Ternium Announces Brazilian Superior Court Rejects Motion To Reverse Ruling Ordering T/T Group To Pay CSN Indemnification Related To 2012 Usiminas Acquisition, Lowers Potential Liability To $307M For Ternium Investments And $109M For Ternium...
Ternium Announces Brazilian Superior Court Rejects Motion To Reverse Ruling Ordering T/T Group To Pay CSN Indemnification Related To 2012 Usiminas Acquisition, Lowers Potential Liability To $307M For Ternium Investments And $109M For Ternium...
Ternium Announces Brazilian Superior Court Rejects Motion To Reverse Ruling Ordering T/T Group To Pay CSN Indemnification Related To 2012 Usiminas Acquisition, Lowers Potential Liability To $307M For Ternium Investments And $109M For Ternium Argentina; Ternium Maintains Claims Are Without Merit And Will Continue To Vigorously Defend Against SCJ Decisions
Ternium S.A. (NYSE:TX) announced that the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (SCJ) published today its unanimous decision to reject a motion of clarification filed by Ternium's subsidiaries Ternium Investments and Ternium Argentina, together with Tenaris's subsidiary Confab (all of which compose the T/T Group under the Usiminas shareholders agreement), that had sought to revert the June 18, 2024 SCJ decision ordering the T/T Group to pay Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, or CSN, an indemnification in connection with their 2012 acquisition of a participation in Usiminas.
特爾尼翁S.A.(紐交所代碼:TX)宣佈,巴西最高司法法院(SCJ)今天公佈了其一致決定,駁回特爾尼翁的子公司特爾尼翁投資和特爾尼翁阿根廷以及泰納瑞斯的子公司Confab(它們構成了Usiminas股東協議下的T/t集團)提出的澄清動議,該動議旨在推翻2024年6月18日SCJ裁定,要求T/t集團向國家鋼鐵公司(Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional,簡稱CSN)支付與他們在2012年收購Usiminas股份相關的賠償。
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the SCJ unanimously resolved to modify the applicable monetary adjustment mechanism and to cap the applicable attorney's fees, thereby lowering the aggregate amount that would be payable by the T/T Group if CSN ultimately prevails in its claims. Assuming monetary adjustment through November 30, 2024, and BRL5 million in attorney's fees, in each case as determined pursuant to the SCJ decision published today, the revised aggregate amount potentially payable by Ternium Investments and Ternium Argentina would be of approximately BRL1.9 billion (approximately $307 million) and BRL0.7 billion (approximately $109 million), respectively.
Ternium continues to believe that all of CSN's claims and allegations are unsupported and without merit, and that in connection with the Usiminas acquisition the T/T Group was not required either to launch a tender offer or to pay indemnification to CSN. Accordingly, Ternium Investments and Ternium Argentina intend to continue to defend their rights vigorously and to file all available motions and appeals against the SCJ decisions that ordered an indemnification payment.