If you purchased Comscore common stock (SCOR) from February 20, 2014 through March 23, 2018, inclusive, and suffered losses, you may be eligible for a Distribution Payment from a $5.7 Million-Dollar Fair Fund
SEATTLE, Jan. 9, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- JND Legal Administration -- On September 24, 2019, the Commission issued separate, but related orders (the "Orders") instituting and simultaneously settling cease-and-desist proceedings against the Respondents. In the Orders, the Commission found that, from February 2014 through February 2018, at the direction and oversight of its former Chief Executive Officer, Matta, Comscore's public filings materially overstated revenue by approximately $43 million as result of a fraudulent scheme and improper accounting involving the manipulation of non-monetary and monetary contracts. Comscore's and Matta's actions enabled the company to artificially exceed its analysts' consensus revenue targets in seven consecutive quarters. In addition, from April 2014 through February 2016, Comscore and Matta made false and misleading statements about two important performance metrics. As a result of the conduct described its Orders, the Commission found that Comscore and Matta violated the federal securities laws. In their respective Orders, the Commission ordered Comscore and Matta, to pay $5,000,000 and $700,000 in civil money penalties, respectively, to the Commission.
In each of the Orders, the Commission created a fair fund, pursuant to Section 308(a) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, so the penalties collected can be distributed to harmed investors. On April 27, 2023, the Commission issued an Order Consolidating Fair Funds to consolidate the two fair funds into a single fair fund (the "Comscore Fair Fund" or "Fair Fund").
The Respondents have paid in full. In accordance with Order Consolidating Fair Funds, the $5,700,000 paid by Respondents has been combined and comprises the Fair Fund, and any accrued interest will be added to the Fair Fund.
If you purchased or acquired shares of Comscore common stock traded under the symbol SCOR from February 20, 2014 through March 23, 2018, inclusive, and suffered losses, you may be eligible for a payment.
To be considered for a Distribution Payment, you must submit a completed and signed Claim Form along with all required supporting documentation, to the Fund Administrator by 11:59 p.m. ET on March 31, 2025. Investors who did not suffer a loss on their investment in Comscore common stock are not eligible to receive a payment. The Claim Form is available at the Fair Fund website . Electronic claim submission is strongly encouraged and can be done through the Fair Fund website. Please refer to the Plan Notice for instructions on how to submit your claim by mail.
Additional information regarding the Fair Fund, including the Plan of Distribution and other materials, is available at the Fair Fund website at or by contacting the Fund Administrator toll‐free at 1‐877-231-0640, by email at [email protected], or by writing to: Comscore Fair Fund, PO Box 91203, Seattle, WA 98111. Please check the Fair Fund website frequently for updates.
SOURCE JND Legal Administration
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