Safehold Receives Credit Ratings Upgrade to A- From Fitch
Safehold Receives Credit Ratings Upgrade to A- From Fitch
NEW YORK, Dec. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Safehold Inc. (the "Company" or "Safehold") (NYSE: SAFE) announced today that Fitch Ratings ("Fitch") has upgraded its credit ratings on the Company to A- from BBB+, with a stable outlook. Fitch is also assigning an A- rating and stable outlook to the Company's operating subsidiary, Safehold GL Holdings LLC.
纽约,2024年12月18日 /PRNewswire/ -- Safehold Inc.("公司"或"Safehold")(纽交所代码:SAFE)今天宣布,惠誉评级("惠誉")已将公司的信用评级从BBB+上调至A-,并给予稳定展望。惠誉还对公司的运营子公司Safehold GL Holdings LLC赋予A-评级和稳定展望。
"This ratings upgrade is a strong result for the Company, and we appreciate Fitch's recognition of the significant steps we have taken to build a best-in-class credit profile, emphasizing high quality assets, stable funding sources and conservative leverage," said Brett Asnas, Chief Financial Officer. "We expect having 'A' ratings from two major agencies will drive better cost and access to capital, benefitting both shareholders and customers."
"这次评级上调对公司来说是一个重要成果,我们感谢惠誉对我们为建立一流信用档案所采取的重要步骤的认可,强调高质量资产、稳定的资金来源和保守的杠杆率,"首席财务官Brett Asnas说。"我们预计拥有两家主要机构的'A'评级将推动更好的成本和资本获取,从而惠及股东和客户。"
Fitch cited the rationale behind the ratings upgrade in their report: "The upgrade reflects SAFE's focus on the relatively low-risk ground lease asset class, characterized by growing, long-dated revenue streams and significant overcollateralization; expanded use of unsecured debt as a proportion of total debt; improved portfolio diversity; strong asset quality performance; low leverage; solid dividend coverage and an experienced management team."
About Safehold:
Safehold Inc. (NYSE: SAFE) is revolutionizing real estate ownership by providing a new and better way for owners to unlock the value of the land beneath their buildings. Having created the modern ground lease industry in 2017, Safehold continues to help owners of high quality multifamily, office, industrial, hospitality, student housing, life science and mixed-use properties generate higher returns with less risk. The Company, which is taxed as a real estate investment trust (REIT), seeks to deliver safe, growing income and long-term capital appreciation to its shareholders. Additional information on Safehold is available on its website at .
Safehold Inc.(纽交所代码:SAFE)正在通过提供一种新的、更好的方式来解锁建筑物下土地的价值,从而彻底改变房地产所有权。自2017年创建现代土地租赁行业以来,Safehold继续帮助高质量的多户住宅、办公、工业、酒店、学生住房、生命科学和混合用途物业的拥有者以更低的风险获取更高的回报。该公司作为股权房地产投资信托(REITS)纳税,旨在为其股东提供安全、持续增长的收入和长期资本增值。有关Safehold的更多信息,请访问其网站。
Company Contact:
Pearse Hoffmann
Senior Vice President
Capital Markets & Investor Relations
T 212.930.9400
E [email protected]
Pearse Hoffmann
t 212.930.9400
E [email protected]
SOURCE Safehold