is a trusted partner to businesses, finance, HR and payroll teams, educational organisations, and accountancy firms of all sizes, providing innovative operational solutions that streamline complex processes, maintain compliance, and unlock growth. Through simplifying, automating and providing insights on everyday mission critical tasks for organisations of all shapes and sizes, IRIS ensures customers can look forward with certainty and confidence. IRIS is certified as a 2024 Great Place to Work in the UK, Ireland, India, Romania, Canada and the USA. Follow IRIS on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. More information on its award-winning software solutions can be found here.
成立於1978年,IRIS軟件集團是一家全球提供關鍵任務的雲託管軟件解決方案和服務的供應商,服務於超過135個國家的10萬多客戶。 IRIS是企業、金融、人力資源和工資團隊、教育機構以及各種規模會計公司的值得信賴的合作伙伴,提供創新的運營解決方案,簡化複雜流程,保持合規性,釋放增長潛力。 通過簡化、自動化並提供關於各種規模組織的日常關鍵任務的見解,IRIS確保客戶可以充滿信心和確定地展望未來。 IRIS是2024年偉大工作場所認證機構,在英國、愛爾蘭、印度、羅馬尼亞、加拿大和美國。在Facebook、Twitter、Instagram和LinkedIn上關注IRIS。關於其屢獲殊榮的軟件解決方案的更多信息,請點擊此處了解。
About Dext
Dext is the leading provider of bookkeeping automation, empowering businesses, accountants, and bookkeepers to thrive through innovative technology that simplifies accounting processes and drives smarter, more timely financial decisions. With financial data extraction accuracy of 99.5%, Dext has been trained on over 1 billion receipts and invoices.
Dext是領先的記賬自動化提供商,通過簡化會計流程和推動更明智、更及時的財務決策的創新技術,賦予企業、會計師和簿記員蓬勃發展的力量。憑藉99.5%的財務數據提取準確率, Dext已經在超過10億份收據和發票上訓練過。
Trusted by 12,000 accounting and bookkeeping firms and 700,00 businesses, Dext seamlessly integrates with most major accounting software and connects to over 11,500 banks, suppliers, and marketplaces worldwide. To date, the company has saved bookkeepers more than 35 million hours of manual data entry. As the global leader in bookkeeping automation, Dext maximizes efficiency and boosts productivity, liberating its customers to focus on what truly maters to them.
Dext受到12,000個會計和簿記公司以及70萬家企業的信賴,Dext與大多數主要會計軟件無縫集成,並連接全球超過11,500家銀行、供應商和市場。迄今爲止,該公司已經爲簿記員節省了3500萬個小時的手動數據錄入。作爲記賬自動化的全球領導者,Dext 實現了效率的最大化,提升了生產力,使客戶可以將注意力集中在真正重要的事情上。
Dext was awarded the 2024 Xero Small Business App of the Year in both the UK and the US, plus Best Accounting and Pre-Accounting Specialists 2023 at the Worldwide Finance Awards 2023.
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SOURCE IRIS Software Group