Twenty-fifth annual edition explores future as AI-powered autonomy takes shape and ripples across all dimensions of how an enterprise can reinvent technology development, customer experience, the physical world and global workforce
NEW YORK & LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--New research from Accenture (NYSE: ACN) finds a new era of digitization is unfolding—one in which AI continuously learns and drives new levels of autonomy across organizations, positioning trust in its performance as the most important measure organizations will need for AI to achieve its promise.
Now in its 25th year, the Accenture Technology Vision 2025 explores how the future is being shaped by AI-powered autonomy. As AI diffusion accelerates across the enterprise and society at a rate that is faster than any prior technology, 69% of executives believe it brings new urgency to reinvention and how technology systems and the processes it enables are designed, built and operated. The research also predicts AI will increasingly act as a technology development partner, a personal brand ambassador, power robotic bodies in the physical world, and foster a new symbiotic relationship with people to bring out the best in each other.
"Our 25th Technology Vision gives leaders a look into what's ahead when AI continuously learns, acts autonomously with and on behalf of people, and pushes enterprises and the people who use it into new and exciting ways to continuously reinvent," said Julie Sweet, chair and CEO, Accenture. "But unlocking the benefits of AI will only be possible if leaders seize the opportunity to inject and develop trust in its performance and outcomes in a systematic manner so businesses and people can unlock AI's incredible possibilities."
People's trust in AI—beyond any technical aspect, that it performs justly and as expected—is essential to it having as broad and positive an impact as anticipated. This means digital systems and AI models are more accurate, predictable, consistent and traceable, over and above the responsible use of AI. Most (77%) executives believe the true benefits of AI will only be possible when built on a foundation of trust, and slightly more (81%) agree that trust strategy must evolve in parallel with any technology strategy. "Advancements in digitizing knowledge, new AI models, agentic AI systems and architecture enables enterprises to create their own unique cognitive digital brains," said Karthik Narain, group chief executive - Technology and CTO, Accenture. "While conventional technologies have long supported pre-determined business needs, this is a generational moment of transition. The autonomy created by these generalized AI systems can help organizations be more dynamic and intention-driven than ever. It will allow leaders to rethink how digital systems are designed, how people work, and reinvent how they create products and interact with customers. But trust underpins it all, as systems will only ever be as autonomous as they are trustworthy."
The Accenture Technology Vision 2025 explores the potential impact of gen AI as it ripples across multiple dimensions, including technology development, customer experience, the physical world and the workforce:
- When foundation models cracked the natural language barrier, it kickstarted a shift that would forever change the fundamentals of software development and ecosystems. Already, gen AI coding assistants are elevating the role of developer to systems engineer, accelerating the democratization of code and digitization of businesses. The rise of custom systems as a result of gen AI assisted software development and the advancement of AI agents is igniting a shift from static application architecture to intention-based framework and agentic systems. As multi-agent systems become more capable, adaptive and personalized, it will inspire greater diffusion through enhanced competence, growing to manage processes and entire functions, from streamlining travel to optimizing inventory. For example, Accenture is enabling this future with its platforms, GenWizard, SynOps and AI Refinery, offering prebuilt industry agents and workflows to accelerate the time needed to build and see value from specialized multiagent systems.
- Organizations are racing to make AI a new customer touch point but brands will only be able to achieve brand differentiation if the same focus is applied to AI experiences. While 80% of executives worry LLMs and chatbots could give every brand a similar voice, 77% agree brands can solve by proactively building personified AI experiences and injecting distinct brand elements, such as culture, values and voice, into those experiences through its digital brain.
- Generalist robots will emerge over the next decade, bringing more AI autonomy into the physical world. It will be possible for introductory general-purpose robots to become specialist robots, learning new tasks very quickly. Already, KION Group is teaming with Accenture and NVIDIA, to optimize how AI-driven robots perform warehouse tasks and seamlessly interact with and learn from warehouse staff to fulfill orders faster, safer and at a lower cost. Eighty percent of executives believe that robots collaborating with people and continuously learning from those interactions will increase trust and collaboration between people and robots.
- People and AI are defining a virtuous learning loop: where the more people use AI, the more it improves, and the more people want to use it. Unlike conventional automation, which yielded one-time benefits, this new age of AI can enhance and advance its skills over time, improving its value to the individuals using it and the organization as a whole. A key priority (80%) for leaders is ensuring a positive relationship trajectory between people and AI—so it is not derailed by fears of automation—starting with communicating the strategy and bringing employees into the process. Accenture recently unveiled a Generative AI Scholars Program with Stanford Online to help clients sharpen gen AI knowledge and skills. In addition, organizations have the opportunity to equip every employee with a talented digital sidekick, one that will allow people to tap into new skills and grow use of gen AI tools. In turn, organizations will reap the benefit too, as individuals familiar with gen AI were found five-times more likely to have a positive perception of the technology.
The Technology Vision 2025 findings will be presented at CES 2025 on Jan. 7 from 2:00 – 2:40 p.m. PST during a livestreamed presentation at
About the Research
For 25 years, Accenture's Technology Vision has taken a systematic look across the enterprise landscape to identify technology trends with the highest likelihood of disrupting businesses and industries. Input for the 2025 report was gathered from an external advisory board of more than two dozen experts spanning academia, business and the public sector. Primary global research included two parallel surveys: more than 4,000 executives across 21 industries and 28 countries, and more than 12,000 consumers fielded from Oct. to Dec. 2024. Learn more at
About Accenture
Accenture is a leading global professional services company that helps the world's leading businesses, governments and other organizations build their digital core, optimize their operations, accelerate revenue growth and enhance citizen services—creating tangible value at speed and scale. We are a talent- and innovation-led company with 799,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Technology is at the core of change today, and we are one of the world's leaders in helping drive that change, with strong ecosystem relationships. We combine our strength in technology and leadership in cloud, data and AI with unmatched industry experience, functional expertise and global delivery capability. Our broad range of services, solutions and assets across Strategy & Consulting, Technology, Operations, Industry X and Song, together with our culture of shared success and commitment to creating 360° value, enable us to help our clients reinvent and build trusted, lasting relationships. We measure our success by the 360° value we create for our clients, each other, our shareholders, partners and communities. Visit us at
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+1 312 693 4411
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+1 516 434 8615
ニューヨーク & ラスベガス--(ビジネス ワイヤー)--アクセンチュア(NYSE: ACN)の新しい研究によると、新しいデジタル化の時代が展開中であり、ここでは人工知能が継続的に学び、組織全体にわたって新しい自律性のレベルを推進し、そのパフォーマンスに対する信頼がAIの約束を実現するために必要な最も重要な指標となることを示しています。
AIへの人々の信頼は、技術的な側面を超えて、それが公正に期待通りに機能することが不可欠であり、それが期待される広範囲かつポジティブな影響を持つために必要です。これは、デジタルシステムとAIモデルが、責任あるAIの使用を超えて、より正確で予測可能、かつ一貫性があり、追跡可能であることを意味します。大多数(77%)の幹部は、AIの真の利点は信頼の基盤の上に築かれたときにのみ可能になると考えており、わずかに多く(81%)が、信頼戦略はすべてのテクノロジー戦略に並行して進化すべきだと同意しています。"知識をデジタル化する進歩、新しいAIモデル、エージェントAIシステム、アーキテクチャの進化により、企業は独自の認知デジタルブレインを作成できるようになる。"と、アクセンチュアのグループ最高経営責任者 - テクノロジー兼CTO、カルティック・ナラインは述べています。"従来のテクノロジーは、長い間、あらかじめ決められたビジネスニーズを支えてきましたが、これは世代を超えた移行の瞬間です。これらの一般化されたAIシステムによって創出される自律性は、組織がかつてないほどダイナミックで意図的に行動するのを助けます。これはリーダーがデジタルシステムの設計、労働の在り方、製品の創出と顧客との相互作用を再発明することを可能にします。でも、すべては信頼に基づいているのです。システムは、信頼できる限り自律的であるにすぎないのです。"
- 基盤モデルが自然言語の壁を打破したとき、それはソフトウェア開発とエコシステムの基本的要素を永遠に変える転換を引き起こしました。すでに、生成AIによるコーディングアシスタントは、開発者の役割をシステムエンジニアに引き上げ、コードの民主化とビジネスのデジタル化を加速させています。生成AIを活用したソフトウェア開発とAIエージェントの進化の結果、カスタムシステムの台頭が、静的なアプリケーションアーキテクチャから意図に基づくフレームワークおよびエージェンティックシステムへのシフトを促進しています。マルチエージェントシステムがより能力が高く、適応的でパーソナライズされるにつれて、プロセスや全機能を管理する能力を備えた大規模な不純物拡散を強化することが期待されます。例えば、アクセンチュアは、GenWizard、SynOps、AI Refineryというプラットフォームを用いて、特化したマルチエージェントシステムの構築とその価値の早期把握を促進するための事前構築された業種エージェントとワークフローを提供しています。
- 組織は人工知能を新しい顧客接点にしようと競っていますが、ブランドが差別化を図るためには、人工知能体験にも同じ焦点を当てる必要があります。80%の経営者が、LLM(大規模言語モデル)やチャットボットがすべてのブランドに似た声を与える可能性を心配していますが、77%は、ブランドが個性豊かな人工知能体験を積極的に構築し、デジタルブレインを通じて文化、価値、声などの独自のブランド要素をこれらの体験に注入することで解決できるに同意しています。
- 今後10年間で汎用ロボットが登場し、物理的な世界により多くの人工知能の自律性をもたらすでしょう。入門的な汎用ロボットが特化ロボットに進化し、新しいタスクを非常に迅速に学習することが可能になります。すでにKIONグループは、アクセンチュアおよびエヌビディアと提携し、AI駆動ロボットが倉庫作業を最適化し、倉庫スタッフとシームレスにインタラクションし、学習してより迅速かつ安全で低コストで注文を履行できるようにしています。80%の経営者が、人々と協力し、これらのインタラクションから継続的に学ぶロボットが、人間とロボットの間のTrustと協力を高めると信じています。
- 人と人工知能が、良い学習ループを定義しています。人々が人工知能を多く使うほど、それは改善され、より多くの人々がそれを使いたくなります。従来の自動化が一時的な利益をもたらしたのとは異なり、この新しい人工知能の時代は、時間が経つにつれてスキルを向上させ、進化させ、使用する個人や組織全体にとっての価値を高めることができます。リーダーにとっての重要な優先事項(80%)は、人々と人工知能の間の良好な関係の軌跡を確保することであり、自動化への恐れによってそれが脱線しないようにすることです。これには、戦略をコミュニケーションし、従業員をプロセスに巻き込むことから始まります。アクセンチュアは最近、スタンフォードオンラインとの協力で、クライアントがジェネレーティブAIの知識とスキルを向上させるためのジェネレーティブAI奨学金プログラムを発表しました。さらに、組織はすべての従業員に才能あるデジタルサイドキックを装備させる機会があり、それにより人々は新しいスキルを活用し、ジェネレーティブAIツールの利用を増やすことができます。その結果、ジェネレーティブAIに精通している個人が発見されたように、組織も利益を享受することになるでしょう。彼らは人工知能に対してポジティブな認識を持つ可能性が5倍も高いことがわかりました。
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