Cropmate Debuts On ACE Market With 22.5% Premium
Cropmate Debuts On ACE Market With 22.5% Premium

$CROPMATE BERHAD (03331.MY)$ is listed today on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities with the shares price opening at RM0.245 per share, representing a 22.5% premium over its IPO price of RM0.20. It is listed under the stock name "CRPMATE" with the stock code "0331".
$CROPMATE BERHAD (03331.MY)$ 今天在馬來西亞證券交易所的ACE市場上市,股價開盤爲每股RM0.245,比IPO價格RM0.20高出22.5%。以股票名稱「CRPMATE」和股票代碼「0331」上市。
Cropmate's successful IPO raised a total of RM42.0 million, which RM17.1 million will be allocated to support its business objectives; RM16.7 million will be used to fund the acquisition of strategic assets, including Factory Lots 8949 and 8950; RM3.2 million will be used for capital expenditure including upgrade of automated weighing process, setting up research & development and test laboratory as well as purchase of equipment and vehicles, and RM5.0 million has been set aside for listing expenses.