
Workday Unveils New Illuminate Capabilities for Peakon Employee Voice to Unlock Deeper and Faster Employee Insights With AI

Workday Unveils New Illuminate Capabilities for Peakon Employee Voice to Unlock Deeper and Faster Employee Insights With AI

PR Newswire ·  2024/12/11 15:03

AI Advances Will Help People Managers Retain Top Talent, Build Stronger Employee Engagement and Drive Organizational Success Around the World


AMSTERDAM, Dec. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Workday Rising EMEA – Workday, Inc. (NASDAQ: WDAY), a leading provider of solutions to help organizations manage their people and money, today unveiled new Illuminate capabilities in Workday Peakon Employee Voice. New AI features will help today's overburdened managers by analyzing large volumes of employee feedback and delivering the insights and recommendations they need to make important decisions that help them retain top talent and build highly engaged, loyal teams.

阿姆斯特丹,2024年12月11日 /PRNewswire/ -- Workday Rising 歐洲、中東、非洲 – Workday, Inc. (納斯達克:WDAY),一家領先的解決方案提供商,幫助組織管理他們的 人員資金,今天推出了新的 照亮Workday Peakon 員工聲音。新的人工智能功能將通過分析大量員工反饋,幫助當今負擔沉重的管理者,並提供他們需要的重要決策的洞察和建議,以幫助他們留住頂尖人才並建立高度參與和忠誠的團隊。

Understanding what employees want and supporting them effectively is critical as organizations compete to retain their highest performing employees and attract top talent. Managers are pivotal here because they play a central role in building strong employee engagement and loyalty. However, as Workday data reveals, many managers are themselves at high risk of burnout. The latest innovations in Workday Peakon Employee Voice reduce the time it takes for managers to surface deep, valuable insights from across the entire workforce. When coupled with personalized recommended actions, the employee listening solution makes it easier than ever for stretched managers to elevate their people and drive organizational success.

了解員工的需求並有效支持他們在組織競爭中留住他們的 最高績效員工 並吸引頂尖人才。管理者在這裏至關重要,因爲 他們扮演着核心角色 在建立強大的員工參與和忠誠度方面。然而, 正如Workday數據所揭示的許多管理者自身也面臨高風險的倦怠。最新的Workday Peakon員工聲音創新減少了管理者從整個員工隊伍中獲取深刻、有價值見解所需的時間。當與個性化推薦的行動結合時,這一員工傾聽解決方案使得忙碌的管理者比以往任何時候都更容易提升他們的團隊並推動組織成功。

The new innovations in Workday Peakon Employee Voice include:

Workday Peakon員工聲音的新創新包括:

  • Generative AI-Powered Content Summaries: New AI generated content summaries surface and pinpoint key themes and emerging issues from a vast volume of employee feedback across 60+ languages. This enables rapid, informed decision-making so organizations can address global employee concerns, such as workload or burnout – before they fully manifest – fostering a more engaged and productive workforce.
  • On-Demand Comment Summaries: On-demand functionality provides targeted analysis of employee feedback by specific department, location or engagement score. For example, it can be used to quickly uncover how employees across marketing, or located in the Madrid office, are feeling. This helps organizations make specific improvements and boost engagement where it is needed most.
  • Rules-Based Questions in Moments That Matter: Rules-Based Questions enable leaders to deliver tailored survey questions to employees at any chosen, pivotal moment in the employee lifecycle, such as onboarding and exiting. This generates valuable data-driven information to help managers improve the end-to-end employee experience.
  • 生成式人工智能驅動的內容摘要:新的人工智能生成內容摘要揭示並指出來自60多種語言的大量員工反饋中的關鍵主題和新興問題。這使得快速、知情的決策成爲可能,組織能夠在全球範圍內解決員工關注的問題,如工作負擔或倦怠——在這些問題完全顯現之前,從而促進一個更具參與感和生產力的員工隊伍。
  • 按需評論摘要:按需功能提供針對特定部門、地點或參與評分的員工反饋的針對性分析。例如,它可以用來快速發現位於馬德里辦公室的營銷部門員工的感受。這幫助組織在最需要的地方進行具體改進並提升參與度。
  • 關鍵時刻的規則基礎問題:基於規則的問題允許領導者在員工生命週期中的任何關鍵時刻(如入職和離職)向員工提供量身定製的調查問題。這產生了有價值的數據驅動信息,幫助管理者改善整體員工體驗。

"In the current business landscape, attracting, retaining and engaging top talent is more critical than ever," said Anne-Sofie Nielsen, Vice President, Product and Engineering, Workday. "Workday Peakon Employee Voice with these new Illuminate capabilities give organizations – and specifically people managers – the insights and tools they need to foster exceptional employee experiences, build a thriving workforce and achieve greater organizational success."

"在當前的商業環境中,吸引、留住和激勵頂尖人才比以往任何時候都更加關鍵," Workday產品與工程副總裁Anne-Sofie Nielsen說道。"Workday Peakon員工聲音與這些新的Illuminate功能爲組織,特別是人員管理者提供了他們需要的見解和工具,以培養卓越的員工體驗,建立一個蓬勃發展的員工隊伍並實現更大的組織成功。"

These new Illuminate capabilities in Workday Peakon Employee Voice are powered by more than one billion aggregated employee responses and an additional 200 million pieces of written employee feedback from across 160 countries. This dataset – one of the largest and most powerful employee sentiment datasets in the world – also gives Workday access to the industry's deepest insights into global workforce trends, allowing it to uncover critical findings to help shape the future of work. For example, Workday revealed earlier this year that on average, 27% of employees within an organization are at high risk of burnout. It also found that workers who believe they are doing meaningful work feel 37% more accomplished than those who don't – even when facing challenging workloads.

Workday Peakon員工聲音中的這些新Illuminate功能是由超過十億條彙總的員工反饋和來自160個國家的額外20000萬條書面員工反饋驅動的。這個數據集是全球最大的、最強大的員工情感數據集之一,也使Workday能夠訪問行業中關於全球勞動力趨勢的最深刻見解,從而 uncover 關鍵發現,幫助塑造未來的工作。舉例來說,Workday今年早些時候透露,組織內的員工平均有27%處於 高風險的倦怠狀態。它還發現,認爲自己正在做有意義工作的員工 感到比那些做不到的人高37%的成就 ,即使在面臨挑戰性工作量的情況下。

Elevating the Employee Experience Everywhere
Workday Peakon Employee Voice gives employees a platform to confidentially share their experiences, expectations and feelings about work. With accurate comparisons, consistent benchmarking powered by True Benchmark, and robust, real-time analytics, it has helped customers like EQ and BDR Thermea Group turn insights into action and drive higher engagement.

提升員工體驗 無處不在
Workday Peakon員工聲音爲員工提供了一個平台,能夠匿名分享他們的工作經驗、期望和感受。通過準確的比較和一致的基準,得益於 真實基準並且通過強大實時分析,它幫助了像這樣的客戶 EQBDR Thermea Group 將見解轉化爲行動,並推動更高的參與度。

"Workday Peakon Employee Voice is a key part of our people strategy, enabling us to directly address the continuous challenges we face in the evolving world of work," said Andrew Stephenson, chief people officer, EQ. "By understanding the views of our people and being able to take ideas and suggestions from them frequently, we are able to take timely actions to create a truly empowered, engaged workforce around the globe."

「Workday Peakon員工聲音是我們人力資源策略的關鍵部分,使我們能夠直接應對在不斷變化的工作世界中面臨的持續挑戰,」 EQ的首席人力官安德魯·斯蒂芬森說道。「通過了解員工的觀點,並能夠頻繁地採納他們的想法和建議,我們能夠及時採取行動,真正創造一個全球範圍內賦權、參與的勞動力。」

"In today's challenging business environment, staying close to our employees is key to success, and Workday Peakon Employee Voice gives us instant feedback on what we can improve," said Anton Ketelaars, global HR leader, processes & solutions, BDR Thermea Group. "In the past, survey results arrived months later, when it was often too late. Now, we're truly listening. We have a real-time pulse on our team's needs and a deeper understanding of how to support our global workforce than ever before."

「在當今充滿挑戰的商業環境中,緊密關注我們的員工是成功的關鍵,而Workday Peakon員工聲音爲我們提供了即時反饋,幫助我們了解可以改進的地方,」 BDR Thermea Group的全球人力資源領導者安東·凱特拉斯說道。「過去,調查結果往往在幾個月後才會到來,通常已經爲時已晚。現在,我們真正傾聽。我們對團隊的需求有了實時的脈搏,更深入地理解如何支持我們全球的員工。」

With employees as its number one core value, Workday uses Workday Peakon Employee Voice to garner insights from its more than 20,000 workmates. This feedback has helped inform and shape Workday's own strategy – leading, for example, to the introduction of a Work From Almost Anywhere benefit and a subsequent rise in flexibility scores. Additionally, employee feedback on the topic of growth led to a renewed focus among leaders and individualized action plans, which helped Workday achieve a 35% increase in the number of employees who said they were satisfied with their growth and career path.

作爲其首要核心價值的Workday使用Workday Peakon員工聲音收集來自20000多名員工的見解。這些反饋幫助指導和塑造了Workday自身的策略——例如,導致了一個新的 幾乎可以在任何地方工作 這種靈活性的提升和隨之而來的靈活性評分增加。此外,員工對成長主題的反饋使領導者重新關注並制定了個性化的行動計劃,這幫助Workday實現了35%的員工表示對其成長和職業道路感到滿意的提升。

Generative AI-Powered Comment Summaries, On-Demand Comment Summaries and Rules Based Questions in Moments That Matter will be available to Workday Peakon Employee Voice customers in the first half of 2025.

基於生成的人工智能的評論摘要、按需評論摘要和基於規則的問題將在重要時刻提供給Workday Peakon員工聲音客戶,並將在2025年上半年推出。

For More Information


  • Learn about Workday's strong momentum in EMEA.
  • Read about Workday Illuminate – the next generation of Workday AI.
  • Become an enterprise AI expert with Workday AI Masterclass.
  • 了解Workday在歐洲、中東、非洲的強勁勢頭。
  • 閱讀有關 Workday Illuminate – 下一代Workday人工智能。
  • 通過Workday AI大師班成爲企業級AI專家 參加 Workday AI大師班.

About Workday
Workday is a leading enterprise platform that helps organizations manage their most important assets – their people and money. The Workday platform is built with AI at the core to help customers elevate people, supercharge work, and move their business forever forward. Workday is used by more than 10,500 organizations around the world and across industries – from medium-sized businesses to more than 60% of the Fortune 500. For more information about Workday, visit

Workday 是一個領先的企業平台,幫助組織管理其最重要的資產 – 他們的 人員資金Workday平台的核心是人工智能,旨在幫助客戶提升員工、增強工作效率,並推動業務不斷向前發展。Workday已被全球超過10,500個組織和行業使用——從中型企業到超過60%的財富500強公司。有關Workday的更多信息,請訪問

Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements including, among other things, statements regarding Workday's plans, beliefs, and expectations. These forward-looking statements are based only on currently available information and our current beliefs, expectations, and assumptions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. If the risks materialize, assumptions prove incorrect, or we experience unexpected changes in circumstances, actual results could differ materially from the results implied by these forward-looking statements, and therefore you should not rely on any forward-looking statements. Risks include, but are not limited to, risks described in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including our most recent report on Form 10-Q or Form 10-K and other reports that we have filed and will file with the SEC from time to time, which could cause actual results to vary from expectations. Workday assumes no obligation to, and does not currently intend to, update any such forward-looking statements after the date of this release, except as required by law.


Any unreleased services, features, or functions referenced in this document, our website, or other press releases or public statements that are not currently available are subject to change at Workday's discretion and may not be delivered as planned or at all. Customers who purchase Workday services should make their purchase decisions based upon services, features, and functions that are currently available.


SOURCE Workday Inc.





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