Minister of Finance approves National Bank's acquisition of Canadian Western Bank.
Approval concludes the regulatory process, following reviews by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) and the Competition Bureau.
Closing expected to occur on February 3, 2025.
MONTREAL and EDMONTON, AB, Dec. 20, 2024 /CNW/ - National Bank of Canada ("National Bank") (TSX: NA) welcomes the decision by the federal Minister of Finance to approve the previously announced acquisition of Canadian Western Bank ("CWB") (TSX: CWB).
"We are pleased that the transaction has received final approval from the Minister of Finance. This is great news for Canadians and will allow our two complementary banks to unite and enhance services for our clients. This approval marks the conclusion of a thorough regulatory process, having already received clearance from the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) and the Competition Bureau. I want to thank those involved for their diligent review of this important transaction. A new and exciting chapter is beginning for National Bank and CWB as we come together. We are strengthening National Bank's position across the country and allowing for more growth in Western Canada, building on the excellent reputation and solid foundation set by CWB," said Laurent Ferreira, President and CEO of National Bank.
"This is a fantastic outcome for our clients, our teams and the communities in which we operate. We're excited to join forces with National Bank to offer our clients access to a more comprehensive product and service platform on a national scale. We look forward to continuing to support our clients with the same highly personalized service and regional expertise we've always been known for," said Chris Fowler, President and CEO of CWB.
Following this last remaining approval, National Bank and CWB will work together to ensure a smooth transition to National Bank for CWB clients and employees, who will receive additional information shortly, as both banks work towards completing the transaction.
National Bank intends to provide relevant financial information related to the transaction upon the release of its first quarter results, scheduled for February 26, 2025. As we expect this transaction to be completed on February 3, 2025, National Bank will include CWB in its consolidated financial results starting in the second quarter of 2025.
About National Bank
With $462 billion in assets as at October 31, 2024, National Bank of Canada is one of Canada's six systemically important banks. The Bank has approximately 30,000 employees in knowledge-intensive positions and operates through three business segments in Canada: Personal and Commercial Banking, Wealth Management and Financial Markets. A fourth segment, U.S. Specialty Finance and International, complements the growth of its domestic operations. Its securities are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: NA). Follow the Bank's activities at nbc.ca or via social media.
About CWB
CWB is the only full-service bank in Canada with a strategic focus to meet the unique financial needs of businesses and their owners. CWB provides its nationwide clients with full-service business and personal banking, specialized financing, comprehensive wealth management offerings, and trust services. Clients choose CWB for a differentiated level of service through specialized expertise, customized solutions, and faster response times relative to the competition. CWB people take the time to understand its clients and their business, and work as a united team to provide holistic solutions and advice.
As a public company on the TSX, CWB trades under the symbols "CWB" (common shares), "CWB.PR.B" (Series 5 preferred shares) and "CWB.PR.D" (Series 9 preferred shares). CWB is firmly committed to the responsible creation of value for all its stakeholders and its approach to sustainability will support its continued success. Learn more at .
蒙特利爾和埃德蒙頓,艾伯塔省,2024年12月20日 /CNW/-加拿大國家銀行(「國家銀行」)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:NA)歡迎聯邦財政部長決定批准先前宣佈的對加拿大西部銀行(「CWB」)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:CWB)的收購。
「我們很高興該交易已獲得財政部長的最終批准。這對加拿大人來說是個好消息,將使我們的兩家互補銀行能夠聯合起來,加強爲客戶提供的服務。該批准標誌着全面監管程序的結束,已經獲得金融機構監管辦公室(OSFI)和競爭局的批准。我要感謝相關人員對這筆重要交易的辛勤審查。隨着我們走到一起,國家銀行和CwB將開啓一個新的激動人心的篇章。在CwB建立的良好聲譽和堅實基礎上,我們正在鞏固國家銀行在全國的地位,並允許加拿大西部實現更多增長。」 國家銀行行長兼首席執行官洛朗·費雷拉說。
「對於我們的客戶、我們的團隊和我們開展業務的社區來說,這是一個了不起的結果。我們很高興與國家銀行合作,在全國範圍內爲我們的客戶提供更全面的產品和服務平台。我們期待繼續以我們一直聞名的高度個性化服務和區域專業知識爲客戶提供支持。」 cWb總裁兼首席執行官克里斯·福勒說。
關於 CWB
CwB是加拿大唯一一家提供全方位服務的銀行,其戰略重點是滿足企業及其所有者的獨特財務需求。CwB爲其全國客戶提供全方位的商業和個人銀行服務、專業融資、全面的财富管理產品和信託服務。客戶選擇 cWb,通過專業的專業知識、定製的解決方案以及與競爭對手相比更快的響應時間來獲得差異化服務。CwB的員工會花時間了解其客戶及其業務,並組成一個團結的團隊來提供全面的解決方案和建議。
作爲多倫多證券交易所的上市公司,CwB的交易代碼爲 「CWB」(普通股)、「CWB.pr.b」(系列5優先股)和 「CWB.pr.d」(系列9優先股)。CwB堅定地致力於以負責任的方式爲所有利益相關者創造價值,其可持續發展方針將支持其持續成功。要了解更多,請訪問。