The following is a summary of the Li-Cycle Holdings Corp (LICY) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:
Financial Performance:
Li-Cycle reported a significant year-over-year revenue growth of 79% amounting to $8.4 million in Q3 2024, consistent with Q2 2024 revenue.
Cost of sales was slightly decreased to $20 million, with a 3% reduction in costs attributable to product revenue due to lower production levels.
Total SG&A expenses were reduced by 50% to $12.9 million due to restructuring and cost conservation initiatives.
Business Progress:
The DOE loan of $475 million has been secured to support the development of the Rochester Hub, a major project for recycling lithium-ion batteries.
Finalized offtake agreements with Glencore for MHP production and with Traxys and Glencore for lithium carbonate, enhancing the commercial structure of the project.
Ongoing optimization of the Spoke network, focusing on Gen 3 technology and shutdown of operations at some Spokes, aiming for a financially accretive business model.
U.S. DOE loan supports the planned expansion and operation of the Rochester Hub as a major domestic source for critical battery materials.
Offtake agreements established with major industry players provide a robust commercial framework and secure demand for the project.
The full restart of the Rochester Hub construction and advancement hinges on securing a complete funding package and meeting several financial prerequisites.
More details: LI-CYCLE IR
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