Top Wall Street analysts changed their outlook on these top names. For a complete view of all analyst rating changes, including upgrades and downgrades, please see our analyst ratings page.
- B of A Securities analyst Andrew Obin upgraded the rating for AMETEK, Inc. (NYSE:AME) from Neutral to Buy and raised the price target from $195 to $225. AMETEK shares closed at $187.38 on Friday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- JP Morgan analyst Samik Chatterjee upgraded NetApp, Inc. (NASDAQ:NTAP) from Neutral to Overweight and announced a $160 price target. NetApp shares closed at $121.95 on Friday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- Gordon Haskett analyst Chuck Grom upgraded the rating for Macy's, Inc. (NYSE:M) from Hold to Buy and announced a $20 price target. Macy's shares closed at $16.56 on Friday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- Mizuho analyst Nitin Kumar upgraded ConocoPhillips (NYSE:COP) from Neutral to Outperform and boosted the price target from $132 to $134. ConocoPhillips shares closed at $101.02 on Friday. See how other analysts view this stock.
- Exane BNP Paribas analyst Andy Grobler upgraded the rating for Equifax Inc. (NYSE:EFX) from Neutral to Outperform and announced a $305 price target. Equifax shares closed at $265.81 on Friday. See how other analysts view this stock.
Considering buying COP stock? Here's what analysts think:
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