NCT Brings Renowned Yunnan Black Tea To Genting
NCT Brings Renowned Yunnan Black Tea To Genting

NCT Group of Companies has partnered with the China Fengqing Dianhong Tea Industry Alliance to establish its Southeast Asia Headquarters at the Wyndham Ion Majestic Hotel in Genting Highlands. This represents a significant step in introducing Dianhong, Yunnan's renowned black tea, to the Southeast Asian market.
The China Fengqing Dianhong Tea Industry Alliance to expected to commence its operations in Genting Highlands by the first
quarter of 2025. However, its kiosk has already been operational since November, marking the initial presence of the alliance in the area.
2025 年季度。但是,其售貨亭自11月以來已經投入運營,這標誌着該聯盟在該地區的首次存在。
Dato' Sri Yap Ngan Choy, Founder and Group Managing Director of NCT Group, said: "This collaboration is a proud milestone for NCT as we continue to position Malaysia as a premier destination for cultural tourism. Dianhong tea embodies centuries of craftsmanship, and by integrating its legacy with Malaysia's hospitality and tourism appeal, we are creating unique opportunities to connect tradition with global audiences. Wyndham Ion Majestic Hotel in Genting Highlands offers the perfect stage for this endeavour, further elevating its status as a world-class destination."
ncT集團創始人兼集團董事總經理拿督斯里葉顏彩表示:「隨着我們繼續將馬來西亞定位爲文化旅遊的首選目的地,此次合作對NcT來說是一個值得驕傲的里程碑。澱紅茶體現了數百年的精湛工藝,通過將其傳統與馬來西亞的酒店和旅遊吸引力相結合,我們正在創造獨特的機會,將傳統與全球受衆聯繫起來。雲頂高原的溫德姆 Ion Majestic 酒店爲這一舉措提供了完美的舞臺,進一步提升了其作爲世界級目的地的地位。」
The establishment of the Southeast Asia Headquarters coincides with the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia.