RISE With SAP on IBM Power Virtual Server to Help Accelerate Transformation With SAP S/4HANA Cloud
RISE With SAP on IBM Power Virtual Server to Help Accelerate Transformation With SAP S/4HANA Cloud
ARMONK, N.Y. and WALLDORF, Germany, Jan. 7, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, IBM (NYSE: IBM) and SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) announced the upcoming release of RISE with SAP on IBM Power Virtual Server, designed to make it the fastest and easiest path for IBM Power customers to accelerate their ERP transformation. Together, IBM and SAP aim to help organizations more seamlessly transition and modernize their on-premises ERP environments to the cloud and support AI-powered business processes.
美國紐約阿蒙克和德國瓦爾多夫,2025年1月7日/PRNewswire/ -- 今天,IBM(紐交所:IBM)和SAP SE(紐交所:SAP)宣佈即將推出RISE with SAP on IBM Power Virtual Server,旨在爲IBM Power客戶加速其ERP轉型提供最快和最簡單的路徑。IBM和SAP共同致力於幫助組織更順暢地過渡和現代化其本地ERP環境到雲端,並支持人工智能驅動的商業流程。
RISE with SAP is a guided journey delivering outcome-driven services, cloud ERP and platforms to help organizations rethink their operating model. As a new SAP hyperscaler offering, RISE with SAP on IBM Power Virtual Server can help reduce risk and improve SAP S/4HANA Cloud migration time from IBM Power Systems on-premises to cloud within 90 days1.
RISE with SAP是一個指導性的旅程,提供結果驅動的服務、雲ERP和平台,幫助組織重新思考其運營模式。作爲一個新的SAP超大規模產品,RISE with SAP on IBM Power Virtual Server能夠幫助降低風險,並在90天內從IBM Power Systems本地提升SAP S/4HANA Cloud遷移時間。
"RISE with SAP has emerged as a business priority for enterprises across all industries as they move to SAP S/4HANA Cloud," said Anurag Agrawal, Founder and Chief Global Analyst, TechAisle. "The new offering from IBM and SAP promises to be a compelling option for businesses looking to migrate their mission-critical ERP workloads securely, quickly and with minimal disruption."
"RISE with SAP已經成爲各行業企業在遷移到SAP S/4HANA Cloud過程中優先考慮的業務任務," TechAisle的創始人兼首席全球分析師Anurag Agrawal表示。"IBM和SAP的新產品承諾爲希望安全、快速且儘量減少干擾地遷移其關鍵ERP工作負載的企業提供一個令人信服的選擇。”
Cloud Migration Enabled by Industry-leading SAP Certified Infrastructure
Using IBM Power Virtual Server, the cloud-based version of the mission-critical IBM Power server platform used for on-premises ERP, customers can more rapidly transform on-premises SAP ERP systems on cloud, modernize business processes and become more agile. Known for its high security, scalability and reliability, IBM Power servers are ranked #1 in availability among SAP-certified infrastructure2, engineered for fewer disruptions and faster migration, supported by the highly resilient and secured IBM Cloud platform.
使用IBM Power Virtual Server,這種用於本地ERP的關鍵化IBM Power服務器平台的雲版本,客戶可以更快速地將本地SAP ERP系統轉型到雲,實現商業流程現代化並變得更加敏捷。因其高安全性、可擴展性和可靠性而聞名的IBM Power服務器,在SAP認證基礎設施中被評爲可用性第一,旨在減少干擾並加快遷移,獲得高度彈性和安全的IBM Cloud平台的支持。
"IBM has worked hand-in-hand with SAP to provide a seamless and fast migration path for customers that rely on the IBM Power platform for their SAP workloads and applications," said Rob Thomas, Senior Vice President, Software and Chief Commercial Officer, IBM. "This new capability helps reduce the complexity of moving to the cloud and accelerates impact, benefits we experienced firsthand in our own modernization journey using RISE with SAP."
"IBM與SAP緊密合作,爲依賴IBM Power平台處理SAP工作負載和應用程序的客戶提供無縫快速的遷移路徑," IBM軟體和首席商務官Rob Thomas表示。"這一新能力有助於降低遷移到雲的複雜性,並加快影響,這是我們在使用RISE with SAP的現代化旅程中親身體驗到的好處。"
IBM Completes Global SAP S/4HANA Cloud Modernization using RISE with SAP
IBM has deep expertise with SAP S/4HANA Cloud modernization and managed services projects. In one of the largest and most complex SAP S/4HANA Cloud modernization projects of any SAP customer to date, according to SAP, IBM recently moved its quote-to-cash and record-to-report processes to RISE with SAP on IBM Power Virtual Server.
IBM完成了全球SAP S/4HANA雲現代化,使用RISE with SAP
IBM在SAP S/4HANA雲現代化和託管服務項目方面具有深厚的專業知識。根據SAP的數據,在迄今爲止的任何SAP客戶中,IBM最近將其報價到現金和記錄到報告的過程遷移到IBM Power虛擬服務器上的RISE with SAP,這是最大的、最複雜的SAP S/4HANA雲現代化項目之一。
The IBM project touched more than 150,000 users across 175 countries in 18 months. During this time, it resulted in a 30 percent reduction in infrastructure costs and related operations by rationalizing overall server and data footprint and increasing process automation3. IBM Consulting led this transformation work end-to-end, providing the technical services, implementation and application management services expertise required to help securely move and run these complex solutions.
"SAP is helping organizations run their best through cloud-based enterprise applications embedded with the power of SAP Business AI," said Thomas Saueressig, Member of the Executive Board of SAP SE. "This announcement is yet another milestone in SAP's long-term partnership with IBM, offering our joint customers a clear path to the cloud designed for faster time-to-value, increased flexibility, and continuous innovation."
"SAP通過嵌入SAP Business AI能力的基於雲的企業應用程序幫助組織發揮最佳績效," SAP SE執行委員會成員Thomas Saueressig表示。"這一公告是SAP與IBM長期合作關係的又一個里程碑,爲我們的共同客戶提供了明確的雲遷移路徑,旨在實現更快的價值交付、更大的靈活性和持續的創新。"
IBM Consulting and Ecosystem of Partners to Help Accelerate Transformation
Customers will also be able to accelerate transformation with SAP S/4HANA Cloud by working with IBM Consulting or any other SAP partner. To give clients choice, IBM is also in the process of working with other global systems integrators and services partners to architect, deploy and migrate RISE with SAP projects.
客戶還可以通過與IBM諮詢或其他SAP合作伙伴合作,加速SAP S/4HANA雲的轉型。爲了給客戶提供選擇,IBM還在與其他全球系統集成商和服務合作伙伴合作,以架構、部署和遷移RISE with SAP項目。
The two companies, along with an ecosystem of partners, intend to work together to help IBM customers transform through RISE with SAP on IBM Power Virtual Server with combined solutions, capabilities, and joint go-to-market efforts. RISE with SAP on IBM Power Virtual Server customers and IBM Business Partners will also have access to a new IBM Transformation Suite for SAP Applications to help begin the migration to SAP S/4HANA Cloud and RISE with SAP. It will include a bundle of best-of-breed software and services for the assessment of current environments, data migration and automated testing.
這兩家公司及其合作伙伴生態系統計劃共同努力,幫助IBM客戶通過RISE with SAP在IBM Power虛擬服務器上進行轉型,利用聯合解決方案、能力和共同市場推廣工作。RISE with SAP在IBM Power虛擬服務器上的客戶和IBM業務合作伙伴還將能夠訪問新的IBM SAP應用轉型套件,以幫助開始遷移到SAP S/4HANA Cloud和RISE with SAP。它將包括一組最優質的軟體和服務,用於評估當前環境、數據遷移和自動化測試。
More than 10,000 SAP customers over 50 years have used IBM to deliver and run SAP on IBM systems. IBM is a full lifecycle strategic partner of SAP providing end-to-end consulting and technology solutions for SAP customers including hybrid cloud, automation and generative AI with watsonx.
RISE with SAP on IBM Power Virtual Server is planned to be available in second quarter of 2025, along with a customized investment program from IBM. Customers can learn more here to begin planning for their transformation using assessment and migration services from IBM Consulting and other IBM and SAP Business Partners.
RISE with SAP在IBM Power虛擬服務器上的計劃將於2025年第二季度推出,同時IBM還將推出定製投資計劃。客戶可以在這裏了解更多信息,以開始規劃他們的轉型,並使用IBM諮詢及其他IBM和SAP業務合作伙伴的評估和遷移服務。
Statements regarding IBM's future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice and represent goals and objectives only.
About IBM
IBM is a leading provider of global hybrid cloud and AI, and consulting expertise. We help clients in more than 175 countries capitalize on insights from their data, streamline business processes, reduce costs and gain the competitive edge in their industries. Thousands of government and corporate entities in critical infrastructure areas such as financial services, telecommunications and healthcare rely on IBM's hybrid cloud platform and Red Hat OpenShift to affect their digital transformations quickly, efficiently and securely. IBM's breakthrough innovations in AI, quantum computing, industry-specific cloud solutions and consulting deliver open and flexible options to our clients. All of this is backed by IBM's long-standing commitment to trust, transparency, responsibility, inclusivity and service. Visit for more information.
IBM是全球混合雲和人工智能及諮詢專業知識的領先供應商。我們幫助175個國家的客戶利用他們數據中的洞察,簡化業務流程,降低成本,獲得行業競爭優勢。成千上萬的政府和企業實體在金融服務、電信和醫療等關鍵基礎設施領域依賴IBM的混合雲平台和Red Hat OpenShift,以迅速、高效、安全地進行數字化轉型。IBM在人工智能、量子計算、行業特定雲解決方案和諮詢方面的突破性創新爲我們的客戶提供開放和靈活的選擇。所有這些都得到了IBM長期以來致力於信任、透明度、責任、包容性和服務的支持。有關更多信息,請訪問。
About SAP
As a global leader in enterprise applications and business AI, SAP (NYSE: SAP) stands at the nexus of business and technology. For over 50 years, organizations have trusted SAP to bring out their best by uniting business-critical operations spanning finance, procurement, HR, supply chain, and customer experience. For more information, visit .
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1 Estimate based upon internal IBM modeling of onboarding customers in an SAP landscape when moving from SAP S/4HANA on Power on-premises to Power Virtual Server assuming the right level of customer collaboration around network integration and testing.
1 是基於內部IBm對在SAP環境中引導客戶的建模評估,當客戶從SAP S/4HANA在Power本地環境遷移到Power虛擬服務器時,假設與網絡集成和測試的客戶協作達到正確水平。
2 Based on the ITIC 2023 Global Hardware, Global Server Reliability Report and list of all SAP-certified and supported certified SAP HANA hardware.
2 基於ITIC 2023全球硬件、全球服務器可靠性報告和所有SAP認證及支持的SAP HANA硬件列表。
3 Based on IBM results from worldwide migration to SAP S/4HANA and RISE with SAP.
3 基於IBm全球遷移到SAP S/4HANA和RISE with SAP的結果。
來源 IBM