Trimble Unveils 2025 Carrier and Shipper Findings in Transportation Pulse Report
Trimble Unveils 2025 Carrier and Shipper Findings in Transportation Pulse Report
Digitization, cost control and market expansion are among the top priorities for European and North American transportation industry
WESTMINSTER, Colo., Dec. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Trimble (Nasdaq: TRMB) has announced the release of the annual Transportation Pulse Report by Transporeon, a Trimble Company, which unveils key developments that will shape the transportation and logistics sector in 2025. Members of Indago's supply chain research community and more than 100 European and North American supply chain and logistics executives from Transporeon's shipper and carrier customers were surveyed for the report.
科罗拉多州威斯敏斯特,2024年12月12日 / 美通社 / -- 天宝导航公司(纳斯达克:TRMB)宣布发布Transporeon公司出具的年度《运输脉搏报告》,该报告揭示了将在2025年影响运输和物流板块的关键发展。 Indago的供应链研究社区 以及来自Transporeon的发货人和承运人客户的100多名欧洲和北美供应链及物流执行官也参与了这项调查。
Cautious Optimism for 2025
Respondents to the survey named economic conditions (56%), geopolitical events (50%) and environmental regulations (36%) as the top three factors that will shape the industry in 2025. The struggles of the manufacturing industry in Europe and the US, global inflation, slow economic growth and regional conflicts mean that uncertainty and risk will continue to prevail.
In this context, shippers and carriers show different levels of optimism about next year's transportation market:
- Despite the conjecture, carriers and 3PLs on both sides of the Atlantic show strong optimism (75%), likely due to the increased freight demand and rates, coupled with a gradual capacity reduction.
- Shippers, however, seem less confident as the current trends forecast increased rates and tighter capacity: only 38% declare feeling optimistic about 2025.
- 尽管存在猜测,但大西洋两岸的承运人和第三方物流公司(3PL)显示出强烈的乐观情绪(75%),这可能是由于货运需求和费率的增加,加上逐渐减少的运力。
- 然而,发货人似乎信心不足,因为当前趋势预测费率将上升,运力将更加紧张:仅有38%的人表示对2025年感到乐观。
Cost Control, Market Expansion and Digitization are High Priorities
When asked about their top priorities for 2025, shippers and carriers highlight maintaining and increasing profitability:
- Cost reduction is the top priority for the majority of all respondents surveyed (61%) and is particularly significant for shippers, at 76%.
- Market expansion surpassed cost reduction for carriers/3PLs: 58% highlighted it as their key focus, likely reflecting a desire to capitalize on anticipated market condition improvements following a downturn.
- Supply chain digitization garnered 51% of the total votes, with European respondents showing a greater inclination (59%) than their U.S. counterparts (39%).
- Sustainability initiatives secure 44% of the votes, signifying their growing importance in the sector. European executives value sustainability the highest, reflecting Europe's more advanced implementation of sustainability-related regulations and emissions standards.
- 成本降低是所有受访者的首要优先事项(61%),对发货人来说尤其重要,达到76%。
- 市场扩展超越了承运人/第三方物流(3PL)所关注的成本降低:58%的人将其视为关键焦点,这可能反映出在经济下滑后,渴望利用预期市场情况改善的愿望。
- 供应链数字化获得了51%的总票数,来自欧洲的受访者显示出比美国同行更大的倾向(59%对39%)。
- 可持续发展倡议获得44%的票数,表明其在行业中的重要性日益增长。欧洲高管在可持续性方面的重视程度最高,反映了欧洲在可持续性相关法规和排放标准的实施上更为先进。
Technology Integration and Automation Levels Remain Low
When it comes to digitization, a significant gap between interest and implementation remains. A majority of respondents (54%), including both shippers and carriers, anticipate automating only 25% or less of their transportation processes by the end of 2025. Only 10% of the respondents said they expect to automate more than 75% of their transportation processes or transactions.
This suggests ample room for growth and adoption of technologies like AI, machine learning and process automation. While global respondents rank AI as the fourth biggest trend that will shape the industry in 2025, it emerges as the second biggest for carriers and 3PLs. This difference might be linked to carriers' focus on market expansion, as AI and advanced platforms can facilitate connections with a wider range of shippers and streamline freight matching processes.
"This year's survey reflects a broader concern for the global economy and geopolitics beyond transportation and logistics," said Philipp Pfister, chief customer experience officer at Transporeon. "Carriers and 3PLs especially see opportunities for technological innovation and growth, balancing optimism with caution. While digitization won't be the answer to everything, companies recognize the benefits and aim to use digital tools to control costs, better manage customer expectations and further sustainability practices."
“今年的调查反映了对全球经济和地缘政治的更广泛关注,不仅限于运输和物流,”Transporeon的首席客户体验官Philipp Pfister表示。“承运人和第三方物流(3PL)尤其看到技术创新和增长的机会,在乐观与谨慎之间取得平衡。虽然数字化并不是解决所有问题的答案,但企业认识到其益处,并旨在利用数字工具控制成本,更好地管理客户期望并推进可持续发展实践。”
For more information, the full report is available at:
About Transporeon
At Transporeon, a Trimble Company, our mission is to bring transportation in sync with the world. We power the largest global freight network of more than 1,400 shippers and retailers and more than 150,000 carriers and logistics service providers. Every day they execute more than 110,000 transports on our platform and book more than 100,000 dock-appointments for loading and unloading. In the course of one year, roughly €55bn in freight is being processed on our platform.
Our leading transportation management platform connects all actors along the supply chain. It facilitates collaboration between the different parties, helps to automate manual processes and provides valuable real-time insights. The modular Application Hubs solve specific logistics challenges and range from freight sourcing over transport execution and dock and yard management to freight audit and payment. Data hubs provide insights into logistics operations, market developments and carbon emissions, next to ensuring transparency in the supply chain through visibility. Our platform works worldwide and across all modes of transportation, empowering logistics teams to move, manage and monitor freight.
Transporeon is headquartered in Ulm, Germany, and maintains 20 offices around the globe with over 1,400 employees across 25 countries. For more information, visit:
About Trimble
Trimble is transforming the ways people move, build and live. Core technologies in positioning, modeling and data analytics connect the digital and physical worlds to improve our customers' productivity, quality, safety, transparency and sustainability. For more information about Trimble (Nasdaq: TRMB), visit: .
天宝导航公司正在改变人们的移动、建设和生活方式。定位、建模和数据分析的核心科技将数字世界与物理世界连接起来,以提高客户的生产力、质量、安全性、透明度和可持续性。有关天宝导航公司的更多信息(纳斯达克:TRMB),请访问: .
SOURCE Trimble