MENGNIU DAIRY (02319) increased by over 4% during trading. As of the time of writing, it is up 4.58%, priced at 17.8 Hong Kong dollars, with a transaction volume of 0.116 billion Hong Kong dollars.
According to Zhito Finance APP, MENGNIU DAIRY (02319) rose more than 4% during trading. As of the time of writing, it rose 4.58%, priced at 17.8 Hong Kong dollars, with a transaction volume of 0.116 billion Hong Kong dollars.
In news, CH MODERN D (01117) announced that it has signed a financial shared services framework agreement with Inner Mongolia MENGNIU DAIRY (Group) Co., Ltd. This agreement will take effect on January 1, 2025, and expire on December 31, 2027. MENGNIU will provide the company with financial shared services related to accounting. According to the agreement, the related service fees will be priced based on a cost-plus model, that is, the total cost of the services provided by MENGNIU plus a fixed percentage of 5%. The annual cap for each financial year is 8 million yuan.