ClearSign Technologies Corporation and Zeeco, Inc. Announce Launch of Co-Branded ClearSign Core Process Burner Product Line
ClearSign Technologies Corporation and Zeeco, Inc. Announce Launch of Co-Branded ClearSign Core Process Burner Product Line
Companies Collaborating on Global Sales and Marketing
TULSA, Okla., Dec. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ClearSign Technologies Corporation (Nasdaq: CLIR) ("ClearSign"), an emerging leader in industrial combustion and sensing technologies, announces the expansion of its collaboration with Zeeco, Inc. ("Zeeco," and together with ClearSign, the "Companies"), the world leader in advanced combustion solutions, to launch a co-branded process burner line that significantly reduces industrial process emissions. The new line of burners featuring ClearSign Core technology can fire 100% natural gas and 100% hydrogen while maintaining sub 5 ppm NOx to comply with strict emissions regulations.
俄克拉荷馬州塔爾薩,2024年12月10日 /PRNewswire/ -- ClearSign科技公司(納斯達克:CLIR)("ClearSign"),作爲工業燃燒和傳感技術的嶄露頭角的領導者,宣佈與全球先進燃燒解決方案領導者Zeeco, Inc.("Zeeco",與ClearSign共同稱爲"公司")擴大合作,推出共品牌的工藝燃燒器系列,該系列顯著減少工業工藝排放。新系列燃燒器採用ClearSign核心技術,可以使用100%天然氣和100%氫氣,同時保持低於5 ppm的NOx,以符合嚴格的排放法規。
"This is an exciting development in our ongoing relationship with Zeeco," said Jim Deller, Ph.D., Chief Executive Office of ClearSign. "Zeeco has been an incredible partner since we first formed our collaborative alliance in 2020."
Under the existing collaborative alliance, Zeeco has supported ClearSign by offering the use of its Global Technology Center in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, for research and development, testing, and manufacturing purposes. Through this collaboration, ClearSign and Zeeco have validated the performance of ClearSign's unique burner technology under real-world process conditions and achieved industry acceptance.
"I believe this development in our relationship creates the structure and alignment necessary to accelerate the adoption of this technology in the global market," said Dr. Deller. "I want to extend my appreciation for the vision and the confidence placed in us by Darton Zink, Zeeco's President and Chief Executive Officer, and his team."
德勒博士表示:「我相信這種關係的發展爲加速技術在全球市場的應用創造了必要的結構和一致性。我想對Darton Zink,Zeeco的總裁兼首席執行官,以及他的團隊所給予我們的願景和信任表示感謝。」
With this development in the collaboration, both Zeeco and ClearSign sales teams will begin marketing and selling the rebranded ZEECO-ClearSign process burner product lines. ClearSign's technology will add additional emission control capabilities to the Zeeco portfolio, and Zeeco will provide a significant expansion in ClearSign's market presence and reputation, sales resources, and manufacturing capabilities.
"Zeeco has always looked to develop innovative solutions for global customers that move our industry forward, and this collaboration with ClearSign is an extension of that," said Darton Zink, President and Chief Executive Officer of Zeeco. "Offering our resources, infrastructure, and manufacturing capabilities to support the development of this burner technology was a strategic decision to bring these solutions to market through Zeeco's global presence and industry expertise."
"Zeeco始終致力於爲全球客戶開發創新解決方案,以推動我們行業的發展,這與ClearSign的合作是這種理念的延伸," Zeeco的總裁兼首席執行官Darton Zink說。"提供我們的資源、基礎設施和製造能力來支持這一燃燒器技術的開發是一個戰略性決定,以通過Zeeco的全球影響力和行業專業知識將這些解決方案推向市場。"
About ClearSign Technologies Corporation
ClearSign Technologies Corporation designs and develops products and technologies for the purpose of decarbonization and improving key performance characteristics of industrial and commercial systems, including operational performance, energy efficiency, emission reduction, safety, the use of hydrogen as a fuel and overall cost-effectiveness. Our patented technologies, embedded in established OEM products as ClearSign Core and ClearSign Eye and other sensing configurations, enhance the performance of combustion systems and fuel safety systems in a broad range of markets, including the energy (upstream oil production and down-stream refining), commercial/industrial boiler, chemical, petrochemical, transport and power industries. For more information, please visit .
ClearSign技術公司設計和開發產品及技術,旨在實現脫碳和提高工業與商業系統的關鍵性能特徵,包括操作性能、能源效率、減排、安全、氫作爲燃料的使用以及整體成本效益。我們專利技術嵌入在成熟的OEM產品中,如ClearSign Core和ClearSign Eye及其他傳感配置,提升了燃燒系統和燃料安全系統在廣泛市場中的性能,包括能源(上游石油生產和下游煉油)、商業/工業鍋爐、化工、石化、運輸和電力行業。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。
About Zeeco
Founded in 1979, Zeeco has steadily become the world leader in designing and manufacturing advanced combustion and environmental solutions. Headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, Zeeco is a privately held business with more than 2,500 employees and 30+ global locations. The company executes 10,000+ projects each year for refining, production, petrochemical, LNG, power, pharmaceutical, biogas, and other industries. ZEECO products and solutions include ultra-low-NOx burners, flare systems, thermal oxidizers, vapor control, rentals, aftermarket solutions, global field services, and combustion electronics. Zeeco's comprehensive offering helps customers reduce emissions, optimize processes, and maximize operating efficiency while meeting global environmental compliance requirements. Zeeco also operates the world's largest combustion research and test facility and a manufacturing facility on a 250-acre campus at its Global Technology Center in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, USA. Learn more at .
Cautionary note on forward-looking statements
All statements in this press release that are not based on historical fact are "forward-looking statements." You can find many (but not all) of these statements by looking for words such as "approximates," "believes," "hopes," "expects," "anticipates," "estimates," "projects," "intends," "plans," "would," "should," "could," "may," "will" or other similar expressions. While management has based any forward-looking statements included in this press release on its current expectations on each of the Companies' strategy, plans, intentions, performance, or future occurrences or results, the information on which such expectations were based may change. These forward-looking statements rely on a number of assumptions concerning future events and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside of the Companies control, which could cause actual results to materially differ from such statements. Such risks, uncertainties and other factors include, but are not limited to: ClearSign's ability to successfully deliver, install, and meet the performance obligations of ClearSign's products ; the Companies' ability to successfully commercialize and market the ZEECO-ClearSign co-branded process burners; Zeeco's ability to expand ClearSign's market presence and reputation, sales resources and manufacturing capabilities; ClearSign's ability to further expand into other geographic markets; ClearSign's ability to further expand the sale of ultra-low NOx process burners;; general business and economic conditions; the performance of ClearSign's management and ClearSign's employees; ClearSign's ability to obtain financing, when needed; ClearSign's ability to compete with competitors; whether ClearSign's technology will be accepted and adopted and other factors identified in ClearSign's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and available at and other factors that are detailed in ClearSign's periodic and current reports available for review at Furthermore, each of the Companies operate in a competitive environment where new and unanticipated risks may arise. Accordingly, investors should not place any reliance on forward-looking statements as a prediction of actual results. Each of the Companies disclaims any intention to, and, except as may be required by law, undertakes no obligation to, update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that subsequently occur or of which either of the Companies hereafter become aware.
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SOURCE ClearSign Technologies Corporation
來源 ClearSign Technologies Corporation