Red Violet Has Declared A Special Cash Dividend On Red Violet Common Stock Of $0.30 Per Share
Red Violet Has Declared A Special Cash Dividend On Red Violet Common Stock Of $0.30 Per Share
Red Violet, Inc. (NASDAQ:RDVT), a leading analytics and information solutions provider, announced today that its Board of Directors has declared a special cash dividend on red violet common stock of $0.30 per share, payable on or about February 14, 2025, to shareholders of record as of the close of business on January 31, 2025. The aggregate amount of payment to be made in connection with this special dividend will be approximately $4.2 million.
红紫公司(纳斯达克股票代码:RDVT)是一家领先的分析和信息解决方案提供商,今天宣布董事会已宣布向持有red violet普通股的股东发放特别现金股息,每股0.30美元,将于2025年2月14日左右支付,截至2025年1月31日收市,股东名册上的股东。与此特别股息相关的付款总金额将约为420万美元。
The special dividend reflects the strong operational performance and financial resilience of red violet. The company's ability to generate significant cash flow has enabled it to fund ongoing investments in innovation, infrastructure, and market expansion while simultaneously enhancing shareholder returns through disciplined capital allocation strategies, including consistent share buybacks. Notwithstanding the continued investment and consistent share buybacks, the company continues to build its cash position on the balance sheet to record levels.
这一特别股息反映了red violet强劲的运营表现和财务韧性。该公司生成重要现金流的能力使其能够继续投资于创新、制造行业和市场扩张,同时通过纪律性的资本配置战略,包括持续的股份回购,提高股东回报。尽管持续投资和持续的股份回购,公司继续在资产负债表上建立现金头寸至创纪录水平。