何が起きたのか: 1月2日、裁判所は連邦通信委員会がブロードバンドを通信法第II条の"通信サービス"として再分類する法的権限を持たない...
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals officially pulled the plug on net neutrality.
What Happened: On Jan. 2, the court ruled that the Federal Communications Commission lacks legal authority to reclassify broadband as a "telecommunications service" under Title II of the Communications Act.
Instead, a three-judge panel of the Cincinnati-based Sixth Circuit declared that broadband is an "information service." This distinction matters because "information services" are subject to lighter regulatory oversight.
The court essentially overturned rules first established under the Obama administration in 2015, which prohibited ISPs from throttling speeds, blocking access, or prioritizing certain websites or services for a...
何が起きたのか: 1月2日、裁判所は連邦通信委員会がブロードバンドを通信法第II条の"通信サービス"として再分類する法的権限を持たない...