
瑞普生物(300119.SZ)拟斥1.04亿元收购中瑞供应链56.31%股权 完善宠物大健康航道布局

Tianjin Ringpu Bio-Technology (300119.SZ) plans to spend 0.104 billion yuan to acquire a 56.31% stake in Zhongrui Supply Chain, enhancing the layout of the pet health sector.

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 13, 2024 20:08

Tianjin Ringpu Bio-Technology (300119.SZ) announced that the company intends to acquire 0.104 billion yuan worth of shares in RuiPai...

According to Zhitong Finance APP, Tianjin Ringpu Bio-Technology (300119.SZ) announced that the company intends to acquire 56.31% equity in Tianjin Zhongrui Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Zhongrui Supply Chain" or "symbol company") held by RuiPai Pet Hospital Management Co., Ltd. (referred to as "RuiPai Pet Hospital") using self-owned or self-raised funds of 0.104 billion yuan. Upon completion of the Trade, Zhongrui Supply Chain will be included in the company's consolidated financial statements.

It is reported that the Zhongrui Supply Chain platform covers 7,000 pet hospitals (including RuiPai Pet Hospital) and 3,400 pet shops, providing domestic and overseas pet Medical Pharmaceutical products, vaccines, pet Medical Devices, Pet Food, and other medical-related products' agency and unified procurement supply for pet hospitals and pet shops. The company's acquisition of 56.31% equity in Zhongrui Supply Chain aims to further improve the company's Global Strategy in the pet health sector, deepen integration with end entities such as pet hospitals, optimize and expand the promotion channels for pet products, accelerate the company's reach to B-end and C-end customers for pet pharmaceuticals and vaccines, and enhance market share and brand awareness.

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