
MainStreet Bank Brightens Holidays by Empowering Students to Succeed

MainStreet Bank Brightens Holidays by Empowering Students to Succeed

PR Newswire ·  2024/12/11 23:30

Employee-directed Giving Program, Making Change, Lends a Helping Hand to Local Schools


FAIRFAX, Va., Dec. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- This holiday season, MainStreet Bancshares, Inc. (Nasdaq: MNSB & MNSBP), the financial holding company for MainStreet Bank, is investing in the future of our community by giving a boost to local schools, scholarships, and education programs. Through corporate giving and employee engagement, the bank is making a difference for learners of all ages.

弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯,2024年12月11日 / PRNewswire / -- 在这个假日季节,MainStreet Bancshares, Inc. (纳斯达克: MNSb & MNSBP),MainStreet Bank的金融控股公司,正在通过资助本地学校、奖学金和教育项目来投资我们社区的未来。通过企业捐赠和员工参与,银行正在为各个年龄段的学习者带来改变。

AN A+ EFFORT: MainStreet Bank employees surprised Fairfax High School students with a $7,500 donation to support their financial literacy project at an international competition. The funds were donated through the Fairfax, Virginia-based bank's employee-directed giving program, which empowers staff to support causes they believe in.
A+的努力:MainStreet Bank的员工为费尔法克斯高中的学生赠送了7500美元的捐款,以支持他们在国际比赛中的金融素养项目。这笔资金是通过这家总部位于弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯的银行的员工主导捐赠计划捐赠的,该计划使员工能够支持他们所信仰的事业。
MAKING THE GRADE: MainStreet Bank employees donated 110 backpacks to Fairfax County, Virginia, students in need, partnering with local nonprofit Cornerstones to make a difference in the community.
升级:MainStreet Bank的员工向弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯县的有需要学生捐赠了110个背包,与当地非营利组织Cornerstones合作,为社区带来改变。
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