Sungrow Receives the World's First VDE EMC Certificate for Its Microinverter
Sungrow Receives the World's First VDE EMC Certificate for Its Microinverter
- Sungrow confirms its focus on safety and innovation by receiving the world's first VDE EMC Certificate for its microinverter.
- The series of tests followed a number of international standards with the Sungrow microinverter passing all of them in one go.
- Sungrow's microinverter provides an efficient, reliable, and safe solution for the further deployment of renewable energy by households worldwide.
- 陽光電源通過獲得全球首個VDE EMC證書,確認其對安全和創新的關注。
- 一系列測試遵循了多個國際標準,陽光電源的微逆變器一次性通過了所有測試。
- 陽光電源的微逆變器爲全球家庭進一步部署可再生能源提供了高效、可靠和安全的解決方案。
FRANKFURT, Germany, Dec. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of Microinverters is critical to the stability and safety of residential PV systems. Poor EMC performance can cause system malfunctions, interfere with household appliances and wireless networks, and even pose potential safety hazards.
德國法蘭克福,2024年12月18日 /PRNewswire/ -- 微逆變器的電磁兼容性(EMC)對住宅光伏系統的穩定性和安全性至關重要。差的EMC性能可能導致系統故障,干擾家用電器和無線網絡,甚至可能構成安全隱患。
Sungrow has recently earned EMC certification from VDE, one of the largest technology organizations in Europe, for its microinverter, becoming the world's first company to receive the VDE EMC certificate for the microinverter. The products followed comprehensive testing at the VDE German laboratory and this milestone demonstrates Sungrow microinverter's exceptional ability to operate seamlessly in complex electromagnetic environments without interfering with other electronic devices, setting a new global standard for the microinverter's EMC performance.
陽光電源最近獲得了來自VDE的EMC認證,這是歐洲最大的技術組織之一,成爲全球首家獲得微逆變器VDE EMC證書的公司。產品在VDE德國實驗室進行了全面測試,這一里程碑表明陽光電源微逆變器在複雜電磁環境中無縫運行的卓越能力,不會干擾其他電子設備,設定了微逆變器EMC性能的新全球標準。
The tests followed international standards, including DIN EN IEC 61000-6-1, DIN EN IEC 61000-6-3, and EN 301 489-17, and focused on 10 critical performance metrics, such as conducted and radiated susceptibility, as well as immunity to power-frequency magnetic fields. Designed with robust immunity to external electromagnetic interference (EMI) and compliance with Class B emission standards, Sungrow's microinverter passed all tests in one go, outperforming standard requirements across all metrics and demonstrating exceptional stability and reliability.
測試遵循了國際標準,包括DIN EN IEC 61000-6-1、DIN EN IEC 61000-6-3和EN 301 489-17,關注10項關鍵性能指標,如傳導和輻射敏感性,以及對電源頻率磁場的免疫力。經過穩健的抵禦外部電磁干擾(EMI)的設計並符合Class b排放標準,陽光電源的微逆變器在一次性通過了所有測試,超越了所有指標的標準要求,展現了卓越的穩定性和可靠性。
Sungrow's innovations in EMC were key to this success. The microinverter incorporates a soft-switching topology, minimizing EMI at its source. They are further equipped with an all-metal casing and high-conductivity sealing materials that effectively block electromagnetic radiation. Moreover, Sungrow's microinverter employs advanced control strategies to optimize its operation under extreme conditions such as maximum (PVmax) and minimum (PVmin) PV input, mitigating harmonic distortion and high-frequency EMI.
"With balcony PV systems gaining popularity across Europe, we are delighted to witness Sungrow's microinverter has successfully passed our rigorous testing," said Sven Öhrke, Board Member of VDE Institute and CEO of VDE Global Services. "Sungrow truly impressed us during the tests, not only meeting but surpassing the toughest international standards."
"隨着陽臺光伏系統在歐洲日益受到歡迎,我們很高興看到陽光電源的微逆變器成功通過了我們嚴格的測試," VDE研究所董事會成員兼VDE全球服務CEO斯文·厄爾克說。"陽光電源在測試中深深打動了我們,不僅達到了而且超越了最嚴格的國際標準。"
In addition to its outstanding EMC performance, Sungrow's microinverter stands out for its superior energy efficiency, user-friendly installation, and robust safety features. It delivers full power output even under extreme conditions, such as non-ventilated environments with temperatures reaching up to 60°C, increasing overall energy yields by approximately 2%. Its plug-and-play design significantly enhances installation efficiency by 30%, complemented by intelligent self-checking and one-click network configuration. Having undergone over 200 authoritative tests and achieved 12 international certifications, including IEC 61140, IEC 62109, and IEC 63027, Sungrow's microinverter is empowering households worldwide to embrace a clean energy future.
除了卓越的電磁兼容性(EMC)性能外,陽光電源的微逆變器在能源效率、用戶友好的安裝和強大的安全性方面也表現突出。它在極端條件下,如溫度達到60°C的非通風環境中,仍能提供全功率輸出,使整體能量產出提高約2%。其即插即用設計顯著提高了安裝效率30%,並配備智能自檢和一鍵網絡配置。陽光電源的微逆變器經過200多項權威測試,獲得了包括IEC 61140、IEC 62109和IEC 63027在內的12項國際認證,正在賦能全球家庭接受清潔能源的未來。
About Sungrow
Sungrow, a global leader in renewable energy technology, has pioneered sustainable power solutions for over 27 years. As of June 2024, Sungrow has installed 605 GW of power electronic converters worldwide. The Company is recognized as the world's No. 1 on PV inverter shipments (S&P Global Commodity Insights) and the most bankable Asian energy storage company (BloombergNEF). Its innovations power clean energy projects in over 170 countries, supported by a network of 490 service outlets guaranteeing excellent customer experience. At Sungrow, we're committed to bridging to a sustainable future through cutting-edge technology and unparalleled service. For more information, please visit .
Media Contact: Mina Zhang, [email protected]
媒體聯繫方式: Mina Zhang, [email protected]
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