Argus Research Initiates Equity Research Report Coverage on FlexShopper, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FPAY)
Argus Research Initiates Equity Research Report Coverage on FlexShopper, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FPAY)
NEW YORK, Dec. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Argus Research, an independent investment research firm, has launched Equity Research Report coverage on FlexShopper, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FPAY).
纽约,2024年12月16日 /PRNewswire/ -- 雅运股份,一家独立投资研究公司,已启动对FlexShopper, Inc.(NasdaqCM:FPAY)的股权研究报告覆盖。
Click Here to view full Argus Equity Research Report.
COMPANY HIGHLIGHTS: Excerpts (as conveyed by Argus Analyst Steve Silver) include:
公司亮点:摘录(由雅运分析师Steve Silver传达)包括:
FPAY: A Leader in LTO Financing
- Leader in the LTO Financing Market: In our view, FlexShopper is executing on a growth strategy to establish leading DTC and B2B solutions for nonprime consumers (typically those with FICO scores below 660). The company operates an Amazon-like marketplace to purchase goods in their DTC channel and provides multiple financing options (including internal and third-party) to serve a wider base of customers with limited access to credit. FlexShopper also works with B2B retail channel partners, both online and offline, to provide financing for customers that traditional "buy now pay later" (BNPL) companies, such as Affirm, would typically not fund.
- New Leadership Drives Transition to Profitability: Over the past two years, a new leadership team has repositioned FlexShopper's operating model, which resulted in the achievement of positive net income in 3Q24. We expect the company's profitability to continue to expand moving forward, and see multiple operational catalysts in 2025 that should continue to drive improved investor sentiment.
- Analytical, Risk-Based Algorithms Driving Loan Growth and Improved Asset Quality: We view positively FlexShopper's investments in its digital and analytics infrastructure, which is supporting improved underwriting decisions and improving portfolio asset quality. Since late 2022, FlexShopper has seen growth in loan originations, with better asset yield and with bad debt declining by nearly 1000 basis points year over year. In 3Q24, improved asset quality drove a $2 million benefit compared to the prior-year period.
- Expanding Retail Channel and Payment Provider Partnerships: Across 2024, FlexShopper has expanded a retail partner channel built upon largely exclusive relationships that we see driving loan originations both in-store and on retailer websites while driving traffic back to FlexShopper's e-commerce marketplace. Year-to-date, the company has signed partnerships for approximately 7,800 retail locations, representing a 250% increase over the end of 2023, and has exceeded its initial 2024 retail store count goal by the third quarter of the year. FlexShopper has also launched partnerships with multiple payment solution providers to expand customer payment options and expand its reach. Despite these results, we still see the company as being in the early stages of its growth cycle.
- Discount Purchase of Series 2 Preferred Stock: In October 2024, FlexShopper entered into a purchase option agreement with the majority holder of its Series 2 preferred stock, which gives FlexShopper a one-year option to redeem 91% of the preferred stock at a substantial discount of more than 50% to its liquidation value of around $43 million. If fully executed, the deal would transfer $23 million of equity value to shareholders, around $1 per share, while eliminating more than $4 million currently paid in annual dividends to operating income. We expect the retirement of this obligation in an accretive manner to help FlexShopper to delever its balance sheet from a position of strength, further accelerating its growth trajectory.
- Rights Offering Launched to Equitize its Balance Sheet: FlexShopper has filed an S-1 with the SEC for an up to 70 million share rights offering, at a price of $1.70 per share, which we see as accretive to pro forma 2024 results and increasingly accretive the more capital that is raised. In its filed free writing prospectus in November 2024, FlexShopper said for every $25 million of capital raised, the company would enhance its bottom line by reducing its annual dividend and interest by $4.5 million, representing an immediate yield of 13% for new investors, starting with the elimination of the Series 2 preferred stock.
- Defending IP Position: On September 30, 2024, FlexShopper filed patent infringement lawsuits against Upbound Group Inc. and Katapult Holdings Inc., alleging infringement and unauthorized use of five key FlexShopper patents that protect FlexShopper's computer-implemented LTO technology. We expect initial responses to be filed by early 2025 and view the Eastern District of Texas, a jurisdiction that tends to move quickly, positively for a swift adjudication pathway, which we think could lead to similar suits against other LTO companies.
- Fair Value: FPAY is trading below its LTO peers, even those low-growth companies whose operations are largely offline and operate out of legacy brick-and-mortar locations. We expect this gap to narrow significantly over time, as FlexShopper executes on its growth strategy and commands multiple expansion. Based on our enterprise value (EV)/EBITDA analysis, we see a fair value of $5.50 per share.
- LTO融资市场中的领导者:在我们看来,FlexShopper正在执行一项增长策略,以建立领先的DTC和B20亿解决方案,服务于非优质消费者(通常是FICO评分低于660的消费者)。该公司运营着一个类似于亚马逊的市场,允许消费者在其DTC渠道中购买商品,并提供多种融资选项(包括内部和第三方),以服务于信用有限的更广泛客户群。FlexShopper还与B20亿零售渠道合作伙伴合作,在线上和线下为传统的“先买后付”(BNPL)公司(例如Affirm)通常不支持的客户提供融资。
- 新领导层推动盈利转型:在过去两年中,一支新的领导团队重新定位了FlexShopper的运营模式,导致2024年第三季度实现了正的净利润。我们预计公司的盈利能力将继续扩大,并看到2025年有多个运营催化剂,将继续推动投资者情绪的改善。
- 基于分析和风险的算法促进贷款增长和资产质量改善:我们对FlexShopper在数字和分析基础设施上的投资持正面看法,这支持改善的承保决策并提高投资组合资产质量。自2022年底以来,FlexShopper经历了贷款发放的增长,资产收益率提高,不良债务年比年下降了近1000个基点。在2024年第三季度,资产质量改善带来了200万美元的收益,相比去年同期。
- 扩大零售渠道和支付提供商合作伙伴关系:在2024年,FlexShopper扩大了零售合作伙伴渠道,这些关系在很大程度上是独家的,我们看到这些推动了实体店和零售商网站上的贷款发放,同时将流量返回到FlexShopper的电子商务市场。迄今为止,该公司已签署大约7,800个零售点的合作伙伴关系,较2023年底增加了250%,并在年第三季度超过了其初始的2024年度零售店数量目标。FlexShopper还与多个支付解决方案提供商建立了合作伙伴关系,以扩大客户支付选项并扩大其覆盖范围。尽管取得了这些成果,我们仍然认为公司仍处于增长周期的早期阶段。
- 折扣购买系列2优先股:在2024年10月,FlexShopper与其系列2优先股的主要持有者达成购买期权协议,赋予FlexShopper在一年内以超过50%的大幅折扣赎回91%的优先股,赎回金额约为4300万。如果完全执行,该交易将向股东转移2300万的股权价值,约合每股1美元,同时消除当前每年支付的超过400万的分红派息对经营收入的影响。我们预计这一义务的退休将以增值的方式帮助FlexShopper从实力的基础上减轻其资产负债表负担,进一步加速其增长轨迹。
- 发行权利证书以增强其资产负债表:FlexShopper已向SEC提交了一份最多7000万股的权利发行申请,价格为每股1.70美元,我们认为这将对2024年的临时结果产生增值效应,筹集的资金越多,增值效果就越明显。在2024年11月提交的自由书面招募说明书中,FlexShopper表示每筹集2500万资本,公司将通过减少每年的分红和利息450万来增强其净利润,这意味着对新投资者立即收益为13%,从消除系列2优先股开始。
- 捍卫知识产权职位:2024年9月30日,FlexShopper对Upbound Group Inc.和Katapult Holdings Inc.提起专利侵权诉讼,指控其侵犯和未经授权使用五项关键的FlexShopper专利,这些专利保护着FlexShopper的计算机实施的LTO技术。我们预计初步回应将在2025年初提交,并认为德克萨斯州东区是一个通常会迅速审理的管辖区,有利于迅速裁决,这可能导致对其他LTO公司的类似诉讼。
- 公允价值:FPAY的交易价格低于其LTO同行,即使是那些运营主要离线并且出自传统实体店的低增长公司。我们预计这种差距在时间推移中将显著缩小,因为FlexShopper执行其增长策略并指挥多个扩展。根据我们的企业价值(EV)/EBITDA分析,我们认为每股公允价值为5.50美元。
INVESTMENT THESIS: Click Here to view full Argus Equity Research Report and Investment Thesis.
投资论点: 点击这里查看完整的Argus股权研究报告和投资论点。
About FlexShopper, Inc. (NasdaqCM:FPAY)
Founded in 2013, Boca Raton, Florida–based FlexShopper Inc. is a leading national financial technology company that offers innovative payment options to consumers. FlexShopper provides a variety of flexible funding options for underserved consumers through its direct-to-consumer (DTC) online marketplace at and via partnerships with merchants (B2B) both online and at brick-and-mortar locations. FlexShopper's solutions are crafted to meet the needs of a wide range of consumer segments through lease-to-own (LTO) and other flexible lending products.
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