
亚威股份(002559.SZ):拟推2024年员工持股计划 设立规模不超356.6万元

Jiangsu Yawei Machine Tool (002559.SZ): plans to launch an employee stock ownership plan in 2024, with a total scale not exceeding 3.566 million yuan.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 6, 2024 19:31

Yawei Machine Tool (002559.SZ) announced the employee stock ownership plan (draft) for 2024 on December 6th, with the funding source of this plan being the reward fund provided by the company. The establishment scale of this plan does not exceed 3.565996 million yuan.

Based on the closing price of 10.25 yuan per share on December 6, 2024, the approximate number of target stocks that can be held in this employee stock ownership plan is 347,902.00 shares, accounting for 0.06% of the total share capital of the company. The final purchase status of the target stocks is currently uncertain, and the actual number of shares held will depend on the actual execution.

The participants of the employee stock ownership plan are mainly focused on senior management and core management personnel who have strategic value to the company and have a significant impact on the company's business performance and medium- to long-term development.

This plan will have a long-term existence, starting from the completion of the last purchase of target stocks announced by the company until all the target stocks under this plan are sold or transferred to the holder or the holder's heir personal securities account.

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