Reported Earlier, Lucid Gravity SUV Combines Game-Changing Design And Panasonic Energy Batteries For Up to 450-Mile Range
Reported Earlier, Lucid Gravity SUV Combines Game-Changing Design And Panasonic Energy Batteries For Up to 450-Mile Range
Panasonic Energy Co., Ltd., a global leader in the battery industry, and Lucid Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:LCID), maker of the world's most advanced electric vehicles, today announced the highly anticipated Lucid Gravity Grand Touring will be powered by Panasonic Energy's lithium-ion EV battery cells. With an EPA-estimated range of up to 450 miles1 from a battery pack that is up to 40 percent smaller than competitors', the collaborative efforts between Panasonic and Lucid have helped deliver an SUV with a previously impossible combination of outstanding range, performance and interior space.
电池行业的全球领导者松下能源有限公司和全球最先进的电动汽车制造商Lucid集团公司(纳斯达克股票代码:LCID)今天宣布,备受期待的Lucid Gravity Grand Touring将由松下能源的锂离子电动汽车电池单元提供动力。根据美国环保局的估计,电池组的续航里程可达450英里1,而电池组的续航里程比竞争对手小40%,松下和Lucid之间的合作帮助交付了一款将出色的续航里程、性能和内部空间相结合的SUV,此前是不可能的。