The Scholastic 2024 Philanthropic Impact Report Shares Efforts to Promote Book Access for Every Child
The Scholastic 2024 Philanthropic Impact Report Shares Efforts to Promote Book Access for Every Child
Scholastic and its partners, through their joint missions, reached more than 30 million children and 350,000 teachers by distributing books within their nonprofit networks
NEW YORK, Dec. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Scholastic, the global children's publishing, education and media company, released its third annual Philanthropic Impact Report, featuring inspiring stories of its long-standing initiatives and partnerships to improve global literacy and book access for all children.
纽约,2024年12月10日 /PRNewswire/ -- 今天,Scholastic,这家全球儿童出版、教育和媒体公司,发布了其第三年度慈善影响报告,介绍了其长期倡议和合作伙伴关系的鼓舞人心的故事,以改善全球儿童的阅读能力和图书获取。
To learn more about the Scholastic Philanthropic Impact Report, visit: .
如需了解更多关于Scholastic慈善影响报告的信息,请访问: .
"At Scholastic, we recognize the transformative power of working with partners to put our aligned missions into action," said Judy Newman, Scholastic Chief Impact Officer. "Guided by research, we and our partners are dedicated to getting students, families, educators, and communities the much-needed resources they need, and creating the irresistible experiences that encourage a life-long love of reading for every child."
"在Scholastic,我们认识到与合作伙伴合作,将我们的共同使命付诸行动的变革力量," Schola的首席影响官Judy Newman说。"在研究的指导下,我们和我们的合作伙伴致力于为学生、家庭、教育工作者和社区提供急需的资源,并创造那些让每个孩子都能培养终身阅读热爱的不可抗拒的体验。"
The Scholastic 2024 Philanthropic Impact Report illustrates the Company's work with partners to develop innovative educational programs and initiatives that are essential factors in the learning and success of all children. With millions of books distributed and hundreds of millions raised by schools in the form of cash and Scholastic dollars, the work is far-reaching to remove barriers to literacy with partners such as the Scripps Howard Foundation, Book Trust, Governor's Early Literacy Foundation, Reach Out and Read, Save the Children, and many more this past school year.
Scholastic 2024慈善影响报告展示了公司与合作伙伴合作开发创新教育项目和倡议的工作,这些都是所有儿童学习和成功的重要因素。通过分发数百万本图书,以及学校以现金和Scholastic币的形式筹集数亿资金,与Scripps Howard基金会、Book Trust、州长早期识字基金会、Reach Out and Read、救助儿童会等合作伙伴的工作,广泛消除了识字的障碍,尤其是在过去的学年。
"Since 2016, the Scripps Howard Fund has provided 1.5 million books to some of the nation's most vulnerable children," shared Meredith Delaney, President and CEO of the Scripps Howard Fund. "Through our collaboration with Scholastic, we not only give children access to books, but also the freedom to choose the ones that captivate them, resonate with their experiences, and open doors to new worlds."
"自2016年以来,Scripps Howard基金已向全国一些最弱势的儿童提供了150万本书," Scripps Howard基金的总裁兼首席执行官Meredith Delaney分享道。"通过与Scholastic的合作,我们不仅让儿童能够接触图书,还让他们拥有选择那些吸引他们、与他们的经历产生共鸣并打开新世界的书籍的自由。"
The Scholastic Kids & Family Reading Report underscores the key role schools play in increasing children's access to books. According to the research, 54% of children get the books they read for fun from school or classroom libraries, school book fairs, and order forms sent home by their teacher.
Scholastic 儿童与家庭阅读报告 强调了学校在增加儿童获取书籍方面的关键作用。根据研究,54%的儿童从学校或课堂图书馆、学校书展以及老师寄回家的订单中获得他们阅读的娱乐书籍。
SOURCE Scholastic Inc