Findings reveal Total Rewards programs are a strategic asset for top-performing companies
HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Insperity, Inc. (NYSE: NSP), a leading national provider of human resources and business performance solutions, released a new study revealing that high-performing companies offer similar Total Rewards packages as their peers but leverage them strategically for outsized business results. The research, conducted by Incentive Research Foundation in partnership with Insperity, demonstrates that success comes through strategic implementation, consistent communication, and tight alignment with overall talent strategy. The study is based on a survey of 1,200 executives conducted in 2024 and culminated into a white paper entitled, "Optimizing Your Talent Strategy: Increasing Your Total Rewards Impact."
"The research highlights the critical role of strategy in talent management," said Megg Withinton, Insperity vice president of enterprise analytics. "Total Rewards are most effective when they are strategic, align with current talent strategies and are communicated effectively for overall success and business outcomes."
Respondents were categorized into top performers or standard performers based on their self-reported performance across key metrics, including talent acquisition and retention, customer growth and overall business outcomes.
The key findings provide insight into how top-performing companies leverage Total Rewards as part of their overall talent strategy to drive organizational success. Surprisingly, market leaders don't necessarily offer more robust Total Rewards packages. Instead, they distinguish themselves through strategic implementation and precise alignment with business needs and talent goals.
The research found that top-performing companies optimize the impact of their Total Rewards through:
- Culture and talent strategy: High performers build their Total Rewards programs on a foundation of mature talent strategy and people-first culture. These companies are nearly twice as likely to rate their talent strategy as "excellent" as compared to standard performing companies (44% vs 24%).
- Employee value proposition (EVP): A well-crafted EVP guides talent decisions, with leading companies significantly more likely to consistently use their EVP throughout the employee life cycle of recruiting, hiring, onboarding and engaging employees than standard performing companies (67% vs 38%). The consistent use of an EVP represents the largest performance gap between top performers and standard performers identified in the research.
- Communication: Top performers excel at conveying the value of their Total Rewards package throughout the employee journey, from recruitment through ongoing employment (45% vs. 31% for standard performers). This consistent communication strengthens their talent strategy and deepens employee engagement.
- Targeted rewards: While companies broadly agree that Total Rewards components drive business outcomes, top performers distinguish themselves from standard performers through superior execution. For example, they're more strategic in their use of non-cash rewards and in offering more substantial recognition to reinforce key behaviors and business goals rather than spreading rewards thinly across the organization. The findings reveal:
- Base compensation is viewed as a critical tool for both top and standard performing companies (38%) to attract and retain talent.
- Performance-based financial rewards such as bonuses, commissions and stock awards are used more standard performers than top performers (33% vs. 26%).
To learn more about the research and download the white paper, "Optimizing Your Talent Strategy: Increasing Your Total Rewards Impact," click here.
About Insperity
Since 1986, Insperity's mission has been to help businesses succeed so communities prosper. Offering the most comprehensive suite of scalable HR solutions available in the marketplace, Insperity is defined by an unrivaled breadth and depth of services and level of care. Through an optimal blend of premium HR service and technology, Insperity delivers the administrative relief, reduced liabilities and better benefit solutions that businesses need for sustained growth. With 2023 revenues of $6.5 billion and more than 100 sales offices throughout the U.S., Insperity is currently making a difference in thousands of businesses and communities nationwide. For more information, visit .
Contacts Cynthia Murga
Director of Public Relations
HOUSTON--(ビジネスワイヤ)--インスペリティー株式会社(NYSE: NSP)、人事及びビジネスパフォーマンスソリューションの全国的なリーディングプロバイダーは、高パフォーマンス企業が同業他社と同様のトータルリワードパッケージを提供しつつも、戦略的に活用して優れたビジネス成果を上げていることを明らかにした新しい研究を発表しました。インセンティブリサーチ財団とインスペリティーの提携によって行われたこの研究は、成功は戦略的実施、一貫したコミュニケーション、全体的なタレント戦略との緊密な調整によってもたらされることを示しています。この研究は、2024年に1200人の経営幹部を対象に実施された調査に基づいており、「タレント戦略を最適化する:トータルリワードの影響を高める」というタイトルの白書にまとめられています。
- 文化とタレント戦略:ハイパフォーマーは、成熟したタレント戦略と人を第一に考える文化を基にトータルリワードプログラムを構築します。これらの企業は、標準パフォーマンス企業と比べてタレント戦略を「優れている」と評価する可能性がほぼ2倍です(44%対24%)。
- 従業員価値提案 (EVP): よく作り込まれたEVPは、人材の意思決定を導きます。優れた企業は、標準的な企業よりも採用、雇用、オンボーディング、従業員のエンゲージメントなど、従業員ライフサイクル全体でEVPを一貫して使用する可能性が大幅に高く、67%対38%です。一貫したEVPの使用は、研究で特定されたトップパフォーマーと標準パフォーマーの間の最大のパフォーマンスギャップを表しています。
- コミュニケーション: トップパフォーマーは、採用から継続的な雇用に至る従業員の旅全体にわたって、総報酬パッケージの価値を伝えることに優れています (45%対31%の標準パフォーマー)。この一貫したコミュニケーションは、彼らの人材戦略を強化し、従業員のエンゲージメントを深めます。
- ターゲットを絞った報酬: 企業は、総報酬の部品がビジネス成果を生み出すことに広く同意していますが、トップパフォーマーは優れた実行を通じて標準パフォーマーと区別されます。例えば、彼らは現金以外の報酬の使用や、組織全体に報酬を薄く広げるのではなく、重要な行動やビジネス目標を強化するためにより多くの認識を提供する点で戦略的です。この調査結果は次のことを明らかにしています:
- 基本的な報酬は、トップパフォーマーと標準パフォーマーの両方の企業 (38%) にとって、人材を引き付け、維持するための重要なツールとして見られています。
- ボーナス、コミッション、株式報酬などの業績に基づく金銭的報酬は、トップパフォーマーよりも標準パフォーマーでより多く使用されています (33%対26%)。
研究についてもっと学び、ホワイトペーパー「あなたの人材戦略を最適化する: 総報酬の影響を高める」をダウンロードするには、ここをクリックしてください。