TransMedics Says On Dec 5, Co Acquired A Fixed-Wing Aircraft From A-JETS CZ, A.s. For About $13.9M
TransMedics Says On Dec 5, Co Acquired A Fixed-Wing Aircraft From A-JETS CZ, A.s. For About $13.9M
Subsequently, on December 5, 2024, the Buyer acquired a fixed-wing aircraft from A-JETS CZ, a.s. for a purchase price of approximately $13.9 million (together with the Prior Acquisitions, the "Acquisitions"). The Company intends to use each of the 19 aircraft it has acquired to date to transport donor organs as part of the services offered under the Company's National OCS Program, and for purposes of this Current Report on Form 8-K the Company considers the Acquisitions to be a series of related transactions with respect to the acquisition of a fleet of aircraft for use in the Company's National OCS Program.
隨後,在2024年12月5日,買方從A-JETS CZ, a.s.購置了一架固定翼飛機,購買價格約爲1390萬美元(連同之前的收購,統稱爲「收購」)。公司打算利用迄今爲止所購置的19架飛機運輸捐贈器官,作爲公司國家OCS計劃所提供的服務的一部分,並且在本8-K報告中,公司認爲這些收購是與收購一支用於公司國家OCS計劃的飛機隊相關的一系列交易。