This Cannabis REIT Offers 13%+ Yield, Safer Returns Than Fed-Backed Bonds
This Cannabis REIT Offers 13%+ Yield, Safer Returns Than Fed-Backed Bonds
Chicago Atlantic REFI (NASDAQ:REFI) stands out in the cannabis finance sector, receiving an "Overweight" rating from senior analyst Pablo Zuanic at Zuanic & Associates. With a near 14% dividend yield, REFI offers an attractive, less volatile way to gain exposure to the cannabis market.
芝加哥亞特蘭大房地產業(納斯達克:REFI)在大麻融資領域中脫穎而出,獲得了Zuanic & Associates的高級分析師Pablo Zuanic的「增持」評級。REFI的股息收益率接近14%,爲投資者提供了一種更具吸引力且波動性較小的方式,以接觸大麻市場。
The company's loan portfolio boasts a yield to maturity (YTM) of over 18%, indicating the potential average annual return from its loans if held until repayment. Furthermore, with 4.6% of loans in non-accrual status—meaning borrowers have stopped making payments—REFI demonstrates robust risk management.
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