
Tripadvisor Reveals 2025's Must-Visit Destinations: Top Picks From Travelers Around the World

Tripadvisor Reveals 2025's Must-Visit Destinations: Top Picks From Travelers Around the World

PR Newswire ·  01/09 00:01

London Takes The Top Spot – Plus, U.S. Favorite Places for Food, Culture, Solo Travel and More

倫敦佔據榜首 – 此外,美國最受歡迎的美食、文化、獨自旅行等場所

NEEDHAM, Mass., Jan. 9, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Tripadvisor, the world's largest travel guidance platform, today announced its first Travelers' Choice Awards category for 2025: Best of the Best Destinations.

馬薩諸塞州尼德漢,2025年1月9日 /PRNewswire/ -- 貓途鷹全球最大的旅行指導平台今天宣佈了2025年首個旅行者選擇獎類別: 最佳目的地.

London, UK

Each year, Tripadvisor pores over millions of reviews shared by a global community of travelers to uncover the most trusted recommendations, helping future explorers create unforgettable memories on their next adventure. Travelers' Choice Awards Best of the Best Destinations span seven categories; Top Destinations, Trending Destinations, Culture Destinations, Food Destinations, Honeymoon Destinations. This year Tripadvisor introduces two new subcategories; Solo Travel Destinations and a special sub-category in celebration of Tripadvisor's 25th anniversary honoring the Top Destinations of the Last 25 Years based on all time reviews.

每年,貓途鷹都會仔細研究全球旅遊者社區分享的數百萬條評論,以發掘最可信的推薦,幫助未來的探險者在下一次冒險中創造難忘的回憶。旅行者選擇獎最佳目的地涵蓋七個類別; 熱門目的地, 趨勢目的地, 文化目的地, 美食目的地, 蜜月目的地。 今年貓途鷹推出了兩個新的子類別; 單人旅行目的地 並且爲了慶祝貓途鷹25週年,推出了一個特別子類別,致敬於 過去25年最佳目的地 基於所有時段的評論。

The Travelers' Choice Awards celebrate destinations with the highest ratings and reviews from global travelers over the past year. The rankings shine a light on the places that have captured the hearts of real travelers who've experienced them firsthand.


"Over the last 25 years Tripadvisor has grown to become the world's leading travel guidance platform, drawing on insights from real travelers all around the world," commented Kristen Dalton, President, Tripadvisor. "Based on the more than 1 billion reviews and opinions on our site today, Tripadvisor's Travelers' Choice Awards reflect the global travel community's favorites - from destinations themselves, to everything that makes them special including restaurants, hotels and experiences."

"在過去的25年中,貓途鷹已成長爲全球領先的旅行指導平台,彙集了來自世界各地真實旅行者的洞察," 貓途鷹總裁克里斯滕·道爾頓評論道。"基於今天我們網站上超過10億條評論和意見,貓途鷹的旅客之選獎項反映了全球旅行社區的最愛——從目的地本身,到使其特別的一切,包括餐廳、酒店和體驗。"

London Takes the Crown Globally, While NYC Rules the U.S.


This year London climbed two places to be named No. 1 Top Destination in the World, taking the title from Dubai, which had proudly held onto first place since 2022. The UK capital is also recognized for its culinary scene as well as rich arts and heritage offering, coming second in the world in the best Food Destinations and third in Culture Destinations. The city was also named No. 1 in Tripadvisor's special 25th anniversary list, with London recognized as the top destination from the last 25 years of reviews on the site.


Here in the U.S., New York City tops this list, and is also featured in the states' top Food Destinations. Other fan favorite destinations include warm weather hotspots like O'ahu and the Florida Keys, hustling cities like Chicago and Las Vegas, and culturally rich locations like New Orleans and Washington D.C.


Top Destinations - World

Top Destinations – U.S.

1. London, U.K.

1. New York City, NY

2. Bali, Indonesia

2. O'ahu, HI

3. Dubai, U.A.E.

3. Las Vegas, NV

4. Sicily, Italy

4. Florida Keys, FL

5. Paris, France

5. New Orleans, LA

6. Rome, Italy

6. Nashville, TN

7. Hanoi, Vietnam

7. San Francisco, CA

8. Marrakech, Morocco

8. Chicago, IL

9. Crete, Greece

9. Charleston, SC

10. Bangkok, Thailand

10. Washington, D.C.

頂級目的地 - 世界

頂級目的地 – 美國。

1. 倫敦,英國。

1. 紐約市, 納斯達克

2. 巴厘島,印度尼西亞

2. 懷阿伊, 夏威夷

3. 迪拜, 阿聯酋。

3. 拉斯維加斯, 內華達州

4. 西西里島, 意大利

4. 佛羅里達群島, 佛羅里達州

5. 巴黎, 法國

5. 新奧爾良, 洛杉磯

6. 羅馬, 意大利

6. 納什維爾, TN

7. 河內,越南

7. 舊金山,加利福尼亞

8. 馬拉喀什摩洛哥

8. 芝加哥伊利諾伊州

9. 克里特島,希臘

9. 查爾斯頓,南卡羅來納州

10. 曼谷, 泰國

10. 華盛頓, 華盛頓特區

Trending for 2025


Osaka, Japan, is named No. 1 Trending Destination in the World for 2025, based on year-on-year growth of reviews. Known as 'the nation's kitchen', Osaka has a thriving food scene, as well as great shopping and nightlife. It is also the perfect base for exploring the Kansai region, which is home to multiple UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia comes in at No. 2, followed by Argentina's capital Buenos Aires at No. 3.


The Trending Destinations in the U.S. included a mix of sun and snow, from coastal getaways like West Palm Beach and Santa Barbara, to the mountain views of Denver and Park City. The Midwest is having a moment, with Cleveland and Kansas City nearing the top of the list, while destinations adjacent to big cities, like Memphis and Brooklyn, are also rising the ranks.


Trending Destinations - World

Trending Destinations – U.S.

1. Osaka, Japan

1. West Palm Beach, FL

2. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

2. Santa Barbara, CA

3. Buenos Aires, Argentina

3. Cleveland, OH

4. Manama, Bahrain

4. Kansas City, MO

5. Lima, Peru

5. Memphis, TN

6. Medellin, Colombia

6. Park City, UT

7. Auckland, New Zealand

7. Juneau, AK

8. Kyoto, Japan

8. Denver, CO

9. Seoul, South Korea

9. Brooklyn, NY

10. Casablanca, Morocco

10. Hilton Head, SC

熱門目的地 - 全球

熱門目的地 - 美國

1. 大阪,日本

1. 西棕櫚灘, 佛羅里達州

2. 吉隆坡,馬來西亞

2. 聖巴巴拉,加利福尼亞

3. 布宜諾斯艾利斯,阿根廷

3. 克利夫蘭,俄亥俄州

4. 麥納麥,巴林

4. 堪薩斯城, MO

5. 利馬, 秘魯

5. 孟菲斯, TN

6. 麥德林, 哥倫比亞

6. 帕克城, 猶他州

7. 奧克蘭, 新西蘭

7. 朱諾, 阿拉斯加

8. , 京都,日本

8. 丹佛, CO

9. 首爾,韓國

9. 布魯克林, 納斯達克

10. 卡撒天嬌摩洛哥

10. 希爾頓頭,南卡羅來納州

New for 2025


As Tripadvisor celebrates a quarter of a century this year, the 25th Anniversary Destinations list pays homage to reviewers' favorite destinations since the launch of the site. London also tops this category, followed by New York at No. 2 and Rome at No. 3.


25th Anniversary Destinations

1. London, U.K.

2. New York City, U.S.

3. Rome, Italy

4. Paris, France

5. Bali, Indonesia

6. Barcelona, Spain

7. Dubai , U.A.E.

8. Crete, Greece

9. Lisbon, Portugal

10. Bangkok, Thailand


1. 倫敦,英國。

2. 紐約市, 美國。

3. 羅馬, 意大利

4. 巴黎, 法國

5. 巴厘島,印度尼西亞

6. 巴塞羅那, 西班牙

7. 迪拜 , 阿聯酋。

8. 克里特島,希臘

9. 里斯本, 葡萄牙

10. 曼谷, 泰國

This year also sees the launch of another new category, Solo Travel Destinations. This list features many major global cities, with South Korean capital, Seoul taking the top spot. These destinations are loved by solo travelers and perfect for anyone heading out on an adventure alone.


Solo Travel Destinations - World

1. Seoul, South Korea

2. Kathmandu, Nepal

3. Cusco, Peru

4. Bangkok, Thailand

5. Osaka, Japan

6. Dubai, U.A.E.

7. Kyoto, Japan

8. Chiang Mai, Thailand

9. Reykjavik, Iceland

10. Melbourne, Australia

獨自旅行目的地 - 世界

1. 首爾,韓國

2. 加德滿都,尼泊爾

3. 庫斯科, 秘魯

4. 曼谷, 泰國

5. 大阪,日本

6. 迪拜, 阿聯酋。

7. , 京都,日本

8. 清邁,泰國

9. 雷克雅未克,冰島

10. 墨爾本, Australia

Best of the Rest


With travelers across the world most excited about food on their upcoming trips, according to Tripadvisor's latest Seasonal Travel Index, best Food Destinations is the ultimate guide to where to find the best culinary experiences.


Food Destinations - World

Food Destinations – U.S.

1. Rome, Italy

1. New Orleans, LA

2. London, U.K.

2. Charleston, SC

3. Marrakech, Morocco

3. New York City, NY

4. Paris, France

4. Savannah, GA

5. Naples, Italy

5. Asheville, NC

6. Barcelona, Spain

6. Boston, MA

7. Lima, Peru

7. Nashville, TN

8. New Orleans, U.S.

8. Portland, ME

9. Buenos Aires, Argentina

9. San Diego, CA

10. Athens, Greece

10. San Francisco, CA

美食目的地 - 全球

美食目的地 – 美國

1. 羅馬, 意大利

1. 新奧爾良, 洛杉磯

2. 倫敦,英國。

2. 查爾斯頓,南卡羅來納州

3. 馬拉喀什摩洛哥

3. 紐約市, 納斯達克

4. 巴黎, 法國

4. 薩凡納, 喬治亞

5. 那不勒斯, 意大利

5. 阿什維爾, 北卡羅來納州

6. 巴塞羅那, 西班牙

6. 波士頓, 馬薩諸塞州

7. 利馬, 秘魯

7. 納什維爾, TN

8. 新奧爾良, 美國。

8. 波特蘭, 我

9. 布宜諾斯艾利斯,阿根廷

9. 聖地亞哥,加利福尼亞

10. 雅典,希臘

10. 舊金山,加利福尼亞

The best Culture Destinations celebrate the destinations bursting with vibrant arts scenes and rich in heritage that are inspiring travelers across the world. Rich in culture and traditions, Bali takes the No. 1 spot, followed by Hanoi, Vietnam at No. 2 and London at No. 3.


Culture Destinations - World

1. Bali, Indonesia

2. Hanoi, Vietnam

3. London, U.K.

4. Marrakech, Morocco

5. Rome, Italy

6. Cusco, Peru

7. Kathmandu, Nepal

8. New Delhi, India

9. Crete, Greece

10. Siem Reap, Cambodia

文化目的地 - 世界

1. 巴厘島,印度尼西亞

2. 河內,越南

3. 倫敦,英國。

4. 馬拉喀什摩洛哥

5. 羅馬, 意大利

6. 庫斯科, 秘魯

7. 加德滿都,尼泊爾

8. 新德里, 印度

9. 克里特島,希臘

10. 暹粒, 柬埔寨

For couples looking to celebrate one of their most special trips, best Honeymoon Destinations showcases the most romantic places on earth, from private beaches to intimate dinners, these are travelers' favorites to set the mood for two.


Honeymoon Destinations - World

1. Mauritius

2. Bali, Indonesia

3. Maldives

4. Hoi An, Vietnam

5. Phuket, Thailand

6. Santorini, Greece

7. Zanzibar Island, Tanzania

8. Florence, Italy

9. La Fortuna de San Carlos, Costa Rica

10. St. Lucia

蜜月目的地 - 世界

1. 毛里求斯

2. 巴厘島,印度尼西亞

3. 馬爾代夫

4. 會安,越南

5. 普吉島, 泰國

6. 聖托里尼,希臘

7. 桑給巴爾島, 坦桑尼亞

8. 佛羅倫薩, 意大利

9. 聖卡洛斯的拉福圖納, 哥斯達黎加

10. 聖盧西亞



Travelers' Choice Best of the Best Destinations
The 2025 Travelers' Choice Best of the Best Destinations are calculated based on the quality and quantity of reviews, specific to each award subcategory, for accommodations, restaurants, and things to do in destinations from travelers globally on Tripadvisor between October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024.


Tripadvisor Seasonal Travel Index
The data cited in this release was gathered and analyzed from two key sources:


  • A Tripadvisor Consumer Sentiment Survey, based on data drawn from an online survey of over 4,850 consumers, in partnership with Qualtrics, conducted between September 6 - October 3, 2024 across six countries, including Australia, France, Japan, Singapore, U.K. & U.S.
  • Site behavioral data sourced from first party traffic data on the Tripadvisor platform for searches made by travelers in the U.S., U.K. and Japan between August 1 - October 20, 2024 for travel between November 1, 2024 - January 31, 2025.
  • 一項貓途鷹消費情緒調查,基於與Qualtrics合作進行的線上調查數據,調查了4850多名消費者,調查時間是在2024年9月6日至10月3日,覆蓋澳洲、法國、日本、新加坡、英國和美國等六個國家。
  • 網站行爲數據來源於貓途鷹平台的第一方流量數據,針對在美國、英國和日本進行的查詢,時間範圍爲2024年8月1日至2024年10月20日,旅行時間爲2024年11月1日至2025年1月31日。

About Tripadvisor
Tripadvisor, the world's largest travel guidance platform*, helps millions of people each month** become better travelers, from planning to booking to taking a trip. Travelers across the globe use Tripadvisor's website and app to discover where to stay, what to do and where to eat based on guidance from those who have been there before. With more than a billion reviews and contributions, travelers turn to Tripadvisor to find deals on accommodations, book experiences, reserve tables at delicious restaurants and discover great places nearby.


Tripadvisor LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tripadvisor, Inc. (Nasdaq: TRIP). The subsidiaries of Tripadvisor, Inc. own and operate a portfolio of travel media brands and businesses, operating under various websites and apps.


* Source: SimilarWeb, unique users de-duplicated monthly, Jan 2025
** Source: Tripadvisor internal log files

* 數據來源:SimilarWeb,獨立用戶數每月去重,2025年1月
** 數據來源:貓途鷹內部日誌文件

SOURCE Tripadvisor





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