On December 31, 2024, JIAYUAN SER (01153.HK) announced that the offer will expire at 4:00 PM and that the joint offerors will not further amend or extend the offer.
As of 4:00 PM on December 31, 2024, the joint offerors received 6 valid acceptances for a total of 162,046 offer shares, representing approximately 0.03% of the total issued share capital of the company as of the date of this joint announcement.
Immediately after the offer deadline and as of the date of this joint announcement, taking into account the accepted shares and those owned by the joint offerors and their concert parties, the joint offerors and their concert parties held interests in a total of 450,162,046 shares, accounting for approximately 73.59% of all issued shares as of the date of this joint announcement.
Immediately after the offer deadline and as of the date of this joint announcement, following the completion of the transfer of the accepted shares, 161,546,954 shares (representing approximately 26.41% of the total issued share capital) are held by the public. Therefore, as of the date of this joint announcement, the company continues to meet the minimum public holding requirement under Rule 8.08(1)(a) of the Listing Rules.