Jeff Bezos, owner of the Washington Post and founder of, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN), told a group at The New York Times DealBook Summit in early December that he likes meetings to be "messy" so that he can be part of the "sausage-making" process.
The Details: Bezos, well-known as the world's second richest person, is also notable for his strong opinions on how business meetings should be run.
Bezos discouraged PowerPoint presentations at Amazon's internal meetings and set standards for meetings to seek the truth rather than to appeal or please the executives.
"You don't want the whole thing to be figured out and presented to you," he said, according to a Business Insider report.
Bezos likes to begin meetings with a 30-minute window for participants to read through a detailed memo that outlines the background information and then open a "messy" discussion.
"I like the memos to be like angels singing from on high, so clear and beautiful, and then the meeting can be messy," he told The New York Times.
"Show me the ugly bits. I always ask, are there any dissenting opinions on the team? I want to try to get to the controversy," Bezos said.
More Of Bezos' Style: Lauren Sanchez, Bezos' girlfriend, told the Wall Street Journal that he advised her not to be the first to speak in a meeting.
"No, no, no. You're the boss. You talk last. You let everyone else talk, so that they don't get swayed by your opinion," Sánchez shared in the interview.
The Amazon founder is also known for his "Two Pizza Rule" which states that meetings should have no more participants than can be fed with two large pizzas.
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Phot: Shutterstock
詳細: 世界で2番目に裕福な人物として知られるベゾスは、ビジネス会議の運営方法に関する強い意見でも注目されています。
ベゾスのスタイルについて: ベゾスのガールフレンドであるローレン・サンチェスは、彼が会議で最初に発言しないようにアドバイスしたとウォールストリートジャーナルに語りました。
"いいえ、いいえ、いいえ。あなたがボスです。最後に話してください。他の人があなたの意見に影響されないように、みんなに話させるべきです," サンチェスはインタビューで共有しました。
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