OLDWICK, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#insurance--Allianz SE remained in its top spot in AM Best's ranking of the world's 25 largest insurance companies by nonbanking assets for a fifth straight year, at $1.09 trillion, while UnitedHealth Group Incorporated held onto its top spot by net premiums written (NPW) for a 10th straight year, growing NPW by 13% in 2023 to $290.8 billion.
AM Best released the rankings of the world's largest global insurance companies, by nonbanking assets and NPW, in the January 2025 issue of Best's Review, available now. The two rankings are based on BestLink data and additional research.
Despite some re-shuffling at the top of AM Best's annual ranking of the top 25 insurers by net nonbanking assets, life insurers still dominated. No. 2-ranked Berkshire Hathaway Inc. moved up one spot as its net non-banking assets rose by 12.8% to $1.07 trillion. China Life Insurance (Group) Co. moved to third from fourth place with assets of $957.8 billion, up 10.5%. Rounding out the top five was Prudential Financial Inc., up one spot from the previous ranking. Most Japan-based insurers in the ranking dropped down due to the depreciation of the yen against the U.S. dollar, even as all but Japan Post Insurance Company. Ltd. saw year-over-year asset growth.
The top 10 insurers by NPW were again dominated by health insurers, as four of the top five insurers were U.S.-based health companies. No. 2 Centene Corporation retained its position as its NPW rose nearly 10%, while No. 3 Elevance Health Inc. also kept its position as NPW rose 7.25%. Kaiser Foundation Group of Health Plans stayed at No. 4, while China Life Insurance (Group) Co. moved up into the top five. Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China Ltd. fell to No. 11 from No. 5 in last year's ranking as its NPW slid by 30%.
The top 10 global insurers ranked by 2023 non-banking assets are as follows:
- Allianz SE, Germany
- Berkshire Hathaway Inc., United States
- China Life Insurance (Group) Company, China
- Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China Ltd., China
- Prudential Financial Inc., United States
- AXA S.A., France
- MetLife Inc., United States
- Legal & General Group plc, United Kingdom
- Manulife Financial Group, Canada
- Nippon Life Insurance Company, Japan
The top 10 global insurers ranked by 2023 NPW are as follows:
- UnitedHealth Group Incorporated, United States
- Centene Corporation, United States
- Elevance Health, Inc., United States
- Kaiser Foundation Group of Health Plans, United States
- China Life Insurance (Group) Company, China
- Humana Inc., United States
- State Farm Group, United States
- Allianz SE, Germany
- Berkshire Hathaway Inc., United States
- AXA S.A., France
Best's Review is AM Best's monthly insurance magazine, covering emerging issues and trends and evaluating their impact on the marketplace. For additional coverage of these rankings, as well as the 2025 edition of the Guide to Understanding the Insurance Industry, please see the Best's Review site or visit the online edition at .
Best's Review also is available as part of a subscription to Best's News & Research Service. To order by phone, contact Customer Service at +1 800 424 2378 when calling from the United States and Canada; or +44 20 7397 0272 from EMEA or Asia Pacific. Additional information is on BestLink also is available.
AM Best is a global credit rating agency, news publisher and data analytics provider specializing in the insurance industry. Headquartered in the United States, the company does business in over 100 countries with regional offices in New York, London, Amsterdam, Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Mexico City. For more information, visit .
Copyright 2025 by A.M. Best Company, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
Contacts Patricia Vowinkel
Executive Editor, Best Review
+1 908 882 1771
OLDWICk, N.J.--(ビジネスワイヤ)--#保険--アリアンツSEは、非銀行資産による世界の25大保険会社のAMベストランキングで5年連続の首位を維持し、資産は1.09兆ドルに達しました。一方、ユナイテッドヘルスグループは、10年連続で保険料(NPW)の首位を維持し、2023年にNPWを13%増加させて2908億ドルに達しました。
NPWによる上位10社の保険会社は、再び健康保険会社が支配しており、上位5社のうち4社が米国を拠点とした健康企業でした。順位2のセンティーンは、NPWが約10%増加し、地位を維持しました。順位3のアンセムもNPWが7.25%増加し、地位を保持しました。カイザー基金の健康プランは4位に留まり、中国人寿保険(グループ)会社がトップ5に上昇しました。Ping An Insurance(グループ)会社は、NPWが30%減少したため、昨年のランキングの5位から11位に落ちました。
- アリアンツSE、ドイツ
- バークシャー・ハザウェイ、アメリカ合衆国
- 中国人寿保険(グループ)会社、中国
- 中国の平安保険(グループ)会社有限公司
- プルデンシャル・フィナンシャル株式会社、アメリカ合衆国
- AXA S.A.、フランス
- メットライフ株式会社、アメリカ合衆国
- リーガル・アンド・ジェネラル・グループ株式会社、イギリス
- マニュライフファイナンシャルグループ、カナダ
- 日本生命保険会社、日本
- ユナイテッドヘルスグループ、アメリカ合衆国
- センティーン、アメリカ合衆国
- アンセム、アメリカ合衆国
- Kaiser健康プラン基金グループ、アメリカ合衆国
- 中国人寿保険(グループ)会社、中国
- ヒューマナ、アメリカ合衆国
- ステートファームグループ、アメリカ合衆国
- アリアンツSE、ドイツ
- バークシャー・ハザウェイ、アメリカ合衆国
- AXA S.A.、フランス
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