Bausch Health Responds to Rumors of a Potential Sale of Bausch + Lomb
Bausch Health Responds to Rumors of a Potential Sale of Bausch + Lomb
LAVAL, QC, December 12, 2024 – Bausch Health Companies Inc. (NYSE/TSX: BHC) (the "Company" or "Bausch Health"), a global, diversified pharmaceutical company enriching lives through a relentless drive to deliver better health outcomes, issued the following statement in response to a request from the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO):
拉瓦尔,QC,2024年12月12日 – Bausch Health Companies Inc.(纽约证券交易所/多伦多证券交易所:BHC)("公司"或"Bausch Health")是一家全球多元化的药品公司,致力于通过不懈努力改善健康结果,从而丰富人们的生活。针对加拿大投资监管组织(CIRO)的请求,发布以下声明:
As previously disclosed, the Company believes that completing the full separation of its subsidiary, Bausch + Lomb Corporation (NYSE/TSX: BLCO) ("Bausch + Lomb"), makes strategic sense. The Bausch Health Board of Directors authorized management and management of its subsidiary, Bausch + Lomb, to explore a potential sale, which is one of several options being considered to complete the separation. That process is ongoing. No decision has been reached to proceed with any particular transaction, and there can be no assurance that it will result in a transaction.
如前所述,公司相信完成其子公司Bausch + Lomb Corporation(纽约证券交易所/多伦多证券交易所:BLCO)("Bausch + Lomb")的完全分离是具有战略意义的。Bausch Health的董事会授权管理层及其子公司Bausch + Lomb的管理层探讨潜在的出售,这是一系列正在考虑的选项之一,以完成分离。该过程正在进行中。尚未达成继续进行任何特定交易的决定,且无法保证会导致交易的达成。
While the Company normally would not comment on deal negotiations, CIRO requested confirmation of a potential sale process given stock volatility often associated with market rumors. Bausch Health does not intend to provide additional detail until further disclosure is appropriate or necessary."
虽然公司通常不会就交易谈判发表评论,但鉴于市场谣言常常与股价波动相关,CIRO要求确认潜在的出售过程。Bausch Health不打算在进一步披露适当或必要之前提供额外细节。
Bausch Health is traded on both the New York Stock Exchange and Toronto Stock Exchange.
Bausch Health在纽约证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所上市交易。
About Bausch Health
Bausch Health Companies Inc. (NYSE/TSX: BHC) is a global diversified pharmaceutical company enriching lives through our relentless drive to deliver better health care outcomes. We develop, manufacture and market a range of products primarily in gastroenterology, hepatology, neurology, dermatology, medical aesthetic devices, international pharmaceuticals and eye health, through our controlling interest in Bausch + Lomb. Our ambition is to be a globally integrated healthcare company, trusted and valued by patients, HCPs, employees and investors. For more information, visit and connect with us on LinkedIn.
关于Bausch Health
Bausch Health Companies Inc.(纽交所/多伦多证券交易所: BHC)是一家全球多元化的药品公司,通过我们的不懈努力改善医疗保健结果。我们开发、制造和销售一系列主要在胃肠病学、肝病学、神经学、皮肤病学、医疗美容设备、国际药品和眼健康领域的产品,通过我们对Bausch + Lomb的控股权。我们的目标是成为一家全球整合的医疗保健公司,受到患者、医疗保健专业人士、员工和投资者的信任与重视。更多信息,请访问并在LinkedIn上与我们联系。
Forward-looking Statements
This news release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws, including the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements about the potential sale or full separation of Bausch + Lomb. Forward-looking statements may generally be identified by the use of the words "will," "anticipates," "hopes," "expects," "intends," "plans," "should," "could," "would," "may," "believes," "subject to" and variations or similar expressions. These statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance, are based upon the current expectations and beliefs of management and are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. In particular, Bausch Health can offer no assurance as to whether the full separationof Bausch + Lomb will occur (including as a result of a potential sale or otherwise) or the timing or approval of any such separation. Actual results are subject to other risks and uncertainties that relate more broadly to Bausch Health's overall business, including those more fully described in Bausch Health's most recent annual and quarterly reports and detailed from time to time in Bausch Health's other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Canadian Securities Administrators, which factors are incorporated herein by reference. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any of these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any of these forward- looking statements to reflect events, information or circumstances after the date of this news release or to reflect actual outcomes, unless required by law.
本新闻稿可能包含符合适用证券法律的前瞻性声明,包括1995年美国私人证券诉讼改革法案的安全港条款,声明有关Bausch + Lomb的潜在出售或完全分离。前瞻性声明通常可以通过"将(will)"、"预期(anticipates)"、"希望(hopes)"、"期望(expects)"、"打算(intends)"、"计划(plans)"、"应该(should)"、"可能(could)"、"会(would)"、"可能(may)"、"相信(believes)"、"在……条件下(subject to)"和类似表达的变体来识别。这些声明既不是历史事实,也不是未来表现的保证,而是基于管理层目前的预期和信念,并受某些风险和不确定性的影响,这些风险和不确定性可能导致实际结果与前瞻性声明中描述的结果显著不同。特别是,Bausch Health无法保证Bausch + Lomb的完全分离是否会发生(包括由于潜在出售或其他原因)或任何此类分离的时机或批准。实际结果还受其他与Bausch Health整体业务更广泛相关的风险和不确定性的影响,包括更详细描述Bausch Health最近的年度和季度报告以及不时在Bausch Health提交给美国证券交易委员会和加拿大证券管理局的其他文件中的因素,这些因素在此引用。读者需谨慎对待对这些前瞻性声明的过度依赖。这些前瞻性声明仅在本声明之日起生效。除非法律要求,否则公司无义务更新这些前瞻性声明,以反映本新闻稿日期之后的事件、信息或情况,或以反映实际结果。
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Garen Sarafian (877) 281-6642 (toll-free) |
Katie Savastano (908) 541-3785 |
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加伦·萨拉菲安 (877) 281-6642 (免费电话) |
凯蒂·萨瓦斯坦诺 (908) 541-3785 |