Each trading day features hundreds of headlines and press releases on Benzinga Pro, a source for traders to see the latest news on the overall market and individual tickers.
Here is a look at the most-searched stocks on Benzinga Pro for December 2024. Current prices and year-to-date performance are based on Dec. 31 and do not include dividends. Data for the month of November was not tracked.
- Tesla Inc(NASDAQ:TSLA)
- Current Price: $403.84
- 52-Week Range: $138.80 to $488.54
- Year-to-Date Return: +62.6%
- September/October Ranking: 3rd/1st
2.Super Micro Computer(NASDAQ:SMCI)
- Current Price: $30.48
- 52-Week Range: $17.25 to $122.90
- Year-to-Date Return: +6.8%
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